Magico Pricing

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Magico are not alone in ripping off customers. Wilson do a dandy job as well, and I own Wilson speakers.

I don't think "ripping off customers" is the correct choice of words when a customer agrees to pay a certain amount for a pair of speakers and they receive the speakers they paid for. If you agreed to a certain amount to pay for a set of speakers and never received them, that would be getting "ripped off."

The same logic would apply to all high end gear purchases and not just speakers.
Magico are not alone in ripping off customers. Wilson do a dandy job as well, and I own Wilson speakers.

the mindset of people amaze me. ripping off, that's absurd, they didn't hold a gun to your hear to buy them did they, there are many many speakers on the market, I'm sure there's something out there for less that you could live with.

are they overpriced in ones opinion, perhaps, but no one made you buy them, an buying a product than stating they ripped you off is asinine an make you not sound to bright
I don't feel I am ripped off as a Magico owner. If I break down the price what I pay, minus the markup of the dealer for his effort, minus taxes, minus the shipping cost, minus the cost of the slabs of Kaiser T6061 and all the other materials, minus the cost of CNC machining and the anodizing, and minus the cost of everything else, accounting for all of that I do see where the money goes.
I don't feel I am ripped off as a Magico owner. If I break down the price what I pay, minus the markup of the dealer for his effort, minus taxes, minus the shipping cost, minus the cost of the slabs of Kaiser T6061 and all the other materials, minus the cost of CNC machining and the anodizing, and minus the cost of everything else, accounting for all of that I do see where the money goes.

Your points are 100% true. However most people are not educated enough to do what you just outlined. It's easier for them to be angry at the big bad evil world. They have NO concept of the expenses of owning and running a business in the high end world with very limited customer base and no real economies of scale.
One only has to look at the facts of the current UAW strike to see your stroking of corporations is a load of BS. There are plenty of other examples of upper management greed other than just the auto companies. Sorry I'll be saving my Kleenex.

Your points are 100% true. However most people are not educated enough to do what you just outlined. It's easier for them to be angry at the big bad evil world. They have NO concept of the expenses of owning and running a business in the high end world with very limited customer base and no real economies of scale.
One only has to look at the facts of the current UAW strike to see your stroking of corporations is a load of BS. There are plenty of other examples of upper management greed other than just the auto companies. Sorry I'll be saving my Kleenex.

Riiiiight....comparing unionized UAW autoworkers to the high end audio industry is so enlightened. #ProfessionalVictimAlert

Once anyone uses the word "greed" to describe a product NO ONE IS FORCED TO BUY yet people keep buying of their own accord, they automatically loose the adult conversation trying to be had.

Don't like how much the evil greedy company is paying you? Find another job. Pretty simple. If their pay is that poor, no one will work for them as no one is forced to work anywhere. Don't like the price of an item as you think it's over priced? Then don't buy it and stop the whining about something you can't afford or choose not to spend the money on. Pretty simple.
GM has already shown the auto industry the model on how to break the union , tried and tested by United before them and will surely be applied again in Bankruptcy court after the next lock down ..!

BTW union heads got bigger increases than Corporate Honcho ‘s ... :)
I don't think "ripping off customers" is the correct choice of words when a customer agrees to pay a certain amount for a pair of speakers and they receive the speakers they paid for. If you agreed to a certain amount to pay for a set of speakers and never received them, that would be getting "ripped off."

The same logic would apply to all high end gear purchases and not just speakers.

I beg to differ. Wilson and Magico are two examples.

S5 was released a few years back @ 29k. new S3 is 45K. WTF

the replacements for my Maxx3's are 145k - at 120% increase in price( a lot more in AU), I certainly cannot justify the crazy inflated prices of the new models. I am not alone as many guys I know are not upgrading for this very reason.

when you manufacture stuff, you should get better at it and be able to do it more efficiently and offer better products for similar or even cheaper prices - not expensive speakers or expensve hifi in general it seems it just gets more expensive

So yes, imo we as customers are getting ripped off.
S5 was released a few years back @ 29k. new S3 is 45K. WTF

The new Magico distributor in Australia jacked up prices a lot a few months ago when they took over the brand. They have a different distribution model to the previous distributor. The fact they have S3 and M9 on display in a show room, well, that is a massive investment that needs to be paid for. It will be interesting to see if they shift as many units at these much higher prices.
I beg to differ. Wilson and Magico are two examples.

S5 was released a few years back @ 29k. new S3 is 45K. WTF

the replacements for my Maxx3's are 145k - at 120% increase in price( a lot more in AU), I certainly cannot justify the crazy inflated prices of the new models. I am not alone as many guys I know are not upgrading for this very reason.

when you manufacture stuff, you should get better at it and be able to do it more efficiently and offer better products for similar or even cheaper prices - not expensive speakers or expensve hifi in general it seems it just gets more expensive

So yes, imo we as customers are getting ripped off.

If you aren't buying because of the high prices, you didn't get ripped off. If you decide to buy regardless of the price and agreed to pay it, you didn't get ripped off.
The new Magico distributor in Australia jacked up prices a lot a few months ago when they took over the brand. They have a different distribution model to the previous distributor. The fact they have S3 and M9 on display in a show room, well, that is a massive investment that needs to be paid for. It will be interesting to see if they shift as many units at these much higher prices.

You are wasting your time with them. These people either CHOOSE not to understand reality or are incapable. They prefer to be victims and angry at the world.
Pricing can be a rip off even if you don't put your money down. I wanted to book a flight from Singapore to Perth. One way, economy class. That's a 5 hour flight. Singapore Airlines is charging $5610 for that. That is a rip off. Even the cheapest flight is a rip off.

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I beg to differ. Wilson and Magico are two examples.

S5 was released a few years back @ 29k. new S3 is 45K. WTF

the replacements for my Maxx3's are 145k - at 120% increase in price( a lot more in AU), I certainly cannot justify the crazy inflated prices of the new models. I am not alone as many guys I know are not upgrading for this very reason.

when you manufacture stuff, you should get better at it and be able to do it more efficiently and offer better products for similar or even cheaper prices - not expensive speakers or expensve hifi in general it seems it just gets more expensive

So yes, imo we as customers are getting ripped off.

you're not taking into account uncontrolable costs. Industrial property rents in California have literally doubled in the last five years, its now just as expensive as class-b office space on a PSF basis. Add to that, Magico is in Hayword, one of the most expensive areas to do business in the most expesnive State in the US to be a manufacturer.
you're not taking into account uncontrolable costs. Industrial property rents in California have literally doubled in the last five years, its now just as expensive as class-b office space on a PSF basis. Add to that, Magico is in Hayword, one of the most expensive areas to do business in the most expesnive State in the US to be a manufacturer.

People don't understand businesses simply pass higher taxes and the cost of doing business onto the consumers. The consumers are blaming the wrong people.
One indication of un-due markup is to look at the used prices they sell for. If it's low, then most likely it's a so called rip-off. It it remains high then it's probably not.

In this case Magico seem to hold their value better than most other speaker brands.
One indication of un-due markup is to look at the used prices they sell for. If it's low, then most likely it's a so called rip-off. It it remains high then it's probably not.

In this case Magico seem to hold their value better than most other speaker brands.

So resale price has nothing to do with supply and demand for that particular item or brand along with perceived value?

Let's take Ideon as an example. Are their resale values low because of it being a "rip off" or because no one really knows about the brand in the US and thus has low demand - new or used?

Still trying to figure out how someone who is clueless about the costs associated with actually bringing an item to market can have any standing to determine if something is a "rip off" which is a purely subjective emotional feeling they are trying to claim is malice on behalf of the company.

It would also be great if these hapless victims of being subject to evil greedy companies could tell us what is the yearly net profit they will allow a company to make before their pricing is declared a rip-off. I'm betting none of them have a clue of a real, hard number that they find acceptable that they are willing to share that an audio company is allowed to make in their acceptably-priced world.
Lets reverse engineer this argument , :)

Who here would buy a lesser known and cheaper speaker than what they currently have because it sounded better ..?

The End ...!
I may be the minority but I would for sure.

It's like the $20.00 beer at the ball park, either you buy it or not. Someone might call the pricing a rep off but I don't consider it a rip off as long as there is still a choice to buy it or not.

Lets reverse engineer this argument , :)

Who here would buy a lesser known and cheaper speaker than what they currently have because it sounded better ..?

The End ...!
...I don't consider it a rip off as long as there is still a choice to buy it or not.

If Delta was charging $5610 to fly one way from LA to Miami in economy class, that would not be a rip off if another full-service airline was doing it $3000 cheaper?
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