Question on Continuum S2 volume levels


New member
Dec 16, 2015
Perth, Western Australia
Hi from sunny Perth, Western Australia,

just a quick question, I have just bought a continuum S2 integrated
amplifier. All is working fine. I'm just curious about the volume controls
levels. To get say average listening levels I need at least 50 showing on
the display with 60 being better, loudish is with 70 showing. Is this
normal. With the volume maxing out at 99.5 , its seems odd to have the
volume over halfway all the time.

Listening room is 5 meter wide x 4 m long x 2.4 m high. Source is a Yamaha
cds2100 CD player connected to the con s2 via xlr/balanced connections.
Speakers are Dynaudio Confidence 5.

Regards dave
That sounds normal in my experience. On my BAT preamps. Last two were REX and VK-52se, I talked to BAT and they said 70-90 out of 140 steps was optimal. So over half way. On my AudioNet G2 preamp 80 is no volume, 1 is highest. I listen between 15-20 all the time. So up around 3/4 (or more) of the way. You can always call or email Jeff Rowland if you have worries.
Hi Tom, thanks for your reply. I did get in touch with JRDG and yep they replied it was normal. Guess just seemed weird, I had a LSA integrated and 9 o'clock was loud and 10 o'clock was really loud. And like was on y previous W4S stp-Se pre + Bryston 4b 30 out of 85 was loud and 40 was really loud.


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Hi Dave, I confirm that having volume level at the mid point is completely normal on CS2... That is rather typical for all Rowland linestage circuits applied to their amps. Up to the 85.0 mark, the preamplifier circuit operates in attenuation mode, with 85.5 being unity (0 attenuation, and 0 gain) gain on all inputs. Only starting at the 90 db mark there starts to be progressive gain.

In my experience, I mostly kept Rowland premaplifier circuits close to the unity gain region on Rowland linestage circuits whenever I wanted to achieve "realistic" listening levels... Worry not, there is no creeping distortions at those levels.

Have you received an electronic copy of the Continuum S2 manual? If you have not, send me a PM with you email address, and I will be happy to send it to you.

BTW, particularly if your unit is new, be patient with break-in... It is likely to extend to over 800 hours of crunching an audio signal.

Regards, Guido
Hi Dave, I confirm that having volume level at the mid point is completely normal on CS2... That is rather typical for all Rowland linestage circuits applied to their amps. Up to the 85.0 mark, the preamplifier circuit operates in attenuation mode, with 85.5 being unity (0 attenuation, and 0 gain) gain on all inputs. Only starting at the 90 db mark there starts to be progressive gain.

In my experience, I mostly kept Rowland premaplifier circuits close to the unity gain region on Rowland linestage circuits whenever I wanted to achieve "realistic" listening levels... Worry not, there is no creeping distortions at those levels.

Have you received an electronic copy of the Continuum S2 manual? If you have not, send me a PM with you email address, and I will be happy to send it to you.

BTW, particularly if your unit is new, be patient with break-in... It is likely to extend to over 800 hours of crunching an audio signal.

Regards, Guido

hi Guido,

thank you for your informative and helpful reply, sorry it took me so long to respond. Interesting what you say. About unit gain versus progressive gain - I was listening to record last night and had the volume up to 85 and was thinking holy cow I've only got another 15 to play with. I guess it will take a bit. Of getting use to.
I bought my unit second hand but very new the previous owner went back to AR amps n stuff.

Re the electronic manual, I will do thank you very much

records dave