If only it were easy to listen to both brands of electronics side by side. I have not heard CH Precision, nor Pilium at this point, but I expect there is something Alon is hearing that he has chosen to have the first industry write-ups and auditions using the Pilium gear.

I am thrilled that I’ll have the opportunity to listen in just a few days. My last real listen with Magico speakers were S5 mkII, if my memory serves me correctly. And my last hearing of anything in this category was Wilson WAMM with Dagostino.

The key, for me, is will I be drawn into the music, or will it simply sound amazing without an emotional connection? I hope the for the latter.

Please share your impressions Bob, and report back on the amps. They were new to me, I think the company was only set up in 2012 AFAIK.

Video would be good [emoji41].

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Thinking of the WAR song "Me & Baby Brother"

Thought I had posted something, I guess I forgot to hit the button... headed to Magico today to visit Alon and hear the M9s with Taiko Extreme server, MSB Select II, Pilium Alexander pre-amp, and two pair Pilium Hercules monos.

Report forthcoming.
Holy Shit! More details to follow I am just at the airport but let me tell you that was f’n AMAZING!
Alright, I'm not trying to be a tease, just have a crazy day today. I will, however, say the M9s driven by the Pilium electronics ought to be considered a redefinition of what is possible in reproducing recorded music. From the first few notes it was apparent this was an exceptionally special system. Compared to what I heard of the WAMMs it was much more musical.

I will say, however, the room I heard the WAMMs in was nothing like hearing Alon's listening room. And the WAMM were powered by Dagostino which I've heard many, many times. The Dag gear and I have never really "got" each other. Like dating that hot chick where you really wanted it to click, but you just never quite had good energy together. That is NOT going to be a problem with the Pilium gear. We get each other just fine. I am very, very, very excited and looking forward to turning people on to the Pilium electronics. I am confident once people hear it they will agree—there is something special going on for SS electronics, there is some sense of liquidity and flow that gets you closer to the music, immediately.

Did I mention the M9s are simply F'n AMAZING. Oh what a joy it would be to be able to afford such a speaker. Everything changes after hearing those.

Both my travelling buddy and I noticed, upon entering Alon's room, there was a real similar feel to my own room. Alon's room probably a bit more lively than my own, it is also quite a bit larger, but feel of the room very similar. Bonnie Schnitta, of SoundSense who designed my room puts a premium on not only great sound but wants to create a room that "feels" good. It was a nice bit of confirmation picking up the same gestalt in Alon's space.

More to come...
Awesome Bob. The design and technology in the M9 is just out of this world. Thanks for sharing your impressions! I can’t wait to hear them myself.

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Mike, you are going to be blown away!

As good as the M9s are, it was a real pleasure meeting Alon and getting some insight into his design philosophy, why he does some things he does, and seeing the manufacturing facilities. To say Alon is a fanatic for getting things right, for measuring, listening, measuring and continuously pushing the state of the art would be understatement. He is clearly driven to build what he considers the very finest product that he can. As a businessman I really understand and respect all that is involved.

And for anyone who poo-poohs the Magico brand... go visit the facilities and you will have a new appreciation. It is not uncommon to hear someone complain that a speaker costs way too much, because the parts cost is only "X", there's no way that speaker is worth "Y". First, that person has zero understanding of running a business. More importantly after visiting they would see that their understanding of what goes into a Magico speaker has probably not been accurate.

I say Bravo! to Alon. Keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Good on you!
Bob - Thanks for sharing the story of your visit. The M9s look impressive. Hope they are demoed in one of the big shows next year.
But be careful

Last time I was there I ended up spending way too much money in the year or two afterwards with things I heard there.

Bob - Thanks for sharing the story of your visit. The M9s look impressive. Hope they are demoed in one of the big shows next year.

Well, there are always the Magico facilities in Hayward. Out of respect for Mike and competing interests I will just say there will be a couple other locations M9s can be heard.

Also, lets not forget... Suncoast appears to be thriving, perhaps Mike will take the plunge and have some M9s in his store! You would probably find him there 24/7, red-eyed from all night listening sessions. :P
I'm still not convinced if the M9 begets the eye-candy beauty of M2/3, it's sort of the ugly duckling of the siblings. I'm just not warming to "the look" as I do with M2/3. But not having seen it in the flesh is hard to come to an informed opinion on that.
Also, lets not forget... Suncoast appears to be thriving, perhaps Mike will take the plunge and have some M9s in his store! You would probably find him there 24/7, red-eyed from all night listening sessions. :P

Excellent! Mike can take up residence in the store with his M9's, and I'll take up residence at Mike's place in his absence. There is enough Esoteric stuff at his place to keep me happy! But before closing the deal on the new living arrangements, can Mike get the D1X in the house?
I'm still not convinced if the M9 begets the eye-candy beauty of M2/3, it's sort of the ugly duckling of the siblings. I'm just not warming to "the look" as I do with M2/3. But not having seen it in the flesh is hard to come to an informed opinion on that.

M9s are BIG. And in black are quite imposing. I’ll post a picture later of me standing next to one. I’m 6’2”, 205#. The M9 is taller than I am, and 1000lbs. I’m not sure anyone is buying them for the looks, though some will love the look, I’m a bit ambivalent. You buy M9s when you have the $$ and love the sound. There might be an instance or two where somebody buys them for bragging rights or to show off to their wealthy friends, but I’d say its all about the sound, which is SPECTACULAR!
I was in California and out of respect for Alon and all his crew, the "mask of fear" "face diaper" had to be worn. (I've had my first dose of Moderna, waiting for the second.)

I was in California and out of respect for Alon and all his crew, the "mask of fear" "face diaper" had to be worn. (I've had my first dose of Moderna, waiting for the second.)


Bob, you do look tiny [emoji3].

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M9s are BIG. And in black are quite imposing. I’ll post a picture later of me standing next to one. I’m 6’2”, 205#. The M9 is taller than I am, and 1000lbs. I’m not sure anyone is buying them for the looks, though some will love the look, I’m a bit ambivalent. You buy M9s when you have the $$ and love the sound. There might be an instance or two where somebody buys them for bragging rights or to show off to their wealthy friends, but I’d say its all about the sound, which is SPECTACULAR!

To me the M9’s look a bit like a slightly flat-footed design accident, an acquired taste to say the least. Maybe somewhat of an Estelon type, yet without similar gracefulness. And unfortunately not much left of the elegance of their smaller M series brethren. This is one of the few designs where you can actually argue, whether they look better or worse than the Ultimate IIIs. On that level, I think the Ultimates are even more extravagant [emoji3].

But to be honest, they’re a tour de force. Their sheer size, the truck wheel size woofers, 1000 lbs weight and so on are just impressive. I think that’s what people would buy them for.

And it’s unnecessary to lament how they would look in anyone’s living room, because they won’t. And for a dedicated listening space of crazy people they’re pretty much ok.

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