Lumin Remote Control

Nothing, other than convenience.

As nice as it looks, I won’t be getting one. There is no way I’m parting ways with my MBL 6010D Pre. But, I can see the value for those that wish to skip a pre and go directly to amps.
I am curious how many people using a preamp have tried Leed h? If you tried it, what were your thoughts and did you notice any changes in the sound quality? On some music tracks, I thought Leed h was slightly clearer. On others, hard to tell. I am using a Classe Sigma SSP in digital bypass mode. Digital processing is turned off so I am getting the full analog signal.
I am curious how many people using a preamp have tried Leed h? If you tried it, what were your thoughts and did you notice any changes in the sound quality? On some music tracks, I thought Leed h was slightly clearer. On others, hard to tell. I am using a Classe Sigma SSP in digital bypass mode. Digital processing is turned off so I am getting the full analog signal.
I have a T2 connected to a C900 Luxman preamp
Didn’t make an A/B comparison but my impression is that the last firmware with the Leedh control is a little more “lean”
With the previous version the bass was more present at least in my system and the highs more clear...
Maybe is just my impression in my system
I feel the sound is more “musical”(?) or less analytical...
Either way, very happy with the results
Thanks for the reply. Your last sentence confused me slightly. Are you saying that when using Leedh, it gives you a more lean and analytic sound, and when using the preamp (not using Leedh volume control) you have more bass, clearer highs and is more musical?
Sorry' I was not clear enough
The T2 is connected to the C900 and my impressions are about the new firmware (that includes the Leedh's function)
and not the Leedh volume control.
My settings are "volume fixed"
In my system, I think that with the new firmware Lumin took the sound a little less "sparkling"
I feel the sound more round and withe less bottom extension

As you wrote, I do feel a better sound with the previous firmware (even always the T2 was connected to the preamp)

I couldn't compared it A/B, but after more than a year this was the first time I noticed a sound change with a new firmware
Maybe is only my impression in my system...
I hope to be more clear now (my apologies, English is not my mother tongue)

Maybe Peter or other users can write about this
I am curious how many people using a preamp have tried Leed h? If you tried it, what were your thoughts and did you notice any changes in the sound quality? On some music tracks, I thought Leed h was slightly clearer. On others, hard to tell. I am using a Classe Sigma SSP in digital bypass mode. Digital processing is turned off so I am getting the full analog signal.

From my personal experience, it really depends on the preamp that you are using and also the impedance / input design of the power amplifier. Always good to have a choice IMHO.
From my personal experience, it really depends on the preamp that you are using and also the impedance / input design of the power amplifier. Always good to have a choice IMHO.

Well said. Component matching is important.
I've found the Leedh volume control has added a better "flow" to the music and an overall sonic improvement.
I still use a preamp to "color" the sound to my liking and have the volume set at unity gain.
As for the new remote, I don't know if I would really use it as I am not dissatisfied with using my I-Pad as a controller.
As I stream only, my I-Pad is always present when listening. The only issue with this arrangement is the Leedh volume slide and up/down
functions are rather small and slightly quirky. My 2 cents

So, I have a 8TB Hard Drive attached to my Lumin X1 via the usb port. Are you saying that I can no longer use my Hard Drive if I use the Remote?

The best way is to plug the HDD to a computer or NAS running free MinimServer.

If you really don't want to do that, you may try using a USB hub.

So I have a fairly high quality powered hub, do you think that will suffice for the Hard Drive and the Remote control?

Is there any news as to when we will be able to purchase the Lumin remote in the US?