ModWright Sony HAP-Z1ES


New member
Jan 28, 2014
My MW Sony HAP-Z1ES with Bybee option is scheduled to arrive next Thurs. Got a SR Red fuse, TS NOS 5U4GB and 60's Siemens e88cc waiting for action.

I'm a big fan of Transformer coupling design so looking forward to hear Dan's implementation. From my past experience with MW, I probably won't be disappointed. Will report once everything is broken in.
Very exciting. The HAP-Z1ES is a great media player. I was unaware Dan was offering mods for it already.

Looking forward to your impressions.
Very exciting. The HAP-Z1ES is a great media player. I was unaware Dan was offering mods for it already.

Looking forward to your impressions.

Hey Mike Dan started offering mods to the HAP back in late March. I wish someone would trial Dan's modified unit against Vinnies modified unit. They both do great work.
I'm sure Vinnie's mod is also very good. The reasons I chose MW is, I've had 2 MWs so familiar with his work, transformer coupling with four Lundahl signal transformers and cleaner design. With Vinnie mod, have to choose either RCA or XLR.

This Sony+1 PC replaces a PS Audio PWDMKII w/bridge, digital cable, SB Touch digital out only for internet radio, CIAudio LPS for Touch, computer and 2 PCs and HOPEFULLY much much superior sound.
My MW Sony HAPZ1-ES arrived Thurs. After 48 hours of break-in, I'm at the point where I can enjoy it. Sound stage is expanding in all directions, images are well defined with solid density, dynamics improving with excellent Bass and High extensions. Still hearing POSITIVE changes so can't wait until it's fully broken in.

Setting up the Sony was SIMPLE. It took me longer to replace the fuse than launch the program and download music to the unit.

The stock fuse was replaced with SR Red immediately. Replaced stock tubes after 24 hours with NOS TS 5U4GB and 60's Siemens e88cc.

Comparing to MW 6SN7, one is not superior but just different. HAP-Z1ES has superior detail, resolution, more neutral and less warm but definitely not bright or SS sounding. Personally I prefer the sound of the HAP-Z1ES. For reference, Shuguang BT cv181-z was my favorite 6SN7 in MW.

FYI, I was also considering Bryston BDP-2 or Antipode with Allnic D5000 ... Dac. Ultimately chose Sony due to simplicity with available reference mods and definitely not disappointed in my decision.

Dan clearly hit a HOME RUN with this new transformer coupling design. I look forward to new MW models with this design.
Congratulations and glad to hear you are enjoying the MW Sony HAPZ1 so far. I look forward to your impressions once it's fully broken in. I too am looking forward to the new MW models with the new transformer coupled design - the PH150 phono stage and Elyse DAC are jaw dropping in their performance!
Congratulations and glad to hear you are enjoying the MW Sony HAPZ1 so far.
I look forward to your impressions once it's fully broken in.
I'll update again after it's fully broken-in. Forgot to mention the V-Tuner is excellent. With DSD enabled, it just smooth out the rough edges but doesn't soften the sound and that's impressive and pleasantly surprisingly.
I too am looking forward to the new MW models with the new transformer coupled design - the PH150 phono stage and Elyse DAC are jaw dropping in their performance!
Will be interesting if Dan replaces the 36.5 that's long on the tooth with a transformer coupling preamp?:doubtful: