Electrical Interference Solution

As I told Ed in a text. I've cleaned up my system so much by using the i7 Roon computer/ linear power supplies/dc cables/Gigafoil/AQ1000s/Shunyata NR power cable that my systems energy was lacking. I noticed Mike mentioned about plugging a amp directly to the wall outlet. So, I pulled out from my cable vault an old 2meter ByBee power cord and noticed a jump in my systems energy. Which of course means I needed to order a Cardas Clear Beyond power cord...ugh. But, reading the post from Ed on the Electraclear etc. I thought I'd look around Audiogon and found a seller for one. As I said a fairly inexpensive tweak. Listening to my system since I plugged it in is just a new level of energy in the music. That's why I ordered the Symphony for my main components AQ1000. I should have the two addons early next week.
I swear this road just goes on and on. :D
Is the AQ the Niagara? Is that what you had the amps plugged into ?
What are you feeding with the NR Shunyata. I am so nervous about noise reducing stuff, it just sounds flat. To Me. I was conaidering the NR cables for my dac and server. Richard at shunyata keeps telling me I need to try them. What's your thought.
Yes the AQ1000 is the Niagara. I just hate spelling Niagara. I use one for the Oppo/NAD and Lumin T2 with a Cardas power cord. The other AQ1000 has the Shunyata Venom NR12 as its power cord. And it is worth having as well IMO.
As I told Ed in a text. I've cleaned up my system so much by using the i7 Roon computer/ linear power supplies/dc cables/Gigafoil/AQ1000s/Shunyata NR power cable that my systems energy was lacking. I noticed Mike mentioned about plugging a amp directly to the wall outlet. So, I pulled out from my cable vault an old 2meter ByBee power cord and noticed a jump in my systems energy. Which of course means I needed to order a Cardas Clear Beyond power cord...ugh. But, reading the post from Ed on the Electraclear etc. I thought I'd look around Audiogon and found a seller for one. As I said a fairly inexpensive tweak. Listening to my system since I plugged it in is just a new level of energy in the music. That's why I ordered the Symphony for my main components AQ1000. I should have the two addons early next week.
I swear this road just goes on and on. :D

Darrel, I’m glad to hear your having a fun experience with Electra Clear and you will see more with Symphony.

While I’m an advocate and a rep for Add-POWR - there is a lot more I’m doing with this aside from the benefits of audio.

I’ll see you soon!

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Yes the AQ1000 is the Niagara. I just hate spelling Niagara. I use one for the Oppo/NAD and Lumin T2 with a Cardas power cord. The other AQ1000 has the Shunyata Venom NR12 as its power cord. And it is worth having as well IMO.

Why is the NR worth it if your taking the amps out of the AQ1000 and putting them direct to the wall? I'm just asking. I wonder if the NQ would benefit my digital front end. But then again, my front end is pretty good as is.
Why is the NR worth it if your taking the amps out of the AQ1000 and putting them direct to the wall? I'm just asking. I wonder if the NQ would benefit my digital front end. But then again, my front end is pretty good as is.

I have two dedicated 20amp outlets for my system. One AQ1000 is for my main stereo system. Amp, preamp,Lumin and Oppo. The other outlet is for my digital end. The Shunyata is used with my second AQ1000 along with the Electra Clear.

Ed I haven't noticed any improvement to my picture quality with the Electra Clear. But, the Shunyata NR gave my Samsung its biggest benefit.

I also see that the Symphony is out for delivery today. So, more fun tonight.
I have two dedicated 20amp outlets for my system. One AQ1000 is for my main stereo system. Amp, preamp,Lumin and Oppo. The other outlet is for my digital end. The Shunyata is used with my second AQ1000 along with the Electra Clear.

Ed I haven't noticed any improvement to my picture quality with the Electra Clear. But, the Shunyata NR gave my Samsung its biggest benefit.

I also see that the Symphony is out for delivery today. So, more fun tonight.

Symphony will deliver!

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More than audio, complete video!

All my network gear is located in my mechanical room, adjacent to both sides of this room are the main and sub panel.

Up until last weekend, the network was powered from a circuit in the main panel, it now has its own circuit in the sub panel.

So moving from shared to dedicated was an audible and visual benefit, and one of the most cost effective things you can do!

Now moving things up to a crazy good level is adding some pieces from ADD-POWR; Electra Clear and Symphony Pro.

I chose the Audioquest P3 distribution as a low cost solution and it really added to making a difference. I plugged two Electra Clears in, the a Symphony Pro with a Shunyata Venom C5 cable - all good, it really is.

Then I had the idea to move the Symphony Pro to the new outlet I put in, leaving the Electra Clears in the AudioQuest.


There are three Pioneer Plasma Elites in the home, these are older displays but still provide a very good picture!

Now, with plugging Symphony Pro, I cannot believe the color saturation, blacks, and image quality - even my Wife and her Mother noticed this and they could care less.

Plugging Symphony Pro into the outlet that contains the hot and neutral wires delivered better results, so you will need to look at your outlet.


This is not too crazy of an expense and in my case delivered night and day results - it just shows you do not know how good your system is until you address the power.

ADD POWR is not a conditioner and does no harm.

While I’m playing with the company, I’m only stating what I’ve discovered, there are a few companies out there but at the price point, and founders legacy, it’s a hard one to beat in price and performance. And if you order direct, mention AudioShark, and I’ll pass a percentage of sales in support of this site.

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i wonder if anyone has ever done some serious measurements concerning the electromagnetic fields (EMF) in a listening room and their influence on the audio quality or the influence on our listening abilities (brain).

do we hear different from day to day, because of a change in EMF?
i wonder if anyone has ever done some serious measurements concerning the electromagnetic fields (EMF) in a listening room and their influence on the audio quality or the influence on our listening abilities (brain).
do we hear different from day to day, because of a change in EMF?
All that EMF and humans stuff is nonsense.
There’s no intent to sense or control the line. It’s the pulsing signal with harmonic overtones that ride on the line and then onto the dc power supply.

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You don’t see a problem with that?
You don’t see a problem with that?

I’m not seeing any problem and only hearing improvements, I keep an open door and hold open invitation for everyone to come and hear.

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Does anybody see a problem with having a bunch of chokes or caps in line with your power? Or any other audiophile Voodoo that goes in one of the many conditioners that are out there. I was highly suspect of the addpower stuff myself. Ed brought it over to my house and plugged it in. It's the second only conditioning device I have ever heard that did not have any negative impact on my overall system. The other piece, an Akiko Corelli doesn't show any negative impacts, but it is also questionable whether it's even doing anything positive at all. The addpower absolutely stands out as improving the sonics all around in my entire system. And it's darn inexpensive. $450 or so. And a 30 day money back. And it's small and light. Shipping costs are only a few bucks.
Rex, is the $450 price you quote for both the ElectrClear and Symphony? There are audio web sites that sell ADD-POWR with free shipping and no sales tax. I actually got the two for less than that. I'm still waiting for the Symphony to be delivered.
Im pretty sure I paid $75 per Electraclear and $350 for the Symphony. So maybe it was $425. I ended up with 2 electraclear in the end. The original one in my power strip with the symphony did most of what I hear. The 2nd electraclear a week later went into my Power strip in my mechanical room feeding my router, modem and switch. I did not notice that as much. I did not pay any shipping as Ed dropped them off at my house during a listening session.

In comparison, It's not like trying AQ Niagara 5000 at $4,000 or a Isoteck Aquarious at about the same. How about regenerators at $7000. Those are such a big chunk of money. Ok, you could get a Niagara 1000 for about a grand. I have just tried a lot of those devices (sans a regenerator) and heard them all. I don't hear the Add-power. I notice my system runs with a lot more ease like the amps are bigger. I notice I can turn up the volume way higher and not get fatigue. And the instruments and voices are more natural and closer to live. In my mind, it's worth a try.

I bet as these get more popular they are going to go up in price. I'm pretty sure the electraclear is going to be redesigned like a cylinder so it only takes one socket. I'm sure it will go up in price. The symphony is a bargain. I am going to have Ed bring the Wizard by here when he gets one. I hear it will make things a little more smooth.

Remember, I play digital allot. Vinyl is only a hobby for me. I do find, now that Ed got all excited about his Kuzma and got me playing my vinyl again, that my vinyl sounds damn nice. Better than I remember.
Does anybody see a problem with having a bunch of chokes or caps in line with your power?

Capacitors need to have an 'X' or 'Y' safety rating.

With ferrite chokes, all three conductors need to go thru the ferrite.

With iron core, wire wound chokes, they need to be safety rated for the task at hand. Only use on the Hot & Neutral conductors. Not on the Safety Ground/Protective Earth conductor.
Thought I would do an update on my ADD-POWR experience. Friday I received the Symphony ADD-POWR product. It is a small box with a wall plug that is 12V/.7amp and uses 5 watts of power. It has a 8 foot wire which connects with a doggle to the back of the Symphony. The wire is wrapped or placed near components cables or power supplies. I plugged the Symphony into my HDPlex 200w linear power supply which is plugged into a AQ1000 power conditioner. ADD-POWR recommend using the included wall plug. Maybe I'll try that at some point. And the other ElectraClear was plugged into my other AQ1000. The idea is that the two work in a cumulative manner. I have to say having listened to my system since Friday. They do as advertised. So much refined energy, detail and a soundstage that is very wide and deep. Cleaning up any harshness to boot. These two pieces added to my system are clearly my most affordable system upgrades. I've spent a lot on the digital end with linear power supplies,power cords, interconnects and ethernet cables. And have heard them clean up my system. Reduced the noise floor and brought a lot of balance to my system. But, these two pieces have added IMO the best improvement in energy, soundstage and detail. I would recommend at least trying the ElectraClear (30 day money back etc). It was a surprise and worth the second purchase.
Ultrafast got the Wizard. I'm sure he will post. He's bringing it by my place on Wednesday. I hope it's not as good as he says. I don't need to spend $2,000. He says its all cumulative. Maybe I want another symphony to put in my network shelf to really calm that gear down.

FWIW, today I was poking around with my TT and I decided to move the symphony away from the TT speed control. Its a Rega TTPSU. As I moved it away I hear the actual controller itself start to buzz a little louder. After a few adjustments, I got the controller as silent as I could get it. Its amazing the impact such a small device has.

Darrel, I thought I read you weren't suppose to use linear PS with the Symphony. I myself swapped the PS out with a larger 1.4 amp wallwart. Same style. Not sure it did much, but it worked so I kept it in place.
Thought I would do an update on my ADD-POWR experience. Friday I received the Symphony ADD-POWR product. It is a small box with a wall plug that is 12V/.7amp and uses 5 watts of power. It has a 8 foot wire which connects with a doggle to the back of the Symphony. The wire is wrapped or placed near components cables or power supplies. I plugged the Symphony into my HDPlex 200w linear power supply which is plugged into a AQ1000 power conditioner. ADD-POWR recommend using the included wall plug. Maybe I'll try that at some point. And the other ElectraClear was plugged into my other AQ1000. The idea is that the two work in a cumulative manner. I have to say having listened to my system since Friday. They do as advertised. So much refined energy, detail and a soundstage that is very wide and deep. Cleaning up any harshness to boot. These two pieces added to my system are clearly my most affordable system upgrades. I've spent a lot on the digital end with linear power supplies,power cords, interconnects and ethernet cables. And have heard them clean up my system. Reduced the noise floor and brought a lot of balance to my system. But, these two pieces have added IMO the best improvement in energy, soundstage and detail. I would recommend at least trying the ElectraClear (30 day money back etc). It was a surprise and worth the second purchase.

Darrel - you are dead on, I’m glad your digging this and play around with where you plug it in.

I look forward to hearing all you have done!

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