My 20 best SOUNDING album's, (all formats)

OK, now that I've heard some of the album (without her talking) I really like it.

I will be buying this. Thank you for the recommendation.
Your welcome. I just visited the site and for some reason I only see it for sale right now as a CD....strange I bought the download.
Or were you referring to the music, not the sound?
Nice list! Thanks for sharing. The Doug McLeod is quite different from your others, but great none the less.

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My pleasure,
I actually feel that the way the McLeod album has a similar sound as the Carmen Gomes and the Paul Berner downloads, spacious, with room for the instruments to breath, yet intimate.

no 1, 2, and 3 of my list are on sale until September, all formats $10:

Well since this forum is about sound, I thought it a good idea to list some of my best sounding music in audiophile terms.
Unfortunately that means no Robert Johnson, Charlie Parker, Pablo Casals, Art Tatum, Heifetz...... since the recording quality of these albums is not outstanding but luckily I own a number of equally good but well recorded music in various formats.


1. Andre Heuvelman; After Silence.
2. Carmen Gomes; Thousand Shades of Blue.
3. Paul Berner Band; Road to Memphis.

After some consideration I decided to be bold and put three of my Sound Liaison Studio Master Downloads at the top of my list.
These 24/96 hi-res WAV files has a depth and natural decay combined with a warm wide sound stage which none of my other recordings can touch. Not bad for a small independent label.
Andre Heuvelman's After Silence is a stunning prove that he most be one of the worlds foremost trumpet players. I only have this download for a few days now but it is so convincingly recorded and produced that I had to put it on top.
Carmen Gomes knows how to move you without having to use any of the cheap effect's so many singers are constantly using putting them self's above the music, not here, this is straight from the heart.She turns Chris Isaac's ''Wicked Game'' into a hauntingly beautiful song of desperate love. True mastery.
Monty Alexander trio alumni, Paul Berner has made an achingly beautiful ''americana'' jazz album, with reed player Michael Moore in top form. The album with two guitars makes Bill Frisell come to mind.
The interplay between the guitars is incredible.

Sound Liaison; Music Store


4. Dough McLeod; There's a Time
5. Minnesota Orchestra; Symphonic Dances
6. Albert Fuller; Bach & Rameau

Equally good are the Keith Johnson recordings from Reference Recordings. These were my top audiophile musics until Sound Liaison came along.
The Doug McLeod recording has a similar sound as the Carmen Gomes ''Thousand Shades of Blue'' album, deep, warm and very natural. If it wasn't for the fact that Doug's voice is moving a little bit from left to right in the stereo image, that album would have been at No 1 or 2 together with Carmen Gomes..
Thinking about it I even think there is a connection in approach and sound of the two labels and the subjects the artist are singing/ playing about;
the Devil in example;
I do not how I could have missed this one, but got it now;
Peter Bernstein, Monk
mastered via an an analogue signal path.
Highly recommended guitar playing.
I bought the album as I am a big Bernstein fan, but the sound of the album is a bit of a disappointment , not the playing, the sound, it sounds mono, no use of the stereo field, and I find the guitar way too loud in the mix.

Compared to this;
New superb Bach recording by the Enghave Barok ensemble released on the Sound Liaison label, but not recorded by Frans de Rond but by danish engineer Torsten Jessen;
“The recording was made with a main pair of matched DPA microphones in an A/B configuration. Our DPA mics have a completely identical frequency response, securing a very stable and well defined stereo image. We had spot microphones on each one of the musicians. The distance of the spot microphones were meticulously measured in relationship to the main pair and the distance was then compensated for in the mix. We always use a great deal of time perfecting the phase between the spot microphones and the main pair in order to secure a completely focused stereo recording that clearly implement the depths of the acoustics of the church and vividly portrays each instruments placement in the stereo field.”

Sounds like a similar approach

The 9 pieces of music were performed live in the studio in front of a select audience.The musicians were placed in front of a stereo pair of microphones with additional spot microphones on each instrument. The musicians were playing without headphones, the reason being that we believe that when we get the musicians to play together in the same room, without headphones, it creates a number of musical and technical benefits:

As they are not ''separated'' by the headphones, the musicians, in order to hear each other are forced to create a natural and musical balance, a balance which is then easily captured by the main stereo pair of microphones. Because of the natural and musical balance the need for compression to control levels is no longer necessary. Since everybody is in the same room, the boxed sound which is so common in many modern recordings is absent and the sound of the room helps ''glue'' the sound of the recording.

Any how it sounds superb.
Just opened a mail from Sound Liaison announcing 3 days left of the introduction sale but also with a letter from the Enghave Barok pdf's showing the complete layout and setup of the church and the ensemble;
We should like to share with you one correspondence in particular from Billy in Pasadena, California and the reply from Enghave Barok director Christian Denh Bang ;
Greetings All at Sound Liaison,

I have just purchased and downloaded your Enghave Barok - Bach Live HD Edition 1 recording. It is phenomenal. Thank you so much for producing such masterpieces in performance and audio quality.
Is it possible for Torsten Jessen and/or Christian Dehn Bang to provide us with an Illustration or Photograph depicting the "Stage Map" which shows the actual Size and Layout of each Musician/Instrument and Vocalist on the recording "stage" in the church and also their placement within the church?
I am hearing an incredible "Sound Stage" and ambiance of the "room" with this recording, and would like to have an actual Reference to compare and confirm the "image placement" and depth of each instrument and vocalist, in order to properly set up and "fine tune" both my main Hi-Fi playback system and Neumann studio monitors in my home studio.
Thank you for your time and interest.

Sincerely, Billy


Dear Billy!

Thank you so much for your kind email and interest in our recording – we highly appreciate your feedback!

Here’s 3 drawings showing Cross-sections of Enghave Church – at the one with the floorplan we have placed icons for the instruments and singers showing their position at the recording of Bach Live HD Edition 1. Hope that this was what you was asking for. Unfortunately we haven’t any pictures from that project. But you can find pictures from a school concert at our Facebook It’s a different setup – but it will give you a pretty good idea of the stage. Later this year the church will undergo a major rebuild that, among other benefits, makes it an even better place to perform Bach.

Best wishes, Christian Dehn Bang

Bach Live HD Edition 1 Stage Map (High resolution pdf):

Enghave Church Drawing 1.pdf (High resolution pdf):

Enghave Church Drawing 2.pdf (High resolution pdf):


Gentlemen, Thank you so much. The PDF illustrations that you have provided are perfect and beyond my expectations! This is greatly appreciated.

I would look forward to hearing more recordings from the "new and improved" Enghave Church, so please contact me when you have new recordings available.

Thank you again!

Best regards, Billy
my preference is for
Fiona Joy - Into the mist
(double DSD 5,6 Mhz version)
I think it's very intimate and very well recorded (as usual in the catalog Blue Coast records).
Absolutely to have :)


  • Fiona Joy - Into The Mist.jpg
    Fiona Joy - Into The Mist.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 57
Very good live recording of Dvorak's 9th.
Lot's of dynamics. those ''old'' phillips recordings stand the test of time.
New Carmen Gomes album?

Looks as if there is a new Carmen Gomes album being released. But there is nothing on the Sound Liaison site, yet there is a couple of previews on youtube. They sound very promising:
So nice to see/hear that good proper placement of the instruments seems to be having a revival, as on the new Branford Marsalis album;
Highly recommended.
Re: New Carmen Gomes album?

Looks as if there is a new Carmen Gomes album being released. But there is nothing on the Sound Liaison site, yet there is a couple of previews on youtube. They sound very promising:

It has been released and it is fantastic. Great songs, Carmen Gomes and band clearly enjoys playing these classic songs and the sound is phenomenal.
5$ discount on all formats at
Thank you for the recommendation, just bought a DSD version, as vinyl is not available. Let's see.

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