Tips and trick I've learned for the S3's


Nov 1, 2018
Auburn, Washington USA
S3 Tools.jpg

1. Sliders are a must to move 220lbs speakers.

2. The S3 speaker use three pods to anchor the speaker to the floor to transfer the energy from the closed cabinet. The center of the radius of the back of the speaker is great to measure the distance from the front wall and side walls. Doing so allows the use of two sliders on the front pods to move, change and adjust for any toe-in. Using the rear pod without a slider as a pivot point to anchor the speakers location.

3. I was told from a Magico rep that it's best to keep the three speaker pods closed tight to the bottom of the speakers. And to adjust the level of the speaker- left and right- front and back- use a shim, coin or as I use poker chips. Keeping the pods closed and tight to the bottom of the speaker allows for the best transfer of energy from the speaker.

4. After some time the pressure from a closed cabinet will work on the screws holding the drivers and slowly loosen the screws. It's a good idea to check and tighten any and all screws. This may be only needed after many many hours use.
I can feel the vibration on the lower back of the speakers around and near the terminals. Not a lot but compared to the square A3's. It is noticeable. I don't think it effects the sound I'm hearing. But, it's there. The A3's use 3/8" aluminum panels.

During the breakin period I moved the S3s about six times. And once I felt they found their spot. I got the speakers as level as possible. And that part of getting these speakers level really completed the speakers disappearing on a lot of my listening. I don't remember any other speakers in my system working this way. I wonder if it's the three pod design?