F112 or F113 Pair

Wilson's Watch Controler (crossover) is designed to do exactly what you are talking about.

it can run in addition to your Sasha's (thats how i use it) or it has a high pass if you want to.

it isn't cheap tho.
Thanks Howard. Unfortunately my Boulder gear is all balanced (no RCA's at all). I'd like to stay balanced entirely. I'm also concerned about mucking with the signal to my Sasha's as they sound entirely sweet, but need just a little help in the low end. Don't get me wrong, they'll play low, but there's low and then there's the low that a quality set of subs can put out.

Lots to think about. I feel like I've opened Pandora's box. I can see how this is going to end -- I just get fed up and buy a set of Maxx3's.

Not sure about that either, i knew someone with Maxx3's and he went a little more, is there a limit if you can afford it ????? i don't think so.:):):)

Système à Ti Lou.jpg
Hi Bryan,

I had the 10B-sub and while it did a great job, I felt it took away some of the sweetness of the music. It seemed a little more dry and sterile with the crossover in the chain. I preferred to run the speakers direct and use the subs from a separate preamp output and forgo the crossover. I have not tried a Marchand or Pass crossover. YMMV.

Thanks Joe. I'm starting to appreciate the wisdom of your advice. You've been spot-on. I should just start listening to you and not bothering hearing for myself :) --

I borrowed a 10B-Sub and tried it out over the weekend and agree with you wholly. It unfortunately took something away. The sound reminded me of listening through a pre/pro that has good processing. Not bad, just not very musical.

I then went back to the drawing board and changed a lot of settings on the F110's and re-ran the setup. I had the x-over set at 70, but found it integrated much better when set to ~90hz (counterintuitive). I also found a phase setting(~25) that seems to really make it integrate better. Finally, turning the volume switch to variable rather than "ref" and setting the volume knob in the approx 1/4 position was the ticket. They really integrate well now.

I'd also offer up that all Sasha owners should go back and review their setup. I sit at 10.5' (ft) distance with an ear height of ~36" (in). My dealer set them up with the "A" spikes, but they really should have had the "4" spikes (which really tilts the "watt" unit forward significantly compared to the "A" spike). This has increased (aligned really) the mids and highs in a way that seems to let the F110's integrate better also -- it was a double benefit. It's not my dealer's fault as they just un-crated them and set them up. We've got a actual Wilson "setup" scheduled for sometime next month. I just wasn't sure which room in the house they'd end up in so I didn't want to do a setup and have them come back at a later date when I changed my mind.

Thank you for validating what I have heard in my system. I and some others would agree that less is more. I am so happy you are just about there with your setup. Please keep the updates coming. I love it.