Lumin X1 DC umbilical cord


Mar 21, 2014
USA Michigan
For some reason my login hasn't worked in a while. I finally got it straightened out.

Anyway, I just ordered the DC umbilical cord from Audio Sensibilities.
How does this cable compare to the Westminster Labs or the stock version?
In sound quality that is.


I have not previously read of one having and compared both. I do have the AudioSensibility Lumin DC cable, which I enjoy and have posted on, but no experience with the Westminster Lab one. I have a few other top line AudioSensibility cables such as XLR and power cable. While I have not found the OCC Silver to be harsh, in my experience they gain much more body and balance after multiple hours of use--recommend critical evaluating after at least 100+ hours of use. I hope the AS cable works out well for you.

Thank you for your reply. Your input is noted and appreciated. The cables description seems to imply quality, so I am hoping it provides an improvement.

BTW with my Lumin I am using an AudioQuest Dragon power cord and the new Synergistic Master fuse. Both impressive sonically, so to me, the connecting cable between the power supply and the Lumin proper would seem to be important.


I have not tried change of fuse, but am curious about this. If I recall correctly on previous read, not sure here or other forum, that there was discussion on increasing amp rating on fuse(s) from Synergistic over standard fuse. What has your experience been regarding this?


Yes, past experience with SR fuses has taught me to be cautious and go at least one level higher when using SR fuses. I think it's because of whatever voltage they condition the fuse with weakens it slightly.
But that is only my hypothesis.
