Lumin supports Tidal Connect

THnX for info. So for now Tidal connect is major solution, but I'll be patiently waiting for Tidal desktop app for Windows ;-)

I've never tested it, but I think Tidal already has desktop apps for both Windows and Mac, and Tidal Connect should also work from desktops.

Lumin Android apk also works on Windows via MEmu emulator. This is now regularly tested and performance wise it's even better than on Android phones due to sheer desktop CPU and GPU horsepower.
Strange thing - on Tidal connect autoplay function doesn't work (on U1 Mini). After the last track on the list player finished his work.

Right, that does not work.
In a competitor forum someone mentioned it's a limitation of Tidal Connect and is not supposed to work.
I'm trying to get a confirmation from Tidal.
Finally got Tidal connect to work. However, played about 8or 9 tracks from a playlist then it stopped. Not sure why as there were many more tracks in the playlist.

Was repeat on? Was shuffle on? Was the Tidal app opened, or closed / in background at the time it stops? In any case, please bring up the Tidal app, then choose the Lumin, and try playing the next track. See if that works.
Was repeat on? Was shuffle on? Was the Tidal app opened, or closed / in background at the time it stops? In any case, please bring up the Tidal app, then choose the Lumin, and try playing the next track. See if that works.

Repeat and shuffle not on. Last track that was played was a Phil Collins track. Tried to advance to next track but Tidal began to play Phil Collins radio.
For those who heard a difference between Tidal Connect and Tidal via Lumin app, please kill / force stop the Tidal app after starting playback. See if the SQ improves, and let me know.

Killing the Tidal app will not affect your Tidal Connect play queue because it’s in the cloud.

Hi Peter, I am currently on the latest firmware using X1.

I still able to hear difference between tidal connect and vis lumin app, which favours the lumin app in my system.

Wondering how are other feedbacks
Strange thing - on Tidal connect autoplay function doesn't work (on U1 Mini). After the last track on the list player finished his work.

I got Tidal confirmation that this is currently a known limitation with Tidal Connect.
Hi Peter! Any news about Tidal Connect for Lumin D2? The researches are leading to a "yes" or a "don´t count on that" path?
We have been working on it for months, but there are a series of technical hurdles to solve.
On our side, the progress is we already reported all Tidal Connect issues we found to Tidal. I do not have any information on when or whether Tidal will fix them or not.
Is it possible to include T1?

I regret to announce that our oldest models Lumin S1 / A1 / T1 / D1 are not going to have Tidal Connect feature. This supersedes any prior communication from us on this subject.

We are still trying to bring Tidal Connect to Lumin D2.
I regret to announce that our oldest models Lumin S1 / A1 / T1 / D1 are not going to have Tidal Connect feature. This supersedes any prior communication from us on this subject.

We are still trying to bring Tidal Connect to Lumin D2.

Hello Peter,
Since we won't be able to have tidal connect on Lumin A1, could it be at least possible to have a button on Lumin app such as the "d with dots around" button on tidal app, that suggests songs sounding alike the one we are listening to on tidal ?