
New member
Oct 23, 2023
Huelva, Spain
Hello everybody.

As a new member in this forum, first I would like to greet all members. I have been reading this forum for about two years now and I have learned a lot of things about "audiophilia", so thank you very much to you all.

Please excuse my english, sometimes I am forced to use Google translate, although I try to avoid as much as I can.

Well, I would like to know if any member owns, or knows someone who has these speakers and integrated paired and kindly wants to post his experiences or opinions.

This CODA CSiB is available in three versions, and I am interested in versions V1 and V2 (300w and 500w at 4ohm respectively)

CODA brand has no distribution in Spain, so I can't have any audition; it would be very useful to me this information to decide if I will purchase or not this integrated. However, I have contacted the distributor in Germany that sells to all countrys into EU.

Looking at its technical specifications I think that it can be a good choice, but...

Thank you very much in advance to anybody that wants to help me.

Best regards,
Hello everybody.

As a new member in this forum, first I would like to greet all members. I have been reading this forum for about two years now and I have learned a lot of things about "audiophilia", so thank you very much to you all.

Please excuse my english, sometimes I am forced to use Google translate, although I try to avoid as much as I can.

Well, I would like to know if any member owns, or knows someone who has these speakers and integrated paired and kindly wants to post his experiences or opinions.

This CODA CSiB is available in three versions, and I am interested in versions V1 and V2 (300w and 500w at 4ohm respectively)

CODA brand has no distribution in Spain, so I can't have any audition; it would be very useful to me this information to decide if I will purchase or not this integrated. However, I have contacted the distributor in Germany that sells to all countrys into EU.

Looking at its technical specifications I think that it can be a good choice, but...

Thank you very much in advance to anybody that wants to help me.

Best regards,

Hi Francisco and welcome!

The Magico's are great speakers. May I ask what it is about the Coda that you like vs. other options?
Welcome to Audio Shark

I've owned and familiar with Coda. Only the separates though. In my opinion that would be a good match with the A3's. If the preamp section is based off the 07 that is a crazy good preamp for the money and their power amps have always been good.

Some of the guys at Coda worked with Nelson Pass in making Threshold back in the day. The Coda products are top notch and are reliable. I feel they perform beyond their price range based on USD, not sure how the pricing in Europe works.
Hi Francisco and welcome!

The Magico's are great speakers. May I ask what it is about the Coda that you like vs. other options?

Hi MichaelsMinute,

Thank you very much for answer.

Actually I own a Gryphon Diablo 300 that I have paired with the A3, and I am very happy with this, but unfortunately the Diablo will need some repair because a few days ago, suddenly, for no reason that I can know, it started to get too hot.

I have already contact to my dealer, and the Diablo needs to be repair. It is still under warranty.

I own also a Hegel H190 so I have a temporary substitue, but anyway I started looking for a better integrated (that the Hegel) and cheaper than the Diablo to use while repairing it. This is how I found the Coda, and I liked it a lot, so who knows... Maybe I like it more than the Gryphon, and then I would put it up for sale once it is repaired.

You may consider this somewhat strange, But the price of the Coda is tempting.

Best regards,
The below is from a review in Stereo Times, it is my opinion this integrated is stellar and will cost much more to beat it.

"The Coda Control Amplifier C-Series Integrated Balanced (“CSiB”) is an Integrated Amplifier that is outwardly designed in much the same way as its predecessors. Inwardly, the CSiB received the same transistor upgrades as the No. 8 amplifiers that resulted in a drastically lowered noise floor and improved S/N ratios. The CSiB amplifier section is identical to the Coda No. 8 amplifier, which was reviewed to much acclaim by Terry London in 2018. The preamplifier section is based on the same circuit topology as the Coda 07x Preamplifier, also very well regarded. In terms of craftsmanship, the CSiB stands as one of the more carefully and meticulously assembled products I have come across. Prior to reviewing the CSiB, I discussed the general quality of Coda products with a couple of industry professionals. The quality of the Coda products internals (as described to me) was immaculate and exceeded typical hi-fi industry standards. With my curiosity piqued by these assertions, one of the first things I did after taking the CSiB was open the top to have a look. While I am not an electrical engineer by trade, I can recognize quality craftsmanship in electronics; here, the quality was remarkable. It was as if the internals of the CSiB were meant to be on display as much as the outer components. The sound reflects this attention to detail. "

So this comfirms the pramp section, the 07x & #8 amp are great together. I have a friend who uses the 07x with two #8's driving a large set of Tannoy. Another friend bought the 07X to replace an expensive tube preamp because it sounded better, he uses Coda Class A amps. And, another guy I know has the 07x/#8 combo driving a classic set of KEF speakers.

To be open I had the #8 amp for a short time but matched it with my Levinson preamp. The amp was very good. I didn't keep it though I don't think it matched well with my Levinson and I wasn't getting rid of that. The combo of the 07x with the #8 seems to be magic though, all 3 of the above friends live in my area.

Do a search for the Stereo Times review, you should be able to have it translated.
Hello Mr Peabody,

Thanks for your welcome.

What you say is what I understood after consulting some forums.ç

The Coda integrated is about €8000 retail price.

Best regards,
The below is from a review in Stereo Times, it is my opinion this integrated is stellar and will cost much more to beat it.

"The Coda Control Amplifier C-Series Integrated Balanced (“CSiB”) is an Integrated Amplifier that is outwardly designed in much the same way as its predecessors. Inwardly, the CSiB received the same transistor upgrades as the No. 8 amplifiers that resulted in a drastically lowered noise floor and improved S/N ratios. The CSiB amplifier section is identical to the Coda No. 8 amplifier, which was reviewed to much acclaim by Terry London in 2018. The preamplifier section is based on the same circuit topology as the Coda 07x Preamplifier, also very well regarded. In terms of craftsmanship, the CSiB stands as one of the more carefully and meticulously assembled products I have come across. Prior to reviewing the CSiB, I discussed the general quality of Coda products with a couple of industry professionals. The quality of the Coda products internals (as described to me) was immaculate and exceeded typical hi-fi industry standards. With my curiosity piqued by these assertions, one of the first things I did after taking the CSiB was open the top to have a look. While I am not an electrical engineer by trade, I can recognize quality craftsmanship in electronics; here, the quality was remarkable. It was as if the internals of the CSiB were meant to be on display as much as the outer components. The sound reflects this attention to detail. "

So this comfirms the pramp section, the 07x & #8 amp are great together. I have a friend who uses the 07x with two #8's driving a large set of Tannoy. Another friend bought the 07X to replace an expensive tube preamp because it sounded better, he uses Coda Class A amps. And, another guy I know has the 07x/#8 combo driving a classic set of KEF speakers.

To be open I had the #8 amp for a short time but matched it with my Levinson preamp. The amp was very good. I didn't keep it though I don't think it matched well with my Levinson and I wasn't getting rid of that. The combo of the 07x with the #8 seems to be magic though, all 3 of the above friends live in my area.

Do a search for the Stereo Times review, you should be able to have it translated.

Thanks Mr Peabody.

Yes, I have already read that review and others similar. Everyone agrees that Coda is underrated.