Luxman D-08u CD/SACD player & DAC


Active member
Aug 31, 2013
Chicago suburbs
I spent some time at AXPONA and had a chance wander into many different rooms there. One of the best sounding setups I had the pleasure of hearing was using CAT electronics (pre and power) driving Vivid Audio speakers. The sound was very realistic, and extremely musical and engaging. What shocked me was that the source they were running at the time was using redbook CDs! I’m admittedly much more of an analog guy and find well mastered high res digital material much more enjoyable and natural sounding than (most) CDs. Then I saw what they were running for the digital source and it was a Luxman D-08u CD/SACD player and DAC. While it lists for $18K US I have never in my life heard CDs sound so completely engaging, with natural decays and beautiful textures being effortlessly revealed. I really never thought that CD quality digital recordings could ever sound this good. Of course the entire system was contributing to what I experienced, but it proved to me that you can get reference quality reproduction from redbook CDs. It's also a full function DAC supporting resolutions up to DXD for PCM and double DSD. I now have to give some serious thought to purchasing the Luxman D-08u; they really make some awesome gear!
I spent some time at AXPONA and had a chance wander into many different rooms there. One of the best sounding setups I had the pleasure of hearing was using CAT electronics (pre and power) driving Vivid Audio speakers. The sound was very realistic, and extremely musical and engaging. What shocked me was that the source they were running at the time was using redbook CDs! I’m admittedly much more of an analog guy and find well mastered high res digital material much more enjoyable and natural sounding than (most) CDs. Then I saw what they were running for the digital source and it was a Luxman D-08u CD/SACD player and DAC. While it lists for $18K US I have never in my life heard CDs sound so completely engaging, with natural decays and beautiful textures being effortlessly revealed. I really never thought that CD quality digital recordings could ever sound this good. Of course the entire system was contributing to what I experienced, but it proved to me that you can get reference quality reproduction from redbook CDs. It's also a full function DAC supporting resolutions up to DXD for PCM and double DSD. I now have to give some serious thought to purchasing the Luxman D-08u; they really make some awesome gear!

I really wonder how good Is the DAC inside when used as a USB DAC.
I am indeed looking right now for a CD/SACD player with an inboard DAC that will be good enough to also act as my main USBDAC for my filer server.

And the DAC inside need to be a little on the warm side: Indeed, I have a BHSE amp + Stax SR009 headphone that is VERY relealling but also some time too analytical to the point that it can be fatiguing. Therefore I am looking for a DAC that will be very precise & detailled BUT also on the warm side to warm-up a little the Sound signature of the Stax009.
time too analytical to the point that it can be fatiguing.
Luxman players and DACs are generally considered to have a sound signature like what you describe, but I'm not in any position to be able to confirm how it would meet your expectations with your specific components. Sorry that I can't provide a more definitive answer for you but there's really no substitute for a personal audition in your system.
Thanks for confirming my impressions Mike. That was almost 3 years ago now since I heard it at AXPONA and I can still remember it vividly, it was that good! Of course the rest of that system definitely helped, but it still effectively demonstrated what the source was capable of.
I’ve been toying with the idea of one “last” disc player. Having one more suited to my taste with digital inputs like this one seems like a great option. I’m going to have to demo one but that could be dangerous :)