What was the last movie you watched?


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
Thought I would start a similar ongoing thread here at AS, that we can all reply to about whatever movies we have watched recently, what you thought, and if you recommend others to watch them.

To kick it off, here are a few that I watched over the last few days.

Split - very well done movie about a guy with 23 distinct personalities. One of the personalities kidnaps 3 teenage girls and some of the others try to help or protect the girls. What I didn't realize before watching it, is that it was mostly filmed right here in Philly and the Philly Zoo. McAvoy pulled of the multi personalities in a stunning fashion. Highly recommended.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - This one started of ok and with a reasonable plot, but after 1.5 hours it just started getting stupid. Maybe one for a younger crowd, even though I generally like these kinds of movies.

Captain Fantastic - This one is highly recommended. Viggo Mortensen plays the father of 6 kids being raised in the Pacific Northwest in the wilderness. They are taught to survive as well as be highly educated by the parents. The mother dies after being in the hospital for a while and the rest of the family heads into real civilization for the first time for the children. Great movie!

The Sea of Trees - This is another excellent movie that takes place in the historic Aokigahara, known as The Sea of Trees, a mysterious dense forest at the base of Japan's Mount Fuji where people go to commit suicide. Matthew McConaughey is not my favorite actor, in light of those awful Lincoln commercials, but he does a great job in this one. After watching the movie, I looked up the history of the forest and lore to find that they put every bit of truth and details into this movie. Very spiritual and highly recommended.
Snowden - Very well done movie and it is NOT science fiction. And don't think for a second that just because it was deemed illegal and they would stop, that it isn't going on every day still. You are all being tracked by your smart phones and ipads. And if you just happen to use the wrong word or combination of words, you, your family, your friends and thier friends are now under total scrutiny.

The guys girlfriend is a saint!

Zootopia - Yeah it's animated but anymore most of the good movies are. Plenty of adult humor and a good message about not stereotyping everyone. Funniest scene is when they go to the DMV and every employee is a Sloth. Funnier yet is that the Sloth they talk to for help is named Flash.

Equals - Don't bother. It seems like every movie they cast Christen Stewart in is worse than the last one. I found myself wanting to toss her a few carrotts thru the whole movie.

The Way - This one is a few years old but I recently watched it again. Martin and Emilio together. Written and produced by Emilio who embarks on the El Camino Pilgrimage in Spain only to get caught in a storm and die one day in. Martin, the father goes to collect the body and decides to stay, get the body cremated, and do the trek carrying the ashes to spread. I loved this the first time I saw it and again this time.
Love my media room optimized for stereo, but doubles as a home theater. We seldom go to the movie theater anymore.

Manchester By The Sea last night. Characters were dark, depressed, angry, conflicted, & aloof. Slow & hard to watch. Immersive acting from Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, & Kyle Chandler.

Hacksaw Ridge Friday night. War scenes hard to watch but incredibly heroic storyline of medic, conscientious objector, and Medal Of Honor recipient Desmond Doss. VG acting from Andrew Garfield, not so much Vince Vaughn.

Hell Or High Water earlier this year. Immersive acting from Jeff Bridges, VG storyline. My favorite 2016 picture so far, although I've only seen 3 of the 2017 Oscar nominees so far.


Brilliant movie.
Fantastic performance from J Phoenix.
'Manchester By The Sea' - 2 hours 18 minutes of dark, angry and sad people. Did not enjoy it and do not recommend it to anyone. Best Actor? You have to be kidding me.