KEF Blade IIs!


New member
Nov 9, 2013
Eastern Shore, MD some have been aware; my Ref 1s were in for pick-up...and I was going to take the opportunity to listen to Theta Prometheus' when I picked them up. Originally...the client, who's house we gathered at; had Joseph Perspectives. But...he traded them out for KEF Blade IIs, and I had the pleasure of listening to that set-up instead (driven by a Mojo Mac running Amarra, fed into an Aesthetix Pandora Sig)

I can go into more detail, for anyone who has specific questions (and about the Prometheus in its thread, as well); but all I can say is WoW :amazing:

Granted...I don't go to shows; and have never auditioned a speaker, costing its $26,000 list. But I can tell you this: I've owned my fair share, of ~$10,000; and have always been of the mind, law of diminishing returns starts to kick in...not soon there after. Don't get me wrong; I'm not naive. I know there are better speakers, beyond that price point...of course; I just never would have thought, you could appreciate a "3-fold" difference (you guys know what I'm saying, having a fine understanding of LODR yourself).

However...after the "audition" I had yesterday (about 2 hours...with some of my music; but mostly just listening, bullsh*tting, and talking shop with the dealer and owner); if I had the money...I would have ordered a pair of these! The amount of bass, was astounding; was super-tight and fast, and therefore never over-hung the Uni-Q to create a smeared presentation. 4 force-cancelling drivers per side; will some bass-heavy demo tracks, played LOUD. Yet the cabinet, never quivered at all; I lay my hand on it, and couldn't feel a thing (I've heard, they stand a nickel on shows).

It is really almost a visual miracle, and engineering wonder; that the 5" Uni-Q can stand up to that kind of bass output. Yet...mids were prominent, rich (if not quite luscious, like say a Harbeth), and perfectly in balance; and highs were extended, yet never etched or fatiguing. There were a few tracks...where female vocals were perhaps a touch honky still; but I have no doubt, that will subside with break-in.

When I told some, I was going to hear Blade IIs...I got some feedback that they've heard Blades (I) at shows, and were less-than-impressed; especially at the $32,000 price tag. I have to say...anybody who might have written the model off, based on the Blades; owes themselves another listen, to the IIs. Keep in mind; the IIs have (4) 6.5" bass-drivers per side...against the Blades (4) 9". That's a pretty big difference...and one of the things we discussed yesterday, based on what we heard in this client's room; is just how big a room you'd need...for the Blades (I), to not sound ridiculously over-loaded and out-of-balance. The consensus? REALLY big, lol. Maybe that's what was going, at some of the places where they've showed.

Anyway; it was a real eye-opener for me...and a helluva lot of fun! :audiophile:
What a beautiful setup. Friends who have them or heard them, love them. Thanks for sharing Chris.
Cool thanks for the report out. Might be the camera angle or wide view but they almost look toed outward?
Chris...thanks for the report. Even though I purport to be a sound-first guy, for some reason, the looks of the KEF Blades just don't do it for me. Much prefer their more traditional designs of which you have sampled many of their offerings I gather.
Cool thanks for the report out. Might be the camera angle or wide view but they almost look toed outward?

Yeah; I can see why you'd think that. But it's just an optical illusion.

Chris...thanks for the report. Even though I purport to be a sound-first guy, for some reason, the looks of the KEF Blades just don't do it for me. Much prefer their more traditional designs of which you have sampled many of their offerings I gather.

Cyril, I happen to be OK with the shape of the Blade II (the Blade I not much taller, but significantly deeper; and I'm not sure I'd go for that); but in theory, I'm with you. Here's the thing: I don't think the shape is supposed to just "look cool" and modern. I posted a pic of these speakers elsewhere, and one of the "engineering" types said " standing waves on that thing".

And I think that's what KEF was going for; the size and driver-array of a floor-stander (and then some)...but the cabinet disappears as well, or better, than any monitor I've heard. One of the things I discussed with our host (my new audiophile buddy George :hi:), was how so many guys have called a radically-designed the Vivid Giya; the best they've ever heard. I think I'm starting to understand why.
Thanks for the excellent review, been waiting for feedback on the ll's. Have you heard the Ref 5's by chance? Really interested to know how they compare to the ll's.
Chris...interesting. I can see that. Maybe also in person they make a different impression than via photos but I hear you on the design goals of the cabinet. Makes sense :thumbsup:
Personally I love the look of the blades. But then I love sleek modern stuff. the blades are the only speakers I've ever seen with sidemounted woofers that I would consider owning. I'm not usually a fan of that design.
Personally I love the look of the blades. But then I love sleek modern stuff. the blades are the only speakers I've ever seen with sidemounted woofers that I would consider owning. I'm not usually a fan of that design.

Yeah Tom; I've never tried any myself either. Not just the looks that are "unorthodox"...but I wasn't sure about the science either.

I wouldn't say I'm a convert, based on the Blade IIs...because I think they are rather unique. The dealer was telling me, he's tried other side-firing Aerial 8s, and I think some NHTs; and was never blown away. We think what separates the Blade IIs in this case is...a) force-cancelling! But b) how the drives are up high, flanking the Uni-Q.

I'm no I could be wrong; but aren't side-firing bass-drivers usually down low. Like they would be, with a "traditional" front-firing array?
Heard them at Axpona. Definitely a nice surprise. Big step up from the Blade One's IMO. My thought was "KEF is back!"
Heard them at Axpona. Definitely a nice surprise. Big step up from the Blade One's IMO. My thought was "KEF is back!"

Loved the blade 2's at axpona too. Great imaging and big soundstage in a big room. Used a cheap Parasound ZDAC and reasonably priced (relatively speaking) Parasound JC1's monoblocks and JC 2 preamp. Not that 14k front end is cheap but compared to the MEGA buck systems it definitely held up well. Very well imo.

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Seriously; the Parasound JC front-end was one thing. Certainly "decent"...but we'd hardly call it, the last word in finesse; right?

But WTH were they thinking; with that ZDac?? Trust good as these might have sounded at AXPONA; I'd bet their cost, they sounded the room above, where I heard them. So just imagine, what they'd sound like in your room! :)
Thanks for the excellent review, been waiting for feedback on the ll's. Have you heard the Ref 5's by chance? Really interested to know how they compare to the ll's.

I heard the ref5s three different time, with three different speaker and listening positions, at Axpona and really wanted to like them for the price point over the blade II but it was no contest. In fact I like the imaging of the ls50s better that the ref5s. The sound was not as full with the ls50s but I preferred its overall presentation.

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