Lumin App for Windows 11 for PC


Mar 21, 2014
USA Michigan
Is there an app for Windows 11 for a PC? Or if not an App perhaps a means to access the Lumin on my PC.
My 17" laptop screen would be better for viewing for my bad eyesight.

You can use Linn Kazoo on Windows to control playback and browse music libraries, etc, but the LUMIN App is the only way to adjust hardware settings.
You can also use TIDAL Connect in a browser for TIDAL playback.
There is an earlier post that reported success of running Lumin Androd apk on Windows 11 Android subsystem, but we did not test it.
Thanks for the replies.

wklie, I just tried the Lumin Androd apk and it was filled with advertising and downloads. I chose to uninstall it.

So, you are saying that Windows 11 cannot use the Lumin App?

There is no advertising in Lumin app or its download.

You must have searched for a wrong link.

The official download link is here:
I don't think it will work with a PC, thus my questions. Looks like it will work with Mac, Androids but no PC.

I sent a message to Lumin and got a strange reply that I don't understand. Either my question was deemed not important or confusing.

I think it is a straight question.
Can a PC running Windows 11 download the Lumin app?
Not using some other Frankenstein method to maybe get it to function.

Is there an app for Windows 11 for a PC? Or if not an App perhaps a means to access the Lumin on my PC.
My 17" laptop screen would be better for viewing for my bad eyesight.


Ozzi - I've been considering a change of streamer, but like you, I want an app that is available on Windows (as well as Android and iPad) and I've concluded that most top streamer brands tend to leave their users without a comprehensive, intuitive and flexible control app. That's perhaps why so many users of these streamers resort to Roon with extra hardware and subscription demands.

My solution - pass by on these brands and use a streamer that can be controlled by BluOS apps. Basically NAD and (lower down the food chain) Bluesound. My NAD M33 is a brilliant bit of kit that's controlled by BluOS and the app is available on Windows, Mac, Android, iPad and Amazon Kindle. If you have Alexa, you can even shout at your equipment to get it to play what you want!

If anyone can suggest a streamer that is offered with an app that matches the flexibility of BluOS, please let us know. I'd seriously consider a streamer upgrade, but only if itcomes fully- app'd! Thanks. Peter

PS The list of brands that use BluOS has extended to include Roksan, Monitor Audio, Dali, psb and soon Cyrus and Peachtree. See -
BluOS – Premium Multi-room Music Software
Thanks. My problem is I do like the sound of the Lumin X1, just disappointed in the lack of interest in their part to satisfy the public. (me)
Lumin, not everyone wants to use their phone to play music.

Thanks. My problem is I do like the sound of the Lumin X1, just disappointed in the lack of interest in their part to satisfy the public. (me)
Not everyone wants to use their phone to play music.


Initially, tablets (iPad) were the main focus for the app. Phones came later. I still think a nice 9-10" tablet is the nicest way to browse my library/TIDAL/Qobuz.
I looked up the tutorials to get Android apps to work on Windows 11 and it does look a little convoluted (even though it's supposedly 'built-in').

When forced to use my PC, I use Linn Kazoo. It works logically enough even though it misses a couple of the nice features of the LUMIN App.
I'm not one to adjust hardware settings after initial setup, so that aspect isn't a problem.
My problem is that I have trouble reading smaller print, as probably most of the older generation does. A larger screen would make viewing more enjoyable.

Thanks. My problem is I do like the sound of the Lumin X1, just disappointed in the lack of interest in their part to satisfy the public. (me)
Lumin, not everyone wants to use their phone to play music.


Yes, I totally agree that the likes of Lumin should do more to help their customers use the products they sell. Why should we have to use poxy little phone screens to access our music? I hate using phones (or for that matter tablets such as iPad) to access music. Why? Because any slightly heavy-fingered prod of the screen results in our music being interupted and substituted for something else! How bloody rude is that!

I much prefer a mouse-based device where such interuptions are unlikely, text is large enough to read and the screen can show on one page what a phone needs endless switching between screens to achieve. That's one of the main reasons I advocate the devices that use BluOS. And in fact the NAD M33 is also a first class box of tricks that I'm having real difficulty in upgrading for less than £10-12K. Frankly I doubt it's possible, but if anyone has workable ideas (one or two box solutions), I'd very much like to hear from them.
Because any slightly heavy-fingered prod of the screen results in our music being interupted and substituted for something else! How bloody rude is that!

I'm aware that this is only one small part of the puzzle (and I'm listening to the other points made), but it's worth noting that the LUMIN App has double-tap setting for playing music which largely eradicates this problem. It's something I use exactly for that reason.

My problem is that I have trouble reading smaller print, as probably most of the older generation does. A larger screen would make viewing more enjoyable.

I would give Roon a try, they have free trials available if you insist on using a computer.
I have Roon, but have decided to let it expire and just use the Lumin App,Tidal App and hopefully Qobuz App ( does that exist?) on my IPad. I live in Canada, so we are patiently waiting for Qobuz. May I also suggest a pair of reading glasses, I broke down and bought a pair a few years back.😉
My problem is that I have trouble reading smaller print, as probably most of the older generation does. A larger screen would make viewing more enjoyable.


Hello Ozzy,

i use "Linn Kinsky" from my laptop. It's made for Windows not for mobiles like their newer app "Linn Kazoo". It runs on my Windows 11. You can adjust the icon size with the slider at the bottom (first click at the 3rd icon from the left below).

KinskyWindowsDavaarManual - LinnDocs


Unsupported:Home - LinnDocs
No Quarter, I had Roon on a trial basis, but I think the Lumin App gave better sound quality. So, I didn't renew it.
Carlo, with that download, how do I then use the Lumin download?

Well i have to tell you that Lumin does not force you to buy their products , maybe you should look around for other streamers that can do what you ask for. I think that Lumin does a lot to evolve their product, also based upon request from customers. But it is just my view.
Sorry Hear Here , if i sound a bit sour....but i simply dont think your comment is okay.
What is so wrong with wanting a company to provide a Windows 11 download? I spent a lot of money on the Lumin X1.
Do you think it's possible?

I still think a nice 9-10" tablet is the nicest way to browse my library/TIDAL/Qobuz.

I disagree and I'll tell you why.

Using an iPad or phone or any touch-screen device, what happens if you inadvertently prod the screen slightly heavy-fingered? The music you were enjoying is rudely interrupted by whatever was under your finger when you touched the screen. I hate this, so use these devices as little as possible and stick with good old Windows and a mouse that can explore without the danger of a heavy-fingered prod!

I will pass on any streamer that doesn't offer a decent choice of well-designed apps that are easy enough to understand that you can invite your friends to choose their music. Not many apps do this, so I'm sticking with BluOS until I find a streamer that sounds better than my NAD M33 and offers as good an app as BluOS. Any suggestions very welcome, though I don't really want to resort to Roon with its extra hardware plus a subscription. Thanks