Magico A5’s Arrive!!!!

One thing that can also play a big part in how a system performs are the cables used. So thats also a factor to take into account in my view. When the A3 was new i went to Copenhagen to hear it at a dealer , and although it was good , its not to my liking. And i can't really pinpoint why. Could of course have been the amplification or cabling , or even both.
If the A5 is only a giant killer when paired with megabuck components then I wouldn't consider it a bargain, but find a $5k integrated that makes the a5 the best sound eveh and we got something.
If the A5 is only a giant killer when paired with megabuck components then I wouldn't consider it a bargain, but find a $5k integrated that makes the a5 the best sound eveh and we got something.

Pairing $21,800 speakers with a $5,000 integrated amp might be . . . a bit unconventional approach to system building???
Pairing $21,800 speakers with a $5,000 integrated amp might be . . . a bit unconventional approach to system building???

The conventional wisdom for where to spend the money used to be 50% speakers, 50% the rest. Under that scenario, I can see your point on implying spending more money on amplification.
However, on a digital set up only, I believe that today an 80/20 (where 80 represents speakers and room) is a very solid proposition. Under that scenario, I don’t see why it would not work just fine.
I suspect that it is a lot easier to make an excellent low cost amp than it is to make an excellent low cost speaker.
A speaker that costs 4x your amplification will quickly show you that amplifications shortcomings. It may even show your recorded medias shortcomings.
A speaker that costs 4x your amplification will quickly show you that amplifications shortcomings. It may even show your recorded medias shortcomings.

That is a myth. My system has a 5:1 ratio for speaker amplification and there are no amplification or media recording shortcomings.
experience will lead you more towards a 20% on the speaker system.
good electronics costs more than good speakers.
First I need to clarify that I don't expect ANY $5k components will make a $20-25k speaker sing, but the right $5k component can. The easy solution (not that i'd know) would be to throw money at it, but I have to hope there's an affordable int/amp/pre that will make $25k 'bargain' speakers sing. otherwise they ain't a bargain to me.
experience will lead you more towards a 20% on the speaker system.

Even if ‘Experience’ alone might lead some folks to think that way, I have personally come to the conclusion that ‘Experience+Science’ will most likely lead folks toward the 75%-80% direction. I do realize that in this hobby many folks are more interested in the subjective which is just fine.

good electronics costs more than good speakers.[/QUOTE]

I was intrigued about that statement, so just for curiosity I googled the most expensive loudspeakers and the most expensive amplifiers. I was surprised to see a $2.2M amplifier! Never knew it!

10 of the world's most expensive stereo amplifiers | What Hi-Fi?

Likewise, did a similar search for loudspeakers. Never heard of a $5M loudspeaker! Amazing!

12 of the world's most expensive loudspeakers | What Hi-Fi?

In any event, at the very extreme, your conjecture is off by a factor of 2.
for best pricerelation you can connect an "all in one" such as devialet to the a5 and get a pleasant system.
if you want to go beyond....and that means multiple units, it does become expensive as long as you want to match the level of your speakers.
roomaccoustics aside, my own rule is: a system sounds sastisfaying when the electronics are better than the speakers.
level independent. let the speaker be the weakest part. and then you will be surprised how good they are.
let the speaker be the weakest part. and then you will be surprised how good they are.

I get the idea but I don't agree.
Not talking about percentages, the speakers should clearly be the strongest part. Why? Because they are the element that translates electrical impulses into sounds that we can hear. And by that reason they are the element of the chain that we are most capable of evaluating. If the sonic signature of one kinf od speakers doesn´t please you, no matter the quality of the amplification. According to your theory, since the speakers are giving the maximum, there will be a moment when it is no longer need to exchange amplification precisely because they are already at the maximum. In my case, my speakers still react to all the upgrades / changes I make. And I get on well with that.
I get the idea but I don't agree.
Not talking about percentages, the speakers should clearly be the strongest part. Why? Because they are the element that translates electrical impulses into sounds that we can hear. And by that reason they are the element of the chain that we are most capable of evaluating. If the sonic signature of one kinf od speakers doesn´t please you, no matter the quality of the amplification. According to your theory, since the speakers are giving the maximum, there will be a moment when it is no longer need to exchange amplification precisely because they are already at the maximum. In my case, my speakers still react to all the upgrades / changes I make. And I get on well with that.

I believe the audiophile that addresses the room and the electrical and mechanical foundation allow a better interpretation from the speakers - she can’t be a little pregnant

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As a prior A3 owner, I'm watching the A5 with keen interest and what it would take to make them perform well without going over the top (which I know is a relative spot.) One amp that caught my attention recently in doing some research is the Bob Carver 350 Crimson/Raven monoblocs. Anyone have any insight as to how those might work with the A5? Seems like on paper, they'd be a great match without getting into big $ territory.
I have watched a number of the videos from Jay's channel going over the M6-amplifier pairing hunt. I have since become very interested in the Pass XA60.8. How would that match up with the A5? Do they have enough juice for the 88db speakers? Seems like a lot of bang for the $ if they can handle the load.
I have watched a number of the videos from Jay's channel going over the M6-amplifier pairing hunt. I have since become very interested in the Pass XA60.8. How would that match up with the A5? Do they have enough juice for the 88db speakers? Seems like a lot of bang for the $ if they can handle the load.

I’m assuming superbly. I ordered a pair for the store and plan on that exact pairing for display.

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