X1 Power Supply Upgrade


New member
Sep 6, 2017
Has anyone had the opportunity to upgrade their existing T1/A1/S1/U1 to the new X1 power supply?

I love my U1, but am very intrigued by the potential benefits of hooking it up to an X1 PSU.

A few questions on my mind:

How much does it cost?

What are the specific sonic benefits one can expect?

Anyone who has already done this...what results did you experience?

Thanks in advance for your help with this!
I have, on my U1.......it’s expensive at $2k but brings about meaningful improvements! The biggest is the noise floor reduction which in turn reveals more texture, nuances, recession in soundstage.
Imv, it a very personal thing whether one would want to spend that much. I have no regrets at all!

Hope this helps
I have, on my U1.......it’s expensive at $2k but brings about meaningful improvements! The biggest is the noise floor reduction which in turn reveals more texture, nuances, recession in soundstage.
Imv, it a very personal thing whether one would want to spend that much. I have no regrets at all!

Hope this helps
Before I bought my X1 I upgraded my S1 to the X1 power supply, and was glad I did. It was a while ago, and I have forgotten the specific details, but it was a major, positive improvement.
Thanks all for your feedback on this. I'm debating whether it may be worthwhile to just sell my U1 and use the proceeds towards purchasing the entire X1. I would rather not see a perfectly good power supply unit for my existing U1 go to waste (I don't think Lumin has a program to trade in the stock PSU), if I end up having to fork out $2K for the X1 power supply.

I wonder if there any other advantages beyond the power supply of using the X1 instead of the U1 as my dedicated streamer to my DAC?

For some background, I am currently using the Lumin U1 with stock power supply, to stream via its USB output to the MSB Reference DAC, with upgraded Femto 77 clock, and Pro ISL module.
Guys, just be aware that using any non-Lumin Power Supply voids the warranty. The distributor has been very clear about that. One dealer has been pushing this and NOT disclosing it to his customers. So be aware.

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Just curious... do you have the U1 or did you add the Sbooster to a 'U1 Mini'? I've more commonly heard of the Sbooster used as an upgrade to the U1 Mini, replacing its internal SMPS.
yes I have the U1 mini matted with a sbooster. I feel it definitely brought a sense of ease to the music. Thanks Mike that should be disclosed about warranty I’d just hope anyone upgrading would know this ahead of time.
Just curious... do you have the U1 or did you add the Sbooster to a 'U1 Mini'? I've more commonly heard of the Sbooster used as an upgrade to the U1 Mini, replacing its internal SMPS.
yes I have the U1 mini matted with a sbooster. I feel it definitely brought a sense of ease to the music. Thanks Mike that should be disclosed about warranty I’d just hope anyone upgrading would know this ahead of time.
Good thread and also looking for further feedback on upgrading the power supply on my U1 to the X1 power supply.
Though I have read what appears to be consistent positive reports on 3rd party power supply upgrade modifications, my understanding is not only does this void the warranty, but Lumin also will not perform repairs/work, even non-warranty, on units with modifications--requires restoring back to factory configuration first. The good news for those with modded units is there does not appear to be much reported need at this time to send units in for manufacturer service.
Though I have read what appears to be consistent positive reports on 3rd party power supply upgrade modifications, my understanding is not only does this void the warranty, but Lumin also will not perform repairs/work, even non-warranty, on units with modifications--requires restoring back to factory configuration first. The good news for those with modded units is there does not appear to be much reported need at this time to send units in for manufacturer service.

Since the power supply plugs into the X1 then unplug it and return the Lumin with the original power supply.
Since the power supply plugs into the X1 then unplug it and return the Lumin with the original power supply.

I think he was referring to modifications on the Lumin units with a built in power supply, not swapping external power supplies.

Good thread and also looking for further feedback on upgrading the power supply on my U1 to the X1 power supply.

I tried an X1 power supply on my Lumin A1 and it was a nice improvement. That said, I like the A1 both with and without it but after hearing an X1, I'd recommend putting the funds toward an X1 so great is the upgrade in sound with the newer, more expensive player if your system is up to it.
Perhaps it would be a better value to add the X1 power supply to a U1, though.
Though I have read what appears to be consistent positive reports on 3rd party power supply upgrade modifications, my understanding is not only does this void the warranty, but Lumin also will not perform repairs/work, even non-warranty, on units with modifications--requires restoring back to factory configuration first. The good news for those with modded units is there does not appear to be much reported need at this time to send units in for manufacturer service.

The X1 PSU upgrade from Lumin is official, but it only works for U1 / S1 / A1 / T1.

For third party unofficial power supply upgrades that change the internals of other Lumin models (mostly T2 D2 U1MINI), it voids warranty. Please restore the unit to original parts before sending it for repair.
I put the X1 in front of my U1 and had a similar experience. I used to keep extensive listening notes. But I can’t find my notes. But my memory tells me of a similar experience. :audiophile::audiophile:

Before I bought my X1 I upgraded my S1 to the X1 power supply, and was glad I did. It was a while ago, and I have forgotten the specific details, but it was a major, positive improvement.
I think he was referring to modifications on the Lumin units with a built in power supply, not swapping external power supplies.

I tried an X1 power supply on my Lumin A1 and it was a nice improvement. That said, I like the A1 both with and without it but after hearing an X1, I'd recommend putting the funds toward an X1 so great is the upgrade in sound with the newer, more expensive player if your system is up to it.
Perhaps it would be a better value to add the X1 power supply to a U1, though.
The X1 by most of the online research is a home run for Lumin. At the moment, pretty content with the overall system. Coming to an end with my current upgrade itch and looking for more info on minor upgrades. Most Lumin dealers don’t stock just the X1 psu.
I put the X1 in front of my U1 and had a similar experience. I used to keep extensive listening notes. But I can’t find my notes. But my memory tells me of a similar experience. :audiophile::audiophile:

Did you mean the X1 psu or the X1 unit itself?