Invert Phase


New member
May 25, 2015
Does the Invert Phase function in the Lumin app effect playback through Roon? I tried it and there
was no delay between switching, which as I recall back when I played through the Lumin app that
there was a delay. Thanks
It should take effect immediately, although the behavior is different when playing from Roon and from Lumin app.

U1 does not support the invert phase feature.
I've studied this further and it needs a firmware modification for handling invert phase setting change during Roon playback.

Until the next firmware is released, if it is desired to change the invert phase setting during Roon playback, please pause for 10 seconds after the change, before resuming playback.
Does the Invert Phase function in the Lumin app effect playback through Roon? I tried it and there
was no delay between switching, which as I recall back when I played through the Lumin app that
there was a delay. Thanks

Invert Phase is a misnomer. I believe its actually a polarity inverter.