Lumin X1

Hi everyone.
My X1 arrives tomorrow 🤗
I agonized over choosing a streamer and DAC for quite some time but I feel super confident in my choice.
Wanted to thank Peter for all his time answering my newbie questions. The whole streaming digital thing is very foreign to me.
Now I guess the real work begins in deciding how to set it up in my system, what I will use as storage for my own music as well as how I will set it up to stream from Qobuz and Roon
I have a Luxman D-10X so will use the X1 to stream to it’s dac as well as using the built in one. Choice is good!
But for now I just want to hook it up and get it burning in.
I know the questions will follow thick and fast !
Aloha 🤙

I know the X1 very well. Curious to hear your opinion on the sonic differences between the Luxman and Lumin.
Hi everyone.
My X1 arrives tomorrow 🤗
I agonized over choosing a streamer and DAC for quite some time but I feel super confident in my choice.
Wanted to thank Peter for all his time answering my newbie questions. The whole streaming digital thing is very foreign to me.
Now I guess the real work begins in deciding how to set it up in my system, what I will use as storage for my own music as well as how I will set it up to stream from Qobuz and Roon
I have a Luxman D-10X so will use the X1 to stream to it’s dac as well as using the built in one. Choice is good!
But for now I just want to hook it up and get it burning in.
I know the questions will follow thick and fast !
Aloha 🤙
Hey Braddah. 🤙🏽

You made a solid choice. The X1 is a fantastic streamer, probably one of the best and you get the benefits of an external LPS, SFP input and a solid chassis. Im nervous to carry this thing around afraid that I would drop it on my foot and I’m sure it won’t be pretty.
The lumin team continuously makes a case on delivering a solid product with their firmware upgrades.

You have some nice toys to play with do please share your thoughts between the two DACs.
Re: Lumin X1 Flagship Roon Ready Network Player


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Probably the most solid component in my system. Love it. Exudes quality. Would love to try the matching Lumin amp direct from the X1! Anyone have both who can give a quick review?
Congrats on your X1! A very good sounding, reliable and easy to setup and operate piece.
That was super easy to set up. Plugged in, ethernet to router. Discovered by Roon. That is good enough for now.
Burn-in time :D
Hmmmm....setting up the Lumin app with Minimserver is not exactly a walk in the park ;-) But I got it streaming from Radio Paradise yesterday and it blew me away. Could not believe the quality from an internet radio station. Last time I listened to one (years ago) it was steaming MP3 garbage. We all sat around in wonder (and thanks!) at the amazing selection that was to fed us from their "World Mix" station. The best and most diverse curated music selection I have ever experienced. Can't wait to get the X1 fully set up and burned in. Time to sell my physical media?????
Congrats on your X1. It’s a terrific component.

I’m not sure about setting it up to work with Minimserver. When setup to play music from a Lumin L1 or just streaming from Tidal or Qobuz setup is a breeze. And, best of all, it sounds terrific!

Peter may be able to comment on setting it up to play with Minimserver.
Conulations with your X1 , its a really good component and i love mine. Has just tried Roon as the good offer on Black Friday so have to figure that out now :)
Re: Lumin X1 Flagship Roon Ready Network Player

Nice! Don’t forget on vibration control especially for the power supply. Very significant improvement from my experience
Hi. Just confirming is the only way to bypass the gain/preamp in the X1 by going digital out? My new-to-me Bakoon amp is designed to have an awesome gain control and would like to allow it to single handily do it’s thing.
There is no active preamp gain in Lumin network streamer series (except M1). You may simply use X1 analog output at volume 100 (or volume control off).
Okay! I guess that settles it then. X1 direct…. Thanks Peter. Wait, not even the P1 has a preamp?

Edit; yes just re-read my question. No preamp on digital out, would that mean no preamp on the analog section?

There is no active preamp gain in Lumin network streamer series (except M1). You may simply use X1 analog output at volume 100 (or volume control off).
That depends on your definition of preamp.

Functionally, preamp implies switching among different inputs and volume control (that's why P1 is a preamp). Lumin certainly has a volume control, which works for both analog and digital outputs. P1 adds multiple inputs.

We do not have active gain (other than M1).

At 6V rms output you should not need active gain. What happens nowadays is that many users suffer from having too much gain in the setup.
Hi Peter,
Just pulled the trigger on an X1 - install next week. Super excited 😊
I propose having the Lumin’s XLRs connected to my speakers and the RCAs to my headphone amp.
I read that having both ‘connected’ would degrade sq so do I take that literally or is it okay if the speakers are switched off when the headphones are playing and the headphone amp is off when the speakers are playing?
The speakers also take a USB connection so I have choices but I want to ensure that my cabling is ready for the X1.
In theory having both analog XLR and RCA outputs connected for Lumin X1 P1 S1 A1 T1 will degrade SQ, even if one equipment is not powered on. However, you'll have to do a listening test to determine whether is is noticeable or not.
In theory having both analog XLR and RCA outputs connected for Lumin X1 P1 S1 A1 T1 will degrade SQ, even if one equipment is not powered on. However, you'll have to do a listening test to determine whether is is noticeable or not.

I would be very happy if I could use my Lumin X1 DAC with a CD transport.
Will it be availlable one day.
I have paid for this DAC .It should be a very good one . I would like to use it more .
P1 allows a direct connection from CD Transport, but X1 does not have digital audio inputs like P1 does.

You may rip the CD to files (e.g. FLAC).

Alternatively, subscribe to a streaming service (Qobuz or Tidal) to avoid the need for ripping CDs.
Digital coaxcial output could be used as Input the same way that USB can serve both ways .
Then , only a firmware update would be needed .

Or , it is hardware that is the restriction.

Anyway , thanks for your answer .