What was the last movie you watched?

Here is a good one for the Rock Climbers and Adrenaline Junkies out there. Last night for a scary movie for Halloween that was not blood and gore,
we watched Fall about some rock climbers who look to scale a 2000+ foot abandoned TV Tower in the middle of nowhere. Well, you can kinda guess what happens once they get up there but there is a serious plot twist that has been used in recent movies that I won't spoil. My hands were sweaty most of the movie.
Here is a good one for the Rock Climbers and Adrenaline Junkies out there. Last night for a scary movie for Halloween that was not blood and gore,
we watched Fall about some rock climbers who look to scale a 2000+ foot abandoned TV Tower in the middle of nowhere. Well, you can kinda guess what happens once they get up there but there is a serious plot twist that has been used in recent movies that I won't spoil. My hands were sweaty most of the movie.

I like Fall (2022) too.

Samaritan (2022) is below my low expectation.
another one in a similar vein on aTV+ that i enjoyed is cha cha real smooth

also, might check out fourteen peaks: nothing is impossible -- streaming on netflix

+1 on Fourteen Peaks. My one question after watching - Is Nirmal Purja possibly the greatest athlete of all time? He needs to be in the discussion.

Another very good one: "Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake".
Just got home from seeing "Sound of Freedom" and I think everyone should see this movie. Very tastefully done but a powerful message. This movie does not even scratch the surface of the horrific $150 Billion a year industry of Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery. Please don't let what you may be hearing from the Mass Media stop you from seeing this film. It is not a Political movie. It is not a Qanon Right Wing Conspiracy movie. And it sure as hell isn't a Religious Fictional Thriller as the MSM claims. Ever wonder where all the kids on the Milk Cartons went when we were kids? Yeah, it's real. Wonder why you are not hearing a word to protect the children out of the Media, Hollywood, Sports and the rest? Wait until it gets revealed just how many and who are all involved in this at one level or another.

Please see this movie and wait 2 minutes for the credits to run for a Special Message. Tell everyone to see this movie because God's Children are Not For Sale!
Brian, Thanks for posting.

We have been debating whether to see it. Not because of any Political issues, rather those who I know who have seen it have indicated it is hard to watch.

Still 50/50 for us.
Brian, Thanks for posting.

We have been debating whether to see it. Not because of any Political issues, rather those who I know who have seen it have indicated it is hard to watch.

Still 50/50 for us.

Jim, it is not too hard to watch because they don't get graphic, its all left to your imagination. But....it is still enough to pull some strings. It focuses on 2 children out of millions that are trafficked. See it and pass the message on because it needs to end and awareness is the key.
I was also able to see Oppenheimer in the true 70mm IMAX film format as well. Wow...to put it simply, it was absolutely gorgeous on screen. Highly recommend trying to catch it, if you have a theater near you. Also, really enjoyed the film and story.

Oppenheimer. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. See it in 70 mm IMAX if you can.
My wife and I went to see it. It’s one of those movies you can’t stop thinking about. Just legendary. Cannot imagine his moral conflict.

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Out of the Past with Robert Mitchum and Kirk Douglas. Great noir film from 1947 directed by Jacques Tourneur and photographed with superb compositions in glorious black and white.

