Qobuz connect, is this still in the works?


New member
May 15, 2018
Title says it all. Qobuz connect has been in the works for quite a while now. Any word?
Lumin X1 P1 T3 T2 D3 U-series support Tidal Connect.

Tidal USA has announced a price cut, so yes, please try it.

Not using Tidal anymore but I do have a question on this Connect stuff. I use Qobuz and a Ipad with my Lumin. I have the lumin app download on 2 ipads and my iphone 14pro. I can start my music on my Lumin via a ipad and I can stop it or start another song on my iphone. There is no Qobuz connect. So whats this COnnect stuff.
I have become addicted to Spotify and its great playlist selections. Spotify-Connect is fantastic .
I am content to the point that I don't miss Qobuz at all. Keeping it because of Roon, but that might change. Maybe Qobuz-connect can make me keep it.
I guess, why :D, I'll just stick to my Lumin app, just one less app to mess with..

For those of us who sometimes operate the system while working in another room (I work from home often), it makes it quick and easy to simply mute the system on the laptop to take a call. Currently, I have to scramble to activate the iPad and hope that I can power her up and mute it in time to actually take the call. I am really looking forward to Qobuz Connect becoming a reality instead of something that's "coming".

I do use the Linn Kazoo app but that thing is flaky as hell. Sometimes, it doesn't even detect the Lumin and it picks and chooses when it does this. I have no control over whether it chooses to even see the Lumin or not.

Definitely reconsidering getting Tidal back, since the price drop. The new price is reasonable now (to me).
