Lumin Remote Control

I think it’s great that Lumin listened to their customers and moved quickly to provide what looks to be a really elegant remote. A couple hundred dollars for this remote seems very reasonable.

Moving forward, Lumin should communicate if they will be including the remote with the players or if it will remain an accessory.
I don’t know MBL but I know no fool ready to buy this for 750usd

My harmony remote for 150usd (and again it controls everything: My Rooning Lumin, my amp, my dac, my tv, my lights, my ps4, just one remote for everything) looks very nice for a remote. Just look into internet for Harmony Smart Hub but i am sure you know what I am talking about

And my point here is that it is shocking that a Lumin device costing 2k$, 5k$ or even 13k$ does not have a remote control already included for its price. So in order to correct an initial error (a device like this without remote) they should give it for free
I don’t know MBL but I know no fool ready to buy this for 750usd

My harmony remote for 150usd (and again it controls everything: My Rooning Lumin, my amp, my dac, my tv, my lights, my ps4, just one remote for everything) looks very nice for a remote. Just look into internet for Harmony Smart Hub but i am sure you know what I am talking about

And my point here is that it is shocking that a Lumin device costing 2k$, 5k$ or even 13k$ does not have a remote control already included for its price. So in order to correct an initial error (a device like this without remote) they should give it for free

That’s a crazy idea. Have you seen the incredible support Lumin gives for free? Do you think Peter does this because he’s bored? Lumin makes Peter available to all of us FOR FREE.

When you bought the Lumin, it didn’t have a remote and you knew that. The fact they are adding a gorgeous remote now at ONLY $200 is an awesome move. I bet you, seriously, they aren’t making much on that remote - if anything.

Think of all the other stuff Lumin has done for FREE. They covered the whole nut of Roon certification and MQA certification.

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Foolish consumer
Peter is not for free. Peter is here to sell Lumins

WHEN has Peter ever “sold” Lumin’s? He has done zero selling. I haven’t seen even a hint of it. In fact, he’s given great tech support on many non-Lumin products.

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Looooool this is funny
But I agree Peter contributes for the price of the Lumin. I am very happy about his support. No defect
And you will see future Lumins will certainly include this remote in their price because of competition
At a different price point if that is the case. Got to give your type something else to complain about as if you haven't found enough up to this point.
Incredible how some people will spend thousands in stereo components and cables but yet complain about a $200 remote.
WHEN has Peter ever “sold” Lumin’s? He has done zero selling. I haven’t seen even a hint of it. In fact, he’s given great tech support on many non-Lumin products.

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I agree with you Mike. Even though I do not currently own any Lumin products I read most of the post in the Lumin threads and often pick up valuable suggestions from Peter and insight into digital audio. I do not remember Peter ever selling Lumin or denigrating competitive products.

I think the Lumin remote at $2xx is very reasonable.
Thinking about how much I would use the remote. Probably A LOT if running the Lumin directly to the amps. Maybe a bit less so with the preamp, whose remote handles volume up/down and mute.

But the new Lumin remote's ability to pause (instead of mute) when the phone rings is huge for me, and will surely be the feature that gets me off the fence and placing that order.
I bet you, seriously, they aren’t making much on that remote - if anything.

We are really not making money on this, after factoring in the various costs and shipping. (If I were not in this business, I'd not believe this either, but that is the truth.) The Made-in-Austria remote and its associated receiver are unbelievably expensive for a remote. I was shocked when I heard the cost.

In the firmware we made a choice as to whether to protect our own hardware accessories, or to make it easier for someone else to make a compatible one if they really want to. We chose the latter because this is meant to fill a functional gap rather than to make money, even though I do not encourage the use of third party accessories. That being said, we reserve the right to change this without notice.
I like Ritmo's idea of a video for the remote. I believe the assumption that the remote is only Leedh controlled is not yet confirmed by Peter. I agree with JCS123 that the value and usage is very high if running direct to amps rather than with a preamp, which would have its own volume and mute controls, but other functions on the remote still have merit, even with preamp. I highly applaud Peter and Lumin for very speedily finding a solution to the ask made here for a remote. While I have gotten used to using iPhone or iPad with my X1, I like physical remotes. I would like to know more on this remote.

I, as so many here, very much value Peter's contributions.
The remote will work regardless of whether digital volume (Leedh or original) in Lumin is used.
We are really not making money on this, after factoring in the various costs and shipping. (If I were not in this business, I'd not believe this either, but that is the truth.) The Made-in-Austria remote and its associated receiver are unbelievably expensive for a remote. I was shocked when I heard the cost.

In the firmware we made a choice as to whether to protect our own hardware accessories, or to make it easier for someone else to make a compatible one if they really want to. We chose the latter because this is meant to fill a functional gap rather than to make money, even though I do not encourage the use of third party accessories. That being said, we reserve the right to change this without notice.

I thought as much Peter. $200 is very fair, I frankly thought it would be at least $500. Your ordering much smaller quantities than say Sony or Logitech, so your costs are higher. The remote looks gorgeous. Can’t wait to see it in person. Well done!

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