

New member
Oct 18, 2015
Speaker wires look a bit skimpy for those speakers and the sub looks to not even be hooked up. Nice room and flooring tho...
My wife would like this room because the wires and electronics are out of sight. There are a lot of hard surfaces in the room so I wonder about sound quality.
Advertising to me. Speakers to far apart and against the wall. I am curious the ports in the wall. Might be a nice way to route speaker and interconnects up and out in a hidden way.
And where are the amps.
Far more important things to do in that room than pull the pin on those Mpods. Might as well leave the pins in. Looks like they are using entry level CrystalSpeak speaker cables. Those speakers are worthy of something higher up the Crystal Cable food chain, for what it's worth in that room. All very odd. I'd say it's a show-pony installation.
as others have said, looks 'purdy' but knowing the the $$ spent on those puppies I'm sure we all could give them a much better set up to which they deserve.
certainly a classy room and listening place. nice job on the whole vibe of the spot.

it would be interesting to understand the process of speaker choice in this case. recent previous speaker(s) owned? previous Magico owner? was it purely performance? if a married couple was it a joint selection? is this a second home? with those cable chases already there this was not any casual decision.

there is no wrong answer, and i'm not judging. just curious.
It's hilarious that this guy lives in Europe and people are making so many comments on what they don't like about the room, the setup, and question why he chose the Magico speakers.
I texted my friend Jeremy (Paris Magico dealer) who did the install. I’ll let you know what he says.
I texted my friend Jeremy (Paris Magico dealer) who did the install. I’ll let you know what he says.

Tell Jeremy that some people on AS have their panties in a bunch over this guys room and system and they want answers to their questions. Why Magico speakers? Speaker cables are too cheap. Where is the rest of the system? He needs to give a detailed breakdown on his gear and the history of his audio journey so some people can ease their worried minds. Member solutions for all of his issues will follow.
Tell Jeremy that some people on AS have their panties in a bunch over this guys room and system and they want answers to their questions. Why Magico speakers? Speaker cables are too cheap. Where is the rest of the system? He needs to give a detailed breakdown on his gear and the history of his audio journey so some people can ease their worried minds. Member solutions for all of his issues will follow.

there are 'art' shots for gear promo, then there are people who choose to use speakers as accessories to their 'real' rooms.

as a card carrying mouth breathing mono brow audiophile, who is all in on the sound, i'm always interested in the "why" behind serious gear used in an architectural context. it's not a mater of not appreciating what i see. or being critical. i like pretty things as much as the next guy.

Magico is not ignorant on this issue. the M9's will likely end up many times being the right choice because of the looks, not in spite of it. Magico is how all speakers might want to look. my opinion only. of course.

locally here in Seattle some years ago, i happened to be told once about what speaker Bill Gates uses. evidently his interior designer choose MBL 101E's purely for the way they look in the room. and they are rarely played. nothing wrong with that.
I’d take that M2 in any room in a nano second.

It’s hard to say how a room would sound based on a picture even it looks less than optimal. I recently moved to a new house and while I now have a dedicated room (which sounds great btw), I find myself spending majority of my time in the family room as it is adjacent to the dining room and kitchen in an open floorplan. So I started thinking to put an audio system there with JBL or Magico and an integrated, along with a few acoustic panels given that the room seemingly has a lot of reflective surfaces. But having a kid less than 2 years old who grabs everything in sight relentlessly, my wife has concerns and the project is put on hold. So, I bought a Sonos arc soundbar to just get by these couple of years. To my surprise, the soundbar in this supposedly reflective room doesn’t sound bad at all. It only has a TV, a soundbar and an AppleTV. I’ll figure things out more when the time comes to actually install a system there, but at this moment it really doesn’t bother me to turn on the tv and enjoy movies or kids YouTube videos. The added bonus is I can also play Tidal, Spotify via Sonos and do occasional “hey google” to have some fun with the kid.