Magico S1 Review


New member
Feb 20, 2018
New York
I’m looking to invest a bit of cash in higher-end loudspeakers, and the ones that keep getting recommended to me are the Magico S1. A lot of producers and professionals I’ve spoken to seem to think the S1, despite being somewhat outdated is still a very competitive option to consider. What do you guys think?
The S1 is known for its superb mids, but IMO it's a little bright on top and lacking in bass (as you might expect from a small 2-way floorstander). I would expect Magico's just-released 3-way A3 at about $10K MRSP give a more balanced performance.

perosnalyi think that the S1 mk2 is better vs the A3. -> without listen this last!
-> S1mk2 "evolution" from a great 2 way vs. a 3 way A3 assembled with "entry level!!?" or Magico have a price list extra overpriced (in generall) or A3 is the very value from the brand....

the A3 and the S1mk1 to listen before.

Thanks for the warm welcome and feedback! Do you think pairing a sub with the Magico S1s will help balance out the lack of bass? That could be an option I'm willing to explore. I know I should probably see if I can demo them first. Every time I do that I leave wanting to buy even more equipment than what I came for so I'm doing a little more research before I demo. I am open to alternatives as well. From what I've heard, it seems the S1 may not be the stand out speaker that it used to be. I xwould also buy an amp that pairs well with these speakers. Thanks again!
I listened to set of Magico S1s a couple years ago. For a while, they were some of the most affordable (and best sounding) two-way speakers out there until Magico released the A3s. They sound clean and smooth but as GSOphile mentioned, they lack bass and are missing a bit of that omph. If you want a more dynamic sound, you might want to look at a Pass amp or something similar. I can't speak for the A3s... haven't made the trip for a listen. I AM a fan of the uncomplicated design (S1). They are sharp should match nicely with most rooms.
Alon Wolf is making a big bet with the A3s, and his track record, especially over the past several years, has been phenomenal. The A3s were demo'd at Axpona with a Constellation Inspiration Integrated to reportedly excellent effect. I use a Gryphon Diablo 300 to drive my S3 Mk2s, superb IMO, so I'd bet a Diablo 120 would also be an excellent pairing if you're inclined toward an integrated solution. A3s are shipping now, so hopefully you'll be in a position to audition soon.
The S1 is known for its superb mids, but IMO it's a little bright on top and lacking in bass (as you might expect from a small 2-way floorstander). I would expect Magico's just-released 3-way A3 at about $10K MRSP give a more balanced performance.

Yes, a bit bright on top and lacking in bass. For less money I'd rather have the Reference 3A MM De Capo monitor speakers combined with a great sub, e.g. JL Audio Fathom 112v2 (combined price with good stands less than 8 grand). Much better. Can't speak for the S1 MkII version, only auditioned Mk I.

Usually I am a Magico fan, but the S1 MkI just doesn't deliver for the money, in my view.
Have you looked into the Magico S1 MK2? I've heard from some dealers say that it's a substantial improvement from the original. With that being said... its still a two way. You're looking at a price hike if you go newer. I believe they are around $16,500. IMO, even with the S1 being any 'entry level' speaker, Magico is known for blowing away other manufacturers with their most 'humble' offerings.
End of last year I had a chance to listen to the Magico S1s in a smaller Chicago apartment. I was shocked at the midrange on these, detailed sound across multiple music genres. Since they are a sealed box design they are going to sound different than other speakers. The design will be a bit easier to position in your room for a performance perspective so that's something else to consider. Definitely should demo them and decide how much bass you want and see if the S1s can fill your room.