Magnepan owners, please tell me what you have and amplifier(s) you use ...


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
I’m thinking about getting a pair of the new LRS Maggie speakers for fun.

My brother bought MMG last year and loves them. Sure they are inexpensive and won’t blow your doors off but he thinks they are a great fun little speaker.

I was thinking about either modding the LRS or waiting for the supposed mini 30.7 speakers that are being talked about now. These could be awesome.

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I currently have 3.7i and have had several amps along the way including BHK 250, Pass Labs 30.8, Pass Labs 250.8, and am currently using D-Sonic M3a-800s and it works extremely well. For many years used a VTL IT-85 with MMGs with great sound in a smaller room.
That looks great.



I have not heard those Maggies but from another forum, these are a "must have" accessory.


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Magnepans love power. In the beginning I had a 200wpc and I kept blowing up fuses and ribbons. I switched to high current Classe Monoblocks (300wpc amps) and that eliminated that problem.
I’m thinking about getting a pair of the new LRS Maggie speakers for fun.

My brother bought MMG last year and loves them. Sure they are inexpensive and won’t blow your doors off but he thinks they are a great fun little speaker.

I was thinking about either modding the LRS or waiting for the supposed mini 30.7 speakers that are being talked about now. These could be awesome.


Sanders Magtech or PASS as big as your budget will allow, 300/300 as a min ..

Thank you. I am going to start with my Supernait2, then try the Job 250 monos on the LRS which I hope to order tomorrow.


Sanders Magtech or PASS as big as your budget will allow, 300/300 as a min ..

Joe - My brother has a pair of 20.7s. He is driving them with D'Agostino Progression Monos. Previously, he was using an ARC class D amp (DS 450). The DAG amps are a much better amp for the power loving Maggies.

For the new LRS speakers I would stay away from class D. Steve Guttenberg (The Audiophiliac) reviewed the LRS recently and raved about the pairing with a Schiit amp (class AB)
Thank you Mike.

The Hegel H590 is a contender as well as one of the new Parasound amps if I really want to go crazy. That’s a long way off.

It’ll probably take up to 2 months for delivery of the LRS.

I’m not sure where I’ll go with this.

I’ve also been reading lately about the GT Audioworks planar speakers. I heard them many years ago and it was impressive. I’ll start a new thread on them.
Thank you Mike.

The Hegel H590 is a contender as well as one of the new Parasound amps if I really want to go crazy. That’s a long way off.

It’ll probably take up to 2 months for delivery of the LRS.

I’m not sure where I’ll go with this.

I’ve also been reading lately about the GT Audioworks planar speakers. I heard them many years ago and it was impressive. I’ll start a new thread on them.

Joe, the GTA speakers are great and the guys from the company are super nice and passionate. I don’t know about their prices or anything. Just always liked them at the shows.

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I have two systems using Maggie’s. My main system uses the Maggie 1.7i with the Maggie bass panel -DWM. I bi amped the system - a new Krell K300i integrated amp push the 1.7i and a Son of Ampzilla push the DWM panel. My second system uses my old Maggie 1.6qr - but they are now modified by PETER GUN. I push them with a Krell S550i. Both systems are fed via my LUMIN D1 streaming Tidal HiFi with MQA. Very happy with the sound quality.
Welcome Tom!

Thank you.

I spoke to Peter Gun. Very nice guy.
Ran my Maggies with Talk Electronics monoblocks(not enough current), tested Bryston 4B(ok), Magtech monoblocks excellent match but some hiss, currently using PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks. Superb!
Welcome to the forum.

Hegel/Magnepan combo is very high on my list. I think I know who you are referring to and I love their enthusiasm. It’s a Canadian dealer, I think.

There are a few Magnepan dealers that speak highly of the Hegel H90 as the killer combo for the LRS.

I am using MG3.7 with conrad-johnson. This is my favorite combo. I have used Modwright, Electrocompaniet, Pass, McIntosh, Parasound, W4S and BAT with Maggies. CJ is what I like most
Hi Jim,

CJ and Maggie is an excellent combo. A friend here, Ray in NJ, has 20.7 and ART300s. I am sure the CJ/Maggie combo is awesome.


I am using MG3.7 with conrad-johnson. This is my favorite combo. I have used Modwright, Electrocompaniet, Pass, McIntosh, Parasound, W4S and BAT with Maggies. CJ is what I like most
Joe, what mods are you considering doing to the LRS? I heard great things about the speakers but haven't read anything about the mods. Thanks.