Magico Pricing

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If Delta was charging $5610 to fly one way from LA to Miami in economy class, that would not be a rip off if another full-service airline was doing it $3000 cheaper?

You do realize that 1) different airlines have different cost structures and 2) airline pricing is highly variable and dynamic on a daily basis based on a variety of factors such as # of seats left, how popular that route is, how many planes they have on that particular route, etc, etc and is not a static price, right?

Everyone knows never simply buy an airline ticket on a whim and you always shop over a period of time as the price can vary by as much as 100% for the same dates because the prices change so dramatically.
The example I gave was for full-service airlines on the same route at the same time as the fair comparison, rather than low cost carrier. I can often fly Perth>Singapore return for less than $1000. One way Singapore>Perth for $5610 is a blatant rip off whether I choose to buy that ticket or not. I don't have an issue with Magico speaker pricing, but the price of MRack is a bit hard to swallow.
The example I gave was for full-service airlines on the same route at the same time as the fair comparison, rather than low cost carrier. I can often fly Perth>Singapore return for less than $1000. One way Singapore>Perth for $5610 is a blatant rip off whether I choose to buy that ticket or not. I don't have an issue with Magico speaker pricing, but the price of MRack is a bit hard to swallow.

You completely missed the point and the explanation.
What is immutable is Singapore Airlines charging five times the price for a one-way ticket compared to the usual price of a return ticket, just because it's the last day of the school holidays, is a rip off. And it's price gouging. I chose to stay home, and I still feel ripped off. I didn't feel ripped off when I bought M3, or today. I now see it as an investment because to buy M3 today will cost me double what I paid four years ago.
The new Magico distributor in Australia jacked up prices a lot a few months ago when they took over the brand. They have a different distribution model to the previous distributor. The fact they have S3 and M9 on display in a show room, well, that is a massive investment that needs to be paid for. It will be interesting to see if they shift as many units at these much higher prices.

Did not realise Boris got punted. He was hardly adding value to the brand, had high retail prices, would sell direct to customers at cheaper prices to undermine any retailers he had and carried no stock - so he was basically an order taker at a great margin.

ADA taking over is interesting, considering with the huge fallout they have had with Naim and Focal - and now selling them for 40% off.
Watch this space. yea, 90K AU for a pair of S3 - pass. Although Class A audio must have some Boris stock selling @ 57k.
Did not realise Boris got punted..

A2A also took Siltech, Crystal Cable and Pillium from him. Against that he's picked up Bladelius. BTW I'm really happy with Bladelius, it's proving to be a very good pairing with M3. Basically the Bladelius ASK has taken over from my seven box Esoteric Grandioso stack.

Yeah, as I said the distribution mode has changed with the new distributor. A2A bought a sea container of everything from Magico, including M9. That must have been a $2M order. Prices went up, despite shipping cost going down (Magico use to be air freighted to order, now by sea freight and one of everything kept in stock).
ADA taking over is interesting, considering with the huge fallout they have had with Naim and Focal - and now selling them for 40% off.
Watch this space.

Naim seems to be having an issue worldwide. Their decision to send a $27K kit to a very popular low-end reviewer here in the US was a spectacular failure and shows how out of touch they have become. Plus there is a lot of talk about their many, many ongoing QC issues.

Seems they have lost their way.
No. In that case economics, competition, should resolve the issue. Who in their right mind would pay $3k more for something than they had to?

In Magico's case it wouldn't be apples to apples, you'd have to decide if their prodict is worth the current price or would you settle or be happy with a lesser expensive product.

If Delta was charging $5610 to fly one way from LA to Miami in economy class, that would not be a rip off if another full-service airline was doing it $3000 cheaper?
No. In that case economics, competition, should resolve the issue. Who in their right mind would pay $3k more for something than they had to?

In Magico's case it wouldn't be apples to apples, you'd have to decide if their prodict is worth the current price or would you settle or be happy with a lesser expensive product.
Only those so desparate to have the "it" be it a brand name itself, a specific model, or commodity that they would abandon rational thought and pay it.

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Only those so desparate to have the "it" be it a brand name itself, a specific model, or commodity that they would abandon rational thought and pay it.

And that is there right to pay what ever they want, even if others think they spent too much. Who are we to judge how they spend their own money?

I would't spend $120K on a car when a Honda or Toyota will get people to the same place just as fine. But I don't judge people who for for they choose to spend their money or what makes them happy.

I wouldn't spend $100 for a steak at a steak house when I can cook one just as good and pay $25 for it from Costco. Again, I won't judge them for it or call it a 'rip off'. People sure do waste a lot of time and energy being mad about how other people choose to spend their money (not aimed at you).
It seems you are assuming and yourself judging what I meant.

I was stating an opinion from my own experience, including the myriad moments in my own life and this hobby [emoji854] where I have done exactly what I have written.

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It seems you are assuming and yourself judging what I meant.

I was stating an opinion from my own experience, including the myriad moments in my own life and this hobby [emoji854] where I have done exactly what I have written.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

You must have missed the part where I said my post was not aimed at you but was a comment in general. :)
And that is there right to pay what ever they want, even if others think they spent too much. Who are we to judge how they spend their own money?

I would't spend $120K on a car when a Honda or Toyota will get people to the same place just as fine. But I don't judge people who for for they choose to spend their money or what makes them happy.

I wouldn't spend $100 for a steak at a steak house when I can cook one just as good and pay $25 for it from Costco. Again, I won't judge them for it or call it a 'rip off'. People sure do waste a lot of time and energy being mad about how other people choose to spend their money (not aimed at you).

Yeah now ask what watch everyone is wearing. Same deal, a $25 Timex tells the same time as a $20K Rolex, but some people have the need to say "I have a Rolex" It is no different with every other luxury item out there including audio.
Yeah now ask what watch everyone is wearing. Same deal, a $25 Timex tells the same time as a $20K Rolex, but some people have the need to say "I have a Rolex" It is no different with every other luxury item out there including audio.

so I guess everyone should work there whole life and not enjoy the fruit of there labor, gotcha:congrats:
A2A also took Siltech, Crystal Cable and Pillium from him. Against that he's picked up Bladelius. BTW I'm really happy with Bladelius, it's proving to be a very good pairing with M3. Basically the Bladelius ASK has taken over from my seven box Esoteric Grandioso stack.

Yeah, as I said the distribution mode has changed with the new distributor. A2A bought a sea container of everything from Magico, including M9. That must have been a $2M order. Prices went up, despite shipping cost going down (Magico use to be air freighted to order, now by sea freight and one of everything kept in stock).

That is obviously how they got the agency - bought a lot of kit up front.

They also bought a lot of kit from Naim and Focal, which I guess they didn't sell all of - hence Naim Statement amps and 40% off and Focal Grant Utopia @ 180k off retail - everyone is moaning that it's trashing the brand - probably overpriced to start with - but definitely the best Naim and Focal pricing available globally at this point.
so I guess everyone should work there whole life and not enjoy the fruit of there labor, gotcha:congrats:

That is not at all what I said. I was just pointing out that we have the same issue with all luxury items AND how different people feel about them. On another site, Vintage Majority usually tells anyone who asks not to buy new because vintage is better and cheaper. Then those same people post all their expensive watches in another thread. It's all about priorities and for some status.

And although my opinion is that there are many things way over priced, they will always remain that way as long as people buy them, and they will. I don't think the Manufacturer is Ripping anyone off because as said above, nobody is holding a gun to your head to purchase said item. But in reality, there are CEOs making what their employees make in a year, in a day or a week. That is pure Capitalism, Legal yet Immoral. Greed!
That is not at all what I said. I was just pointing out that we have the same issue with all luxury items AND how different people feel about them. On another site, Vintage Majority usually tells anyone who asks not to buy new because vintage is better and cheaper. Then those same people post all their expensive watches in another thread. It's all about priorities and for some status.

And although my opinion is that there are many things way over priced, they will always remain that way as long as people buy them, and they will. I don't think the Manufacturer is Ripping anyone off because as said above, nobody is holding a gun to your head to purchase said item. But in reality, there are CEOs making what their employees make in a year, in a day or a week. That is pure Capitalism, Legal yet Immoral. Greed!

This is the second time now in this thread you have called Capitalism immoral. Keep it up, you are sounding like a socialist every time you make that statement and you are trying to turn this thread into political posturing.
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