CES 2017 cost?


New member
Dec 16, 2013
Davis, CA
I just want to walk around and look at cool stuff--can someone tell what that would cost? Their site provides information only on convention packages, which cost from $200-1400! :weird: Sure it can't cost that much simply to look at the exhibits, or does it?
CES is technically for 'industry members' and is free if you register a few months in advance. If you have a strong relationship with a dealer or manufacturer some of them may make arrangements to register you under their business so that you can attend. You may need to present an ID to get your badge at the registration desk upon arrival unless they get it for you by mail in advance. The packages that you referred to are likely for hotel arrangements some of which sell out in advance for the show. Sometimes there is a concurrent 'high end' audio show which may require additional registration or fees. Hope this helps.
CES is technically for 'industry members' and is free if you register a few months in advance. If you have a strong relationship with a dealer or manufacturer some of them may make arrangements to register you under their business so that you can attend. You may need to present an ID to get your badge at the registration desk upon arrival unless they get it for you by mail in advance. The packages that you referred to are likely for hotel arrangements some of which sell out in advance for the show. Sometimes there is a concurrent 'high end' audio show which may require additional registration or fees. Hope this helps.


If by "concurrent audio show" you mean The Show Las Vegas, it is no longer being held. If you mean the high end audio show in the Venetian, there is no extra charge to attend. A pass to CES is also good for that.
John - if you are looking for audio related only, don't waste your time with CES. I'm not going this year, and I've gone for many years in a row. If you can swing it, the best U.S. audio show is RMAF, in my opinion. https://www.audiofest.net/

Book a room (try to get the RMAF rate) at the Marriott Tech Center (where the show is held).

You can fly in Friday morning and out Sunday afternoon/evening and catch everything.
CES is technically for 'industry members' and is free if you register a few months in advance. If you have a strong relationship with a dealer or manufacturer some of them may make arrangements to register you under their business so that you can attend. You may need to present an ID to get your badge at the registration desk upon arrival unless they get it for you by mail in advance. The packages that you referred to are likely for hotel arrangements some of which sell out in advance for the show. Sometimes there is a concurrent 'high end' audio show which may require additional registration or fees. Hope this helps.

Then they ought to rename it the IES--Industry Electronics Show! I was always under the impression that it was for CONSUMERS to enjoy. Dang. Thanks for the info.
John - if you are looking for audio related only, don't waste your time with CES. I'm not going this year, and I've gone for many years in a row. If you can swing it, the best U.S. audio show is RMAF, in my opinion. https://www.audiofest.net/

Book a room (try to get the RMAF rate) at the Marriott Tech Center (where the show is held).

You can fly in Friday morning and out Sunday afternoon/evening and catch everything.

Thanks. I had a horrifying flying experience heading to Denver (en route to the Aspen Music Festival.) We got diverted to Cheyenne, WY, due to severe storms in Denver, and our plane got hit with some nasty wind shear that caused it to fishtail the ENTIRE length of the runway. I thought for sure that it was the end for my wife and me. Sort of left a bad taste in my mouth for all things Denver!!:) (I'm a fearful flyer under the best of circumstances...)

For audio only I highly recommend T.H.E. Show at Newport Beach. Much closer to you and a fantastic show. Good room rates at the hotel but book early because it fills.

Numbers for this years show in June and pictures. http://theshownewport.com/

Mike, Have you ever been to T.H.E. Show at Newport Beach? I think it may rival RMAF but I have never been there. After 8 times at CES, I too have abandoned it and won't miss it at all. I much prefer Newport Beach.

For audio only I highly recommend T.H.E. Show at Newport Beach. Much closer to you and a fantastic show. Good room rates at the hotel but book early because it fills.

Numbers for this years show in June and pictures. http://theshownewport.com/

Mike, Have you ever been to T.H.E. Show at Newport Beach? I think it may rival RMAF but I have never been there. After 8 times at CES, I too have abandoned it and won't miss it at all. I much prefer Newport Beach.

I haven't been to Newport, but in talking to people who have, it's smaller than RMAF, but still a great show. I just love the atmosphere at RMAF. So relaxed, big atrium for chatting, well spread out. Elevators can be slow, but that's normal for any show.
I think Newport and Chicago are destined to be the big two shows going forward. Newport now has as many exhibitors as RMAF and the hotel swap two years ago is a yuuge improvement. Haven't been to CES in 10 years (and it wasn't particularly as much fun then as its still a dealer-centric show) and Munich seems to be its replacement.

Will be attending RMAF this year, but I've heard attendance has been down significantly. Honestly, that works better for me as I have more room :)

I think you would find the atmosphere similar at Newport Beach. By a rough count using the show program I counted 150 rooms in June. Pretty much audio overload except you know they won't have the one speaker you really want to hear. :lol:

One major improvement is they moved the live music to an auditorium in a separate building. No more fighting with crowd noises and clinking bar glasses. The previous location near the lobby was very cacophonous.

For audio only I highly recommend T.H.E. Show at Newport Beach. Much closer to you and a fantastic show. Good room rates at the hotel but book early because it fills.

Numbers for this years show in June and pictures. http://theshownewport.com/

Closer and a far nice setting! I'm not a fan of Vegas glitz! I'll probably attend the 2017 show since I retired in June (high school English teacher). In the past, T.H.E Show occurred right before final exams week--the timing could hardly be worse!
Now that CES is a month away I which members are going. I will pass again this year. T.H.E. Show Anaheim will suffice for my audio show fix. But I will miss all the debuts at CES. Hopefully some members will attend and allow me to attend vicariously. :D
My girlfriend invited me as she works for HTC Vive, but I'm going to pass due to schedule.

I think Chicago and LAX are going to be the premier shows in 2017.
Yeah, Newport is moving to LAX for June 2017.

Yes but the name is now T.H.E. Show Anaheim and it is at the Hilton Anaheim. Since you live in LA, I thought you might be referring to another show in the area at a similar time. I can't remember the name but LAX was definitely not it.

Have you been to that Hilton? Did you attend any shows at Newport Beach? If so, how do the two facilities compare?
Yes but the name is now T.H.E. Show Anaheim and it is at the Hilton Anaheim. Since you live in LA, I thought you might be referring to another show in the area at a similar time. I can't remember the name but LAX was definitely not it.

Have you been to that Hilton? Did you attend any shows at Newport Beach? If so, how do the two facilities compare?

The LA show isn't under "T.H.E." management but is effectively the new, Newport show and will be the larger of the two SoCal shows next year:


I have not been to Hilton Anaheim, but have been to all of the LA hifi shows over the past decade. The Hotel Irvine was a nice venue, although am hearing great things about the recently remodeled, Sheraton LAX. I may stop by there over Christmas holiday and give folks here some initial feedback.
The LA show isn't under "T.H.E." management but is effectively the new, Newport show and will be the larger of the two SoCal shows next year:


I have not been to Hilton Anaheim, but have been to all of the LA hifi shows over the past decade. The Hotel Irvine was a nice venue, although am hearing great things about the recently remodeled, Sheraton LAX. I may stop by there over Christmas holiday and give folks here some initial feedback.


Thank you for the clarification. I was not aware there had been some kind of split and now there were two shows under different management. The LA show is about the same schedule as T.H.E. Shows had been and Marine Presson and the Orange County Audio Society are still affiliated.

I was confused by this email (partial) I received on Sept. 30

"T.H.E. Show Newport 2017 Plan*

Dear Exhibitors: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
T.H.E. Show Newport 2016 was an amazing success, and we thank you all for participating.*We are very busy planning for 2017*and have some exciting news to share with you about our change of venue and new show dates.
Our goal is to bring more show attendees through the door for our exhibitors, and to do this effectively we are moving to centrally located Anaheim in a family friendly hotel one mile from Disneyland.*The Hilton Anaheim offers us more space, amenities, and services that will appeal to everyone. We have signed a contract to host T.H.E. Show at this location for the next three years*to make planning your exhibit from year to year much easier."

On June 30, I received this at the end of an email.

"Beginning July 1st, contact Maurice Jung for all inquiries at (702) 210-9716 or by email: [email protected]"

Now that the CES thread has been thoroughly hijacked, I will comment that I don't like the more expensive rooms ($189/night) at the Sheraton LAX compared to $119/night at the Newport Beach venue. I doubt I will attend anymore.