New!!! Klipsch Cornwall IV .....


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Can’t wait to see these. I had the III’s and enjoyed them.




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The audio snobs have turned their noses up but I'm looking forward to auditioning these. I heard the Cornwall III against the Forte IV and wished the Cornwall had the superior mid-top of the Forte IV to go along with the Cornwall's bass authority and now we have the best of both in the Cornwall IV.

Guttenberg has been gushing over them...he has a 'senior moment' comparing them to his Forte III, he indeed uses Forte IVs.

If you get to demo them, please let us know. I still have a soft spot for Klipsch speakers. I have no doubt that the new Cornwall 4 are wonderful.
My pair landed yesterday and they're currently burning in. I have them face to face wired out of phase, been driving them with pink noise for the last 24 hrs. I'm getting ready to leave the house to watch "Ford vs Ferrari" I'll do some listening in the morning...

In the interim and for your amusement, from Positive Feedback:

From Galiber Design, scroll down to Klipsch:

Thank you for the links. Looks like another home run for Klipsch.
Sean of Zero Fidelity reviews the Cornwall IV. I settled on tubes for now, Quicksilver Horn Monos to be specific. The softer treble of the Quickie balances the Klipsch's tendancy towards a zippy top end when using the 'wrong' amp. One other observation, I will be experimenting with pedestals to raise the speaker the tweeters are at or just below ear level and from 8-9 ft away in my listening chair, if I crouch down the presentation is smoother listening on the mid-horn's axis.

Thank you for posting the video. Sean can be trusted. He explains what he hears well and in relation to other gear.
When I was using my father's '79 Cornwall's, I used a 0.75" thick strip of wood under the front part of the riser to tilt the speaker up a little (kinda like the Heresy's), and it did the trick. Then I did the ultimate tweak... Disconnected the midrange and tweeter completely and slapped a big ole' honkin' Altec 511B horn on top with a 902-8 driver on the back of it, and active crossover. :exciting:

And on that note, I love my little Heresy III's. Once they're blended in properly with a couple of stereo subs and have some tubes in front of them, they're sublime. I can only imagine what the new Cornwall IV's sound like.
Sean of Zero Fidelity reviews the Cornwall IV. I settled on tubes for now, Quicksilver Horn Monos to be specific. The softer treble of the Quickie balances the Klipsch's tendancy towards a zippy top end when using the 'wrong' amp. One other observation, I will be experimenting with pedestals to raise the speaker the tweeters are at or just below ear level and from 8-9 ft away in my listening chair, if I crouch down the presentation is smoother listening on the mid-horn's axis.

Umm, that's some pretty severe toe in.
My Cornwall III’s were awesome although a little bit aggressive. Played loud and clean with a wallop. Really fun. I’m sure the IV’s are even better. I would absolutely love to hear them and the new Klipschorn (AK6?).
My Cornwall III’s were awesome although a little bit aggressive. Played loud and clean with a wallop. Really fun. I’m sure the IV’s are even better. I would absolutely love to hear them and the new Klipschorn (AK6?).

I wasnt a fan of the CW III for the same reasons, the mid-top was overbearing and tonally threadbare. i'm still not a fan of Khorns or LaScalas. What I did find out is the Klipsch faithful--not unlike McIntosh fans--will beat you down if you state they're flawed in any way :reallymad:. I've experienced this already trying to give a balanced view of the CW that I already own. To top that, one them said I wasn't hearing their potential because they weren't driven by McIntosh. So there you go :lol:
Every brand has their believers and haters. Matching speakers and gear is an art and a matter of preference. Some people have a wider tolerance and some can be a little more discriminating. There’s a lot fun gear out there and Klipsch is one of them for me.
Every brand has their believers and haters. Matching speakers and gear is an art and a matter of preference. Some people have a wider tolerance and some can be a little more discriminating. There’s a lot fun gear out there and Klipsch is one of them for me.

Well said! I own Cornwall IIIs and love them. I tried several amps with them including a Rogers tube IA but ultimately I found a musical fidelity m5si was a superb match. These speakers seem particularly sensitive to amplifier differences. And despite the extreme efficiency this 150 w/ch MF amp sounds much better than several more expensive lower powered options I experimented with. The MF amp has a rich smooth delivery that just compliments the Cornwalls in a beautiful way.