Sub for Maggie 3.7i


New member
Dec 12, 2021
What subs are recommended for a pair of 3.7i? ML BalancedForce 210 has been recommended. Any others? How about a Balanced Force 212, or is that too much? Amps are Bryston 7B3 and an ARC pre-amp (either a Reference 6SE or a LS28SE.) Vinyl and streaming. Classic rock, but really all music.


I recommend two subs instead of one (even if that means two smaller ones as opposed to one big one). I currently use JL Audio. Your room size would be helpful to know for determining size.
It might be worth a look at the new Velodyne Digital Drive plus subs-

Digital Drive Plus - Velodyne Acoustics

But nothing wrong with those ML subs. I use 2 very old original ML dynamo subs with my 1.6's and they integrate seamlessly and fill in the bass nicely although they won't break any windows.
Thanks. My room size is 26’x14’x8’.

FWIW, my room is fairly similar in size to yours (mine is 26'x18'x10.5') and a JL Audio rep was recommending two 10 inch subs for my room. I ended up with 13" subs.
My 2cents ,

2 Subs instead of one , 4 small stacked is best over 1 or 2 big ones.

A vented sub (integrates better with a dipole) instead of sealed box with error correcting servo control ..

What REALLY matters is the subwoofer integration into your system. Having a digital crossover that you can use to crossover the mains and subs with variable slope and time-alignment is very beneficial. It wasn’t until I tried a Dirac digital preamp or the Classe Delta PRE that my system really started humming. I use Magnepan 3.7i and Rythmik 18” sealed servo-powered subs. Good integration will advance your system by leaps and bounds.