Lumin App (iOS) frequently hangs; requires kill and restart


New member
Jun 20, 2019

I have the feeling that lumin developers are sometimes reading in this forum? So I have the hope that my issue report does find the right way...

I am using the Lumin app on iOS (iPad mini 2) to control a Bubble UPnP Server. With this I can stream qobuz to an otherwise openhome not supporting streamer. But I have read in the minimserver forum that users with lumin hardware do have this issue as well IIRC.

The issue is:
After starting the lumin app everything is working fine. But after a while of not using the iPad nor the app, if I return to the app, it does not respond to user input anymore. The only way to make it work again is to kill the app and restart it. The problem does not occur everytime, but very often (nearly everytim).

Is this an already known issue? Is there something that I could try to fix it? Do you need more information about it?

What's your iOS version? How much free storage space do you have on the Mini 2? Please try another iOS device such as iPhone.

We used to have a Mini in our office before it was retired, and did not experience the problem you described. We do not test with Bubble UPnP though.
Hello all together, Hello Peter,

The iOS version of the iPad mini 2 is 12.3.1 if I am not wrong. It is the most recent version and until now every new iOS version has still reached the mini 2. (This will change with the forthcoming iOS 13 I think).

Available storage on the device is about 5GB (from 16GB).

I do not own another apple mobile device that I could test the app on.

The thread in the minimserver forum is the following. Maybe you can find some other information there?

I am not sure when the problem started. Maybe 2 or 3 months ago. Until then the app always did work fine. I am not sure if it has to do with the lumin app version or something different. The Bubble UPnP server did not update since December I think. The iOS and Synology NAS OS (that is running the server) certainly did update several times. I cannot remember any WIFI changes in my network or other things...

I have to analyse the exact behaviour in the next days so I can describe it in more detail. I think the behaviour is different from time to time. Just now I had the problem again, but in this case only the qobuz communication did not work anymore. An "qobuz error" was reported (this was not the first time). I had to switch to browsing my NAS files and back to qobuz to make it work again. But I did not need to restart the app.

But sometimes the qobuz icon is not shown anymore in the icon row. So I cannot toggle between the icons. I just can restart the app.

Sometimes the playlist is not displayed anymore. The list is displayed as empty, but in fact the Bubble UPnP Server playlist is filled with some tracks. After restarting the app they are displayed correctly again.

And also I remember another case where the playlist was displayed normally, but I could not clear it. The trashcan icon did not do anything (even did not show the requester if I really want to delete the playlist). After restarting the app everything did work again.

While the problems occurs the music is still playing fine, so the NAS has not gone to sleep, etc.

I do not see such problems with the Bubble UPnP controller on my android smartphone, so I think it is not network related generally. I could test the lumin app on android, but I think this will not help very much? (Also the smartphone screen is a little too small for the lumin app to make it really usable if the layout did not change in newer releases.)

Kind regards
What's your iOS version? How much free storage space do you have on the Mini 2? Please try another iOS device such as iPhone.

We used to have a Mini in our office before it was retired, and did not experience the problem you described. We do not test with Bubble UPnP though.

I have the same problem on both iPad pro and iPhone X (fully updated iOS). It appeared after the penultimate Lumin app uddate. Last Lumin app update didn't solve the problem. After 30-60 minutes, when I come back to Lumin app it has lost connection with the device (Linn Klimax mk4) and have to restart Lumin app to connect again. It has worked perfectly for years, until penultimate update.
Just for additional information purposes, I have no problem with the Lumin app. This is used on both an iPad Mini, and an iPhone 7, and both are at the current IOS. The Lumin X1 is using a direct attached hard drive to play music.
Have you guys with the problems tried shutting down everything back to the router waiting a few minutes and then re-booting the entire chain in order from the router forward one at a time. Make sure each piece is fully up before moving to the next with the Apple control device last. Always try this first if you have response problems from the app.
I have tried everithing (router ...) and finaly isolated the problem, Lumin app. I post this after a lot of testing.
Just want to say that i have no problem with the Lumin App , i use Ipad pro 10.5 inch and Iphone X all devices updated to latest versions.
I only use Tidal HiFi / Master to play from.
No problems with my iPad pro either running my library on an NAS with Minimserver. I have Bubble UPNP (App only) available on a secondary system (Hegel H190) and use it to read files from my NAS as well. Since I have many DSD files and files above 192kHz and the Hegel H190 has limited capabilities over USB I use a small mini PC running JRiver (to re-sample those files above 192kHz) and a USB to SPDIF converter.
Did completely deleting the app from your device and iCloud and then re-installing it clean help? Also try installing either the Teac HR app or the Esoteric one (both Lumin) and see if they work.
Did completely deleting the app from your device and iCloud and then re-installing it clean help? Also try installing either the Teac HR app or the Esoteric one (both Lumin) and see if they work.

Good advices.
A small update: I have bought a new iPad (2018). This does show the same problems. (But it is faster ;) )

The lumin app certainly was freshly installed on the new iPad. But regarding the suggestion of removing the app completely even from the cloud: What does this mean "removing it from the cloud"? Isn't it enough to install it on a new iPad as a new app?

The test with restarting all network devices: I hope to find the time to try this at the weekend. But how should this help if everything else is working? (Just for interest from a technical point of view.)

Best Regards
Just for additional information purposes, I have no problem with the Lumin app. This is used on both an iPad Mini, and an iPhone 7, and both are at the current IOS. The Lumin X1 is using a direct attached hard drive to play music.

+1...I have not issues with my Lumin app running on an Apple iPad with the latest iOS update. I use a Lumin L1 attached to the switch.
If you have the Lumin app installed on a device and do back-ups through iCloud the next time you go to install the app it will look in your iCloud account first before down loading a fresh version from the App Store. So if the version in iCloud is corrupt that is what it will keep installing. This is how to delete it from iCloud.
Up until now I hadn't experienced any problems either, but just now the app on my iPad (with latest ios) decided to give up. It got to the end of a playlist, and when I went to open the app to play a new album, it wouldn't recognise the X1, so I tried cycling the power on the X1 and that didn't help. I tried playing files using JRiver on my desktop to control the X1 and that worked fine, so I figured it was the app on the iPad. Once I killed the app and restarted it, everything was fine. Hopefully it's just a one-off, let's see.....
No problems with my old iPad mini (not the 2nd) either running my library on an NAS (QNAP) with Minimserver.
iOS 12.3.1
Lumin APP 6.1.8

Just 2 things (OFF TOPIC) I'd like ti ask:

- is it possible (via software) to change the phase of the Music?
- are there some flac radio through TuneIn?
