What was the last movie you watched?

The Equalizer. I watched it for the second time yesterday afternoon.


Dan, I watched this last week.
I loved it.
Denzel Washington is superb.
This ones from a few years ago, but worth a watch

What we do in the shadows
amusing vampire mockumentary by the guys from Flight of the Conchords
best horror comedy since Shaun of the dead?
The Founder - about McDonalds with Michael Keaton was really good. I would have never guessed it went down like this.
Arrival - Good movie and I love Amy Adams. It was hard to follow because they kept jumping time, and the bit about seeing into the future was meaningless to the rest of the story.

Lion - This was very well done and kept my attention all the way thru. This was way more worthy of a Best anything award than the winners.

Moonlight - This movie was just OK and in now way should have won or been nominated for Best Picture. It was slow and boring really and I hate when they have to keep using the N word while nobody else is supposed to.
oh yeah, and this one

Deepwater Horizon - This was action packed all the way thru and an eye opener to what greed will do. It's a real shame the 3 BP assholes survived.
Hacksaw Ridge - Wow! What a good movie, good true story, good acting. I suppose those who voted for Moonlight didn't actually watch this one. This was special for both my wife and I. Her dad was a Medic in WWII and my dad was on one of those battleships that was blasting the ridge. My dad never really led on that there was that much and that kind of fighting and carnage.

Highly recommended but at 2:15, they could have cut out just a few of the exploding body scenes.
Sicario with Josh Brolin, Benicio del Toro, and Emily Blount

I very much enjoyed this movie - and the scene filmed in night goggles was off the charts harrowing. Somehow missed it upon release.
Sicario with Josh Brolin, Benicio del Toro, and Emily Blount

I very much enjoyed this movie - and the scene filmed in night goggles was off the charts harrowing. Somehow missed it upon release.

This was one of my best picture nominees a couple of years ago. :thumbsup:
Hacksaw Ridge - Wow! What a good movie, good true story, good acting. I suppose those who voted for Moonlight didn't actually watch this one. This was special for both my wife and I. Her dad was a Medic in WWII and my dad was on one of those battleships that was blasting the ridge. My dad never really led on that there was that much and that kind of fighting and carnage.

Highly recommended but at 2:15, they could have cut out just a few of the exploding body scenes.

This was a fantastic movie for sure.
oh yeah, and this one

Deepwater Horizon - This was action packed all the way thru and an eye opener to what greed will do. It's a real shame the 3 BP assholes survived.

As a disaster movie, this one is more realistic due to its basis on a true story.
I've just watched "Sully" for the first time, missed it when it came out for some reason! Thought it was nicely done and portrayed, although I don't remember the repercussions at the time...

Couple of days ago I saw a great argentinian movie, in a local latin film festival. The movie is called "Al final del tunel", or "At the end of the tunnel" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5133308/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

I'm a huge fan of argentinian cinema, they take the best of the european school and blend it perfectly with american film making. And this one's no exception, as it's incredibly put together. If you like that kind of crime/suspense movie, it's a must watch! It's from 2016, so it might start showing up on the online services too.

I've just watched "Sully" for the first time, missed it when it came out for some reason! Thought it was nicely done and portrayed, although I don't remember the repercussions at the time...

Yes, I think it shows the skills of the filmmakers by turning this subject (primarily an investigation to find whose fault) into an engaging movie.
Watched Passengers over the weekend.....thought it was quite a bit better then I expected.

If the unfortunate immoral choice is removed from the screenplay, it would have been a more acceptable Titanic-in-space movie for mainstream audience.