Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 Integrated review by Roy Gregory at

No, old C500 remote is not compatible with CS2, and does not support CS2 funtion set. Furhtermore, if I remember correctly, the old remote may be a couple of decades old, and parts can no longer be sourced.

Not 100% sure about this (I gave more attention to the sound than the remote controller) but believe the S2 comes with a plastic fantastic remote - whereas the previous version (C-500) had a more "upmarket" aluminium remote.


Photo 1: The C-500 previous remote. Beautiful.


Photo 2: The latest S2 remote? Looks ugly but offers more features?

Guido, will the C-500 remote control the new S2?

The C-500 is the remote I had with my Synergy. It was a nice remote, but it is plastic. I thought it would be a nice aluminum one, too, but it's plastic, albeit a very high grade one.
Hi guys. This is my first post here. I enjoyed reading all your opinions about JR gear. BTW, the old remote, although definitely a looker compared to the new one was made of ebonite and tended to break pretty easily (if dropped, of course). I would like to upgrade my Jeff Rowland Concerto Integrated Amp and the PC-1 Power Factor Correction and I was seriously thinking about the new Model 525 (guess I can't put up with the dry sound anymore). I need only a power amp as my exaSound e20Mk III DAC can act as an excellent Pre as well. Now my question is this: Is the new Continuum S2 a Model 525 Power + a Capri S2 Pre? (except for the higher 'horsepower' of course....). Or to put it this way: does the power section in the S2 sound close to the Model 525 (again, except for the wattage difference). I've read a lot of good reviews about the S2 but I can't find any review of the Model 525 and I can't listen to it either. My dealer (the only one in my country) has only the big boys to show off unfortunately and I'm hurrying a little with my purchase...

BTW, I don't think the Concerto Integrated sounds that bad, especially with the PFC in aid. I find it extremely fast (more so with the Raidho's), very dynamic and pretty transparent. I can't say that from a tonal and timbral perspective you can't do better, but hey... it's damn fast, transparent and resolute. It's all about compromises especially at this price point. The Concerto's biggest problem is, I guess, the fact that the Pre section gets juice from the same ICE power modules. So I should say that the Concerto is an amazing power amp, more so if you can patch its defects with the rest of the gear and cables. My 2 cents. :)
I'm late to the party here, but I wanted to chime in and say that I'm really loving my Continuum S2. I'm using it with Harbeth Monitor 30.1s and my system has never sounded better. It has fantastic clarity and sound staging, and it's fatigue-free. It's my favorite amplifier so far, and I've been fortunate enough to have owned some nice gear over the years. Highly recommended!
Welcome to the forum Jeff! Thank you for joining.

I had 30.1's and loved them so much, I had to go for 40.1's. Great speakers, both of them. I am sure the Rowland on them is outstanding.
For those interested, the Continuum S2 just received a rave review from Alan Sircom at Absolute sound. Here's the link:

Jeff Rowland Design Group Continuum S2 integrated amplifier | The Absolute Sound

I absolutely love the sound of mine, and I'm officially off the upgrade merry-go-round. I never expected to like a class D amplifier, but I'm 100% sold. I just wish I was as thrilled with the looks as I am with the sound. I prefer an understated look, and Rowland gear most definitely is not understated.
For those interested, the Continuum S2 just received a rave review from Alan Sircom at Absolute sound. Here's the link:

Jeff Rowland Design Group Continuum S2 integrated amplifier | The Absolute Sound

I absolutely love the sound of mine, and I'm officially off the upgrade merry-go-round. I never expected to like a class D amplifier, but I'm 100% sold. I just wish I was as thrilled with the looks as I am with the sound. I prefer an understated look, and Rowland gear most definitely is not understated.

Congrats Jeff and welcome to Audioshark.

I had a S2 in my system for several months and really enjoyed it. I now understand why Raidho demo's a lot with the product.

Thank you. I knew I had seen the modules mentioned somewhere but I could not remember the name or find the reference.
I have, though not in a very thorough fashion. I have a Devialet 200 and borrowed an S2. The problem was I had to borrow some speaker cables with spades and the only ones I could borrow (cheaper Transparents) were sound-wise almost the diametric opposite of what I have, and rather unsuited to my Raidhos. The result was the S2 sounded rather muddy. The Devialet is quite bright and transparent, the S2 dark. I was using the built-in DAC on the S2 which I don't think was nearly as good the Devialet DAC either.
I have owned both the S2 and the D800 and I would have to say that the Devialet was quite a bit better than the S2. Tighter bass, smoother mids and better soundstage focus and size. But then again the D800 is 3X more money. I suspect that the D200 would also be better but that is total guessing on my part.
It's hard to compare the Devialet models to the Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 as the Devialet is meant to be used as a complete system. What I can tell you though is that the Jeff Rowland Aeris (DAC) + Continuum S2 (integrated amp) is in another league compared to the D200, as they should. A more fair comparison would perhaps be the D800.

Jeff Rowland will give you a more organic, fluid, dense and slightly darker presentation to the highly detailed and very neutral Devialet.
Is there a good reason manufacturers and /or writers don't list power ratings? I'll never understand why they don't. Same with prices of components.

Most have power ratings

"Continuum S2 integrates the new Capri S2 preamplification circuit, input/output, and control features with an innovative 400 watt power amplification stage into a single chassis."

and every Devalialet on this page has them

But I agree it would be helpful to have at least the list price. I'd be happy with a Ballpark like houses, Starting in the low $10K range

I'll say it again, Jeff Rowland has had the most recognizable long term Precision Machined look and it's still gorgeous to look at as it was 30 or more years ago.
All, this is not about the lovely Continuum S2... It's instead a teaser about Daemon, Rowland's superintegrated flagship, for which I have been busy scribbling listening notes for the last three weeks.

Fact is that I have been wondering for some
time if my audio nirvana could ever be uber-nirvanized, as the technology of audio reproduction has continued to evolve. So, when Rowland released its
statement integrated amplifier in the form of Daemon, I became curious. Could an integrated equal, or at least get close to my Aeris + PSU + M925 trio?
I was long hoping to evaluate the Rowland Daemon 1500W Superintegrated amp. Could a class D integrated fulfill my yearning for sonic bliss, or would Daemon leave me pining for the wonderful music of my separates: Rowland Aeris DAC fed by the ultra-capacitor-based PSU external power supply, driving my beloved M925 monoblocks? Eventually, a Daemon review unit was delivered on February 28th. I Started break-in the following day, and have been scribbling my listening notes since… The writing project will continue for at least a few months, until the device has stabilized, and I have exercised several of its many input and output features. I have been waiting for a long time for this 99Lbs single box critter. It is Jeff Rowland’s integrated statement. The DAC + Preamp + 1500W/8 (2500W/4) dual-mono power amp in a single chassis measuring 17.5” x 15.25” x 9.5” has been sounding extremely musical since the beginning, truly great since it crossed the 150 hours break-in mark, and just about astonishing at 500 hours… And this is just half-way into the break-in process. hundred hours of break-in.

Discovering the phenomenal musical beauty that Daemon produces is being a fascinating experience… Already I am stunned by Daemon's power reserve and unreal tonal grace. Join me to chat about my adventure with this integrated flagship around its AudioShark watering-hole:

And, feel free to PM me with any questions about it.

Saluti, Guido

Hello All, I was long hoping to evaluate the Rowland Daemon 1500W Superintegrated amp. Could a class D integrated fulfill my yearning for sonic nirvana, or would Daemon leave me pining for the wonderful music of my separates: Rowland Aeris DAC fed by the ultra-capacitor-based PSU external power supply, driving my beloved M925 monoblocks? Eventually, a Daemon review unit was delivered on February 28th. I Started break-in the following day, and have been scribbling my listening notes since… The writing project will continue for at least a few months, until the device has stabilized, and I have exercised several of its many input and output features. I have been waiting for a long time for this 99Lbs single box critter. It is Jeff Rowland’s integrated statement. The DAC + Preamp + 1500W/8 (2500W/4) dual-mono power amp in a single chassis measuring 17.5” x 15.25” x 9.5” is sounding amazing after just a little more than a couple hundred hours of break-in.

Discovering the phenomenal musical beauty that Daemon produces is being a fascinating experience… Already I am stunned by Daemon's power reserve and unreal tonal grace. Join me to chat about my adventure with this integrated flagship around its new Audiogon watering-hole:

And, feel free to PM me with any questions about it.

Saluti, Guido
Shane...not sure what you're referring to here?

Hi Cyril

Continuum Audio Labs Caliburn turntable released in 2006 and Fremer's reference turntable. Surely there must be other names Rowland could have called their integrated amp.
