Luxman M900u Monos and C900u


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Test driving today....









1200 watts/channel into 4ohms in mono mode.

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Very nice! I always liked the looks and sound of Luxman. They used to use them to drive Maggies at Sassafras years ago. The Ints look awesome too.
This combo clobbers the Soulution 511/520 I had in here. Not even close and it’s less than half the price. Luxman with Magico is an absolutely superb combo. This combo has amazing transients. Not sure I’ve heard better with piano. Vocals are liquid. 3D. Balanced. And musical, musical, musical.

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This combo clobbers the Soulution 511/520 I had in here. Not even close and it’s less than half the price. Luxman with Magico is an absolutely superb combo. This combo has amazing transients. Not sure I’ve heard better with piano. Vocals are liquid. 3D. Balanced. And musical, musical, musical.

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Wow those comments surprise me. Other than your Gryphon demo the only Magico sessions that have impressed me were with Soulution. The Luxman must be awfully impressive.
Very clean and simple.

Good to hear the excitement with the speaker combination.

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Mike, any experience with the stereo version?

Not yet. I will though.

Let’s say I was curious if the top Luxman gear could compete with the other stuff, so I borrowed it. The 590 integrated definitely shines and hits above its price point, could the separates do the same?

The answer is a resounding YES! Probably even more so.

I wish I could keep them right now, but I have other $$ priorities for the store right now. But let’s say, they will be on my agenda to purchase before the end of the year - NO QUESTION!!!

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Hate to say I told you so... :yahoo1: There's not much out there that audiophiles ever agree on, but the quality and sonic performance of the top Luxman gear truly stands out from the competition!
Hate to say I told you so... :yahoo1: There's not much out there that audiophiles ever agree on, but the quality and sonic performance of the top Luxman gear truly stands out from the competition!

Yup, you sure did. And you nailed the D-08u too.

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Not yet. I will though.

Let’s say I was curious if the top Luxman gear could compete with the other stuff, so I borrowed it. The 590 integrated definitely shines and hits above its price point, could the separates do the same?

The answer is a resounding YES! Probably even more so.

I wish I could keep them right now, but I have other $$ priorities for the store right now. But let’s say, they will be on my agenda to purchase before the end of the year - NO QUESTION!!!

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Isn’t that the stereo version ? I thought you just bridged to them as mono configuration. Correct me if I’m wrong :)

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Testing the combo with other speakers now. Fabulous with Harbeth too!

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Mono Vs Stereo:

- Mono has bigger soundstage.
- Mono Sounds slightly smoother.
- Mono has better transients
- Stereo has more focus, tighter soundstage

Overall, very close sonically. The power cable you pick has a MUCH bigger impact on the sound. For example, choosing the right power cable makes a much bigger difference than mono Vs Stereo.

Recommended cable on the Luxman: AQ Tornado, Hurricane, etc.

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How would you evaluate the power, since it's specified as 1/4 of the monos? Does it give a feeling of 'ease' of drive with most speakers you've tried?
How would you evaluate the power, since it's specified as 1/4 of the monos? Does it give a feeling of 'ease' of drive with most speakers you've tried?

The power was sufficient for the M3’s, but the Harbeth’s loved the juice from monos. The monos have that big sense of ease. The stereo doesn’t struggle, but when you quadruple the power, there is no doubt the monos are up there with the best.

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Mike, any chance you could post some videos with M3, especially Sarah McLachlan Angel which sounded pretty nice with ARC Ref 160M even on Youtube or any track from the the new Charles Lloyd and Lucinda Williams album? Wonder if the power amps are perhaps even better than the preamp? Many thanks