Lumin T3

Looks like a nice piece. Unfortunately, Lumin still omitting digital inputs.
Inputs are on P1.

Why would you buy a T3 if you also need a P1 for you digital inputs? Both include streamer and DAC. The T3 appears to be lacking in digital inputs - something any DAC should surely include? The P1, described as streamer, DAC and preamp, doesn't have a volume control!

What are these people thinking of? Who would buy a DAC without digital inputs? Who would buy a preamp without a volume control? Though it's probably controlled by a phone. However good these units may sound, some degree of practicality should surely be provided. Or have I missed something?
What led you to think P1 does not have volume control?

Volume can be controlled in various apps (true for all Lumin streamers), or using the physical remote (standard for P1, add-on purchase for other models).
What led you to think P1 does not have volume control?

Volume can be controlled in various apps (true for all Lumin streamers), or using the physical remote (standard for P1, add-on purchase for other models).

As I said, I have no doubt the volume can be controlled from an app, but why no good old-fashioned volume knob on the front panel? How often does the RC disappear between cushions or end up under a newpaper or is otherwise out of sight? Even Up Down buttons would be better than nothing.
This, and using Roon as my main interface, was why I went with the Grimm Mu1. My system is also the main AV unit in the front room. Inputs get switched, the power goes on, the volume is off, etc... we need to quickly reach for the volume knob to adjust...
My Tambaqui has push button volume control, but that is too cumbersome. And usually, finding the remote involves a search party.
Once I'm an empty nester (if I'm still alive...), rotary knob will be optional.
Who would buy a DAC without digital inputs? Who would buy a preamp without a volume control? Though it's probably controlled by a phone. However good these units may sound, some degree of practicality should surely be provided. Or have I missed something?
Even though the volume is controllable via the Lumin app, I've never used it, and I've never thought I needed one on the unit itself. All my volume control is done via my integrated amp. As for inputs, a network input is a "digital" input, is it not? That's the only input I've ever needed.
I use the volume control in the app almost exclusively…. most of the time I’m already in there managing my playlist. And I use the very nice Lumin remote when that happens to be more convenient.

When I had integrated amps with front panel controls, I never used them. I used the amp’s remote, or if I was feeling especially lazy I used the app volume control. Why get up and cross the room, disrupting my comfort and listening session, just to change volume?

I have no need nor desire for additional digital inputs, although I can see how others might. So…. P1.
Thanks Mike for posting.

I’m looking at trading my sim390 in for the T3. I don’t use any inputs, stream only and use Roon. I have a 760A for a power amp and all Siltech into focals. Anyone have any idea how this would sound vs my 390. I’m missing the transparency from my old Mini that I had. I will be adding a power booster off the hop.
Hi, I've a Tidal playlist made up of various songs from different artist. Playing from Lumin app, anywhere can I adjust to play all the songs continuously?
Hi, I've a Tidal playlist made up of various songs from different artist. Playing from Lumin app, anywhere can I adjust to play all the songs continuously?

Hi, i am not in front of my Lumin right now, but I think I know what you need to do.
First hit the little garbage can bottom left of the screen to clear whatever is in the active playlist.
Then choose playlists, you should then see the playlists you have made so far. Press and hold down on the one you want to play. Other windows should then pop up, tap the first one on the left. This should populate the songs in your playlist into the active playlist. Scroll to the top song, tap it and they all should now play in order.
Hope I got it right, good luck.
Oh I see you were asking about repeat now, well Peter answered that for you.
Good point. It's important to tap and hold the Tidal playlist to add everything to the Lumin current playlist.
Why would you buy a T3 if you also need a P1 for you digital inputs? Both include streamer and DAC. The T3 appears to be lacking in digital inputs - something any DAC should surely include?

What are these people thinking of? Who would buy a DAC without digital inputs? ?

I agree. I recently considered then quickly eliminated the T3 when I took the time to look on the back and saw the rear inputs were lacking for its price point. The amount of inputs on the back of the Rose 150B I ended up buying is something I love. I didn't want to spend P1 money just to get what I consider to be connectivity that should be standard at T3 pricing.

I have my computer run into the Rose, then out of the Rose into my Neve headphone amp.
I have HDMI from my Apple TV/TV run into the back of the Rose to play music from what I watch TV.
I have HDMI out on the Rose into the TV to send videos from the Rose to the TV and it also plays through my 2 channel.
And of course I have the Rose plugged into the integrated amp I'm using at the time for streaming or any other audio needs.

I wouldn't dream of spending that kind of money and be so limited in hookups. BUT I understand not everyone needs the amount of connectivity I do.
Depends what’s more important to your needs - inputs or SQ. I prefer SQ of the Lumin streamers/DACs to the Rose I heard.

Build quality is also excellent on the Lumin, although I didn’t touch the Rose, but don’t need/want the front screen for a variety of reasons.

You can’t just say “it’s not worth the $ because it lacks x/y/z”. Every system serves the needs it serves, and there are other expensive systems with equally specific functionality.
I agree. I recently considered then quickly eliminated the T3 when I took the time to look on the back and saw the rear inputs were lacking for its price point. The amount of inputs on the back of the Rose 150B I ended up buying is something I love. I didn't want to spend P1 money just to get what I consider to be connectivity that should be standard at T3 pricing.

I have my computer run into the Rose, then out of the Rose into my Neve headphone amp.
I have HDMI from my Apple TV/TV run into the back of the Rose to play music from what I watch TV.
I have HDMI out on the Rose into the TV to send videos from the Rose to the TV and it also plays through my 2 channel.
And of course I have the Rose plugged into the integrated amp I'm using at the time for streaming or any other audio needs.

I wouldn't dream of spending that kind of money and be so limited in hookups. BUT I understand not everyone needs the amount of connectivity I do.

I'm considering the Rose 150B as part of a replacement for my NAD M33, so it’s good to hear from an owner. I'm thinking of going from an all-in-one system to an all-in-two one - unless anyone can suggest an apprecialy better all-in-one than the the NAD. The Rose will be the first part. A power amp or integrated will complete the new system. Speakers are Avantgarde Duo XD.

As I understand the Rose, it offers streaming, DAC and preamp with volume control. I'm sorry to see no front panel volume knob as there are occasions when these are very useful. For example, if you need to adjust the volume while using your phone (if that's where your control app is), or when your phone slips between the cushions and can't immediately be found. There no substitute for an old-fashioned knob - or maybe up/down buttons or a slider.

Having said that, do you use the Rose to adjust volume and send the analogue signal to a power amp, or do you use an integrated with volume control?

Is the Rose controllable from a Windows PC, or is it only Android and iOS? How do you find the app - is it intuitive in such a way that you could pass the iPad (or whatever) to a visitor and expect them to be able to easily add to your playlist? Any real disadvantages with the Rose so far?

Many thanks - any comments would be helpful and appreciated. Peter