
Got an Flixster, Rotten Tomatoes, and/or IMDB account?

Watch movies & TV on Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, Amazon, iTunes, etc.. ?

If you answer yes to any of these, check out the free Jinni movie recommendation site: Find movies, TV shows matching your taste and watch online - Jinni

  • Import, or go the the ratings gauntlet, all your movie ratings and jinni does a decent job pointing you in the right direction.
  • helpful for finding the hidden gems on netflix.
  • Unique feature if you get your family and friends involved. They rate titles from their account. You can use the feature of "watch together" and jinni will parse through to a film that you and upto four others will enjoy.
  • You can even connect it to Facebook to import rating and to share titles/ratings with your friends, family and followers.

Disclaimer, no connection, just a fan.

Here is my public page on jinni: Bill.Lord's public page at Jinni

There's an app for that too- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jinn...687280158?mt=8