ARC 160M Monoblocks for Maggie 20.7?


New member
Dec 12, 2021
Would a pair of 140 watt Audio Research Reference 160M Monoblocks work well with a pair of Maggie 20.7, or would I be better off using high powered ss amps like a pair of Bryston 7B3 (600 watts into 8 ohm/900 into 4 ohm) or even a 28B3 1,000 watts into 8 ohm snd about 1,800 watts into 4 ohms)? I will be using an ARC Ref 6 SE pre-amp.

Would a pair of 140 watt Audio Research Reference 160M Monoblocks work well with a pair of Maggie 20.7, or would I be better off using high powered ss amps like a pair of Bryston 7B3 (600 watts into 8 ohm/900 into 4 ohm) or even a 28B3 1,000 watts into 8 ohm snd about 1,800 watts into 4 ohms)? I will be using an ARC Ref 6 SE pre-amp.


I wouldn't pair them together. The nominal impedance of the 20.7 is 4 ohms, the sensitivity is very low at 86dB 1w/1m and according to Hi-Fi News its actually much lower. They also reported it is a tough load to drive. I would look for a SS solution.
agreed with mep. Would they 'work', yes but there are better choices. Back in the day when I had pair of 3.6's I drove them with a Threshold S500, great combo. So, to that thinking a pair of PASS X260.8's would be my choice and yes I'm biased towards PASS gear.......
The 160M is not your typical tube amp, from the slam they gave the big Wilson's I'd say it should be fine with the 20.7. Plus the ARC pre & power have good synergy.
The 160M is not your typical tube amp, from the slam they gave the big Wilson's I'd say it should be fine with the 20.7. Plus the ARC pre & power have good synergy.

It's still a tube amp and low sensitivity and low impedance is a bad combination for tube amps. The 20.7s drop as low as 2 ohms in the bass.
Looks like the 160M drove the low impedance Alexia. I can't see these graphs but they might help one way or the other. The 160M's are magnificent, dynamics to rival most any solid state. I've only heard them with Wilson though. Bryston is good but none of their auditions impressed me like the 160M, I can say that about other brands as well.
Audio Research Reference 160M monoblock power amplifier Measurements |

It's still a tube amp and low sensitivity and low impedance is a bad combination for tube amps. The 20.7s drop as low as 2 ohms in the bass.
Looks like the 160M drove the low impedance Alexia. I can't see these graphs but they might help one way or the other. The 160M's are magnificent, dynamics to rival most any solid state. I've only heard them with Wilson though. Bryston is good but none of their auditions impressed me like the 160M, I can say that about other brands as well.
Audio Research Reference 160M monoblock power amplifier Measurements |

The Alexia are very sensitive compared to the 20.7s. 86dB 1w/1m with an impedance that dips to 2 ohms is a tough slog for a tube amp. Hi-Fi news said the 20.7 sensitivity rating isn't accurate and it's closer to 80dB.
The 20.7s do sound at their best with lots of good power. Can they be used with the ARC Ref 160M? Sure, but they will not be at their best. A combination of the Ref 6SE with a good quality SS amp and the 20.7s would be outstanding.

We (members of my family) have owned 2.5Rs, 2.6s, 3.7is and 20.7s. My brother’s 20.7s are currently being driven by D’Agostino Progression Monos; they sound fantastic. He considered the ARC Ref 250SE before deciding on the DAG amps. A perspective as you seek input.

Lastly, make sure to try the 160Ms at home before you make that investment.
The best amps for Magnepan's are high capacitance, high current, voltage and power. Stick with the Bryston amps you were looking at or get a Pass X350.8. I love the combination of Pass and Magnepans but Bryston works magic with them as well.
A lot of ARC owners cant hear clipping so it may or maynot work for you unless you’re sensitive to it , if so , best to purchase the highest rated power amp in your budget , upgrade the frames and never look back ..!

The best amps for Magnepan's are high capacitance, high current, voltage and power. Stick with the Bryston amps you were looking at or get a Pass X350.8. I love the combination of Pass and Magnepans but Bryston works magic with them as well.

Bryston’s are not known for low Z operation so are not really high current amplifiers ..!

True but quite a few people run them with Maggies and Magnepan themselves recommend the pairing. There is a woman on the AC forum that has the 20.7's with Bryston and loves that combo.

Unfortunately, Bryston does not publish specs like current, capacitance or voltage. They may not be high current amps but probably are high voltage. Even my Pass X250 is only 20 amps but high voltage and capacitance. So, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
ARC and Magnepans have been a classic pairing since the 70s. ARC still uses them in their listening room.