Great MQA Finds


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Post your great MQA album finds here:



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I tell ya, any music released by Mark Knopfler sounds pretty darn good from hi-rez, LP. and MQA unfolded. He likes his music produced and engineered a certain way and it works for me. A lot has to do with Chuck Ainley who has worked with Knopfler on every album since 1991 ( On every Street, which I really enjoy.) Sounds really nice upsampled to DSD via the Lumin.
Great thread! Glad you started it! CPP I agree on Mark's music. I have a couple of his sacd's and they sound fantastic. I will need to check out the mqa version.
You beat me to the Shangri-la album by Mark Knopfler. I am listening to the MQA version using digital feed out of LUMIN T1 to Resolution audio Cantata DAC. Absolutely spellbinding is all I can say!! MQA is the real deal!
Interesting , i was looking for the Shangri-La album from Mark knopfler and here in Denmark we only have the "original! version aka non MQA.
You beat me to the Shangri-la album by Mark Knopfler. I am listening to the MQA version using digital feed out of LUMIN T1 to Resolution audio Cantata DAC. Absolutely spellbinding is all I can say!! MQA is the real deal!
If I understand your setup correctly as a point of clarification, using the digital output from the Lumin T1 would be feeding MQA Core (first unfold only) to your Cantata DAC so you're not actually hearing fully decoded MQA. The Lumin T1 provides full MQA decoding from its analog outputs or if you feed its digital output to a DAC that provides MQA rendering.
You are correct Bill.

Anshul - try just the T1. MQA in full glory!

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Mike & Bill,
Thanks for the input. I plan to do that today. Although I thought it was earlier mentioned in another thread by Peter (from Lumin admin) that you could get the full expression of MQA using the digital feed out of Lumin. In other words, whether you use Lumin as the DAC or connect to an external DAC, the MQA processing you are getting is the same. Does Lumin provide the final rendering if you take analog out? I wonder if Peter could clarify this.

You are correct Bill.

Anshul - try just the T1. MQA in full glory!

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The Lumin U1 will do the full MQA unfolding, but the DAC must then have the capabilities to do the MQA rendering.

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Roberta Flack - Killing Me Softly


This one's a winner! It was one of the first MQA tracks I did AxB on, and the difference is so significant, it actually sounds like a whole new tape transfer! More of everything, even tape hiss :)

Mike & Bill,
Thanks for the input. I plan to do that today. Although I thought it was earlier mentioned in another thread by Peter (from Lumin admin) that you could get the full expression of MQA using the digital feed out of Lumin. In other words, whether you use Lumin as the DAC or connect to an external DAC, the MQA processing you are getting is the same. Does Lumin provide the final rendering if you take analog out? I wonder if Peter could clarify this.
Anshul - The MQA upgraded Lumin's analog outputs provide fully decoded MQA, but its digital outputs can only provide MQA Core decoding (first unfold) since rendering (the final stage of MQA decoding) is considered to be DAC specific. That is actually according to the MQA certification, MQA players or streamers with digital outputs can only output an MQA Core decoded data stream. Hope this helps to clarify the somewhat murky MQA waters!
Although I thought it was earlier mentioned in another thread by Peter (from Lumin admin) that you could get the full expression of MQA using the digital feed out of Lumin. In other words, whether you use Lumin as the DAC or connect to an external DAC, the MQA processing you are getting is the same. Does Lumin provide the final rendering if you take analog out? I wonder if Peter could clarify this.

Please read:

audio.bill is correct. When you use any Lumin digital output to feed another non-MQA DAC, you're doing case B - it is doing the first unfold of the MQA to 96 or 88.2kHz. Only if you use the Lumin analog outputs do you get the full unfold in case D.

(To complicate the matters, if Lumin digital output is used to feed Berkeley Reference 2 MQA Renderer, then it becomes case C.)

Really liking this album. A glass of scotch, feet up, man this is good!

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