Recommend "sliders" for under my A-Pods and Naim Fraim?


New member
Oct 9, 2018
Boston, MA USA
We're moving house in a couple of weeks and I've boxed up the A3's and the entire Naim system.

I've been using Herbie's "sliders" under the A3's and the Naim Fraims for several years. These are looking a little tattered.

We'll have brand new hand-finished (not pre-finished) white oak floors and so I'll need to keep using some sort of "slider" -- no interest in putting spikes right into the wood.

Any recommendations for both the A3 A-Pods and the Naim Fraim??
We're moving house in a couple of weeks and I've boxed up the A3's and the entire Naim system.

I've been using Herbie's "sliders" under the A3's and the Naim Fraims for several years. These are looking a little tattered.

We'll have brand new hand-finished (not pre-finished) white oak floors and so I'll need to keep using some sort of "slider" -- no interest in putting spikes right into the wood.

Any recommendations for both the A3 A-Pods and the Naim Fraim??

IsoAcoustics GAIA, perhaps? Model 1, 2, or 3 depending on the weight of the speaker.
IsoAcoustics GAIA, perhaps? Model 1, 2, or 3 depending on the weight of the speaker.

These seem to be replacements for my A-Pods, not to be used in conjunction with A-Pods and their spikes. Given that I own A-Pods already I wasn't thinking about ditching them. Unless I'm missing something, it'd be nice if IsoAcoustics made a product that works along with spikes. (Plus I'm not sure whether using in conjunction 2 distinct isolating devices serves any purpose.)
These seem to be replacements for my A-Pods, not to be used in conjunction with A-Pods and their spikes. Given that I own A-Pods already I wasn't thinking about ditching them. Unless I'm missing something, it'd be nice if IsoAcoustics made a product that works along with spikes. (Plus I'm not sure whether using in conjunction 2 distinct isolating devices serves any purpose.)

Sorry, Bart, I'm confused a bit. The pics I've seen of the A-pods utilize spikes, and I thought you wanted a solution that did not use spikes. That's why I suggested the IsoAcoustics.
Sorry, Bart, I'm confused a bit. The pics I've seen of the A-pods utilize spikes, and I thought you wanted a solution that did not use spikes. That's why I suggested the IsoAcoustics.

Ahh sorry - yes I'm going to keep the A-Pods and just want a 'glider' type solution for between spikes and finished hardwood floors :)

The Herbie's are still the best that I am aware of at least at a reasonable price. I would just order a new set if they do the job for you and you are just looking for "new look" cosmetics.

The Herbie's are still the best that I am aware of at least at a reasonable price. I would just order a new set if they do the job for you and you are just looking for "new look" cosmetics.

+1 - the titanium Herbies are what I use.
+1 on the Herbie’s. I have both the standard size and the giant and would choose the giant on the A3’s.
Personally, I did not find the Herbie's to work at all in my system. I put a new area rug in my music room (this was several years back) and didn't want to put my rack's spikes through the carpet to the hardwoods beneath. I got some Herbies. After setup, my wife comes into the room and asks "what changed, your system sounds weird?" We sat and listened for a while and my take was "all the sounds are there, but none of the music." Somehow everything just seemed totally off. I pulled the Herbies and said to hell with it, I put the spikes through the carpet. The music came back.

Why don't you get some QPods or MPods, those seem like the right choice for your Magicos.

Contact me if you want, I still have those Herbies in the drawer.
Recommend "sliders" for under my A-Pods and Naim Fraim?

$8400 worth of feet on speakers I paid $9600 for new seems . . . not the right choice.

Bart, if you have the APOD’s, then the Herbies (for easy sliding) are still your best bet. We use them in the store (we probably have about 80 or 100) as we have them under every speaker for easy placement. We remove them for the demo.
$8400 worth of feet on speakers I paid $9600 for new seems . . . not the right choice.

I have SPOD footers on my S5s, and while they did improve the sound it wasn’t dramatic. I suspect that was because the speakers sit on a wood floor, which is on a concrete slab that sits on solid ground. If your speakers have any sort of echo chamber under them then adding the Shunyata footers is most likely a good idea.
Re: Recommend "sliders" for under my A-Pods and Naim Fraim?

Thanks Mike! They do seem to be the go-to product for this application.

I have Magico S5mk2, with SPOD - which terminate in spikes. I used to use the supplied magio metal disks. I won’t bore with the details, but someone here posted a link to Graphite Audio products, well i took a punt and ordered the Carbon/Polymer speaker cups. I put them under the SPODS spikes, on my hardwood floor to protect it.

Straightaway i noticed that the bass tighten up (even on the magicos - go figure !), and the treble became even more natural, and general improvement in sound. A dealer came to my place and i put him in the sweet spot, he said straight way, what have you done ? The sound is improved and is much more natural, i pointed him to the cups underneath the magicos.

Now, since you are not a dealer and don’t need to move the speakers constantly, i would highly recommend these cups. They can handle at least 100kg without any issue. They are recommended for speakers as well as hifi racks. They protect my wooden floors and have improved the sound by quite a bit. I don’t know if they have dealers in US, but i got mine directly from Poland (I live in Australia).

Here is the link to them….
ISSB-40 Isolation Speaker Spike Bases - Graphite Audio
Recommend "sliders" for under my A-Pods and Naim Fraim?

What about using a solid piece of wood atop your wooden floor and place the speakers with spikes atop of it? That way the spikes do not damage your wooden floor.
Another option, there are amp stands that are made of wood and you can fill them with sand to make them heavier. You then place your speakers (with spikes) atop the stand. (That’s what I am using under my speakers now and it works great).

PS. You can use cheap furniture sliders under the solid piece of wood to help you position the speaker. Once you have the speakers in the tight place you can remove them.
Every pair of Magico speakers I ever bought came with floor savers, not sure what the issue here is. Just use what came with the speakers.