Pass Labs INT 250...

OK, I'll try this once more...Anyone else out there own or heard the Pass Labs int 250? I'd really appreciate more comments. After countless hours of research and auditioning another Pass amp (int 60), and a visit with Kent at Pass I finally told Mike to order me one. Any other great things I can expect from the int 250?
I thought you ordered a Diablo 300?

It's a relatively short, simple story, Jack. It has a little to do with Gryphon, but nothing concerning my dealer, or the forum itself. It's just a personal decision I made. However, to discuss it here would go against forum rules and, as I mentioned above, it's kind of personal.

I still think the D300 is one of the top five integrated amps that money can buy. According to what I've read on the forums and in reviews the Pass Labs int 250 should be included in that top five. It's another amp that really holds my interest right now.
I miss my Pass Int-60. Wouldn’t mind adding an Xa30.8 or xa25 just for those occasional solid state hankering day’s. Nawww.......don’t need a second amp, huh Joe!
OK, I'll try this once more...Anyone else out there own or heard the Pass Labs int 250? I'd really appreciate more comments. After countless hours of research and auditioning another Pass amp (int 60), and a visit with Kent at Pass I finally told Mike to order me one. Any other great things I can expect from the int 250?

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I doubt you'll regret your decision.

If you liked the 60, I gotta think you'll like the 250 four times more! Joshing, of course, but you will get a fuller cleaner bass and a broader soundstage with the additional power.

Hit the gym daily before it arrives. Squats and curls with 100lbs are encouraged. Lots and lots of sit-ups. Order a hernia and spine dislocation prevention belt and cinch it tightly when handling the amp. Re-confirm that your healthcare insurance premium has been paid. Lift with your legs, not your back. Probably best to not have any essential career-making/breaking presentations planned for the week after you intend to position this in place. Think carefully about where you want this to be situated in your room; you'll only want to position it once. This is one HEAVY piece of kit.

As you've read and discussed in thread above, there will be heat. Kent and Mike can help you manage that given your room/cabinet situation. I ordered a couple of very quiet audio case fans because mine is in a cabinet (with sides and top, but open front and back). The 250 has a thermostat and shuts off when it gets too hot; mine never has, even after hours of listening at 'realistic' orchestra hall levels.

None of the cost has gone into the professional printing of the owner's manual. You'll think Kent just photocopied and put yours in a clear Office Depot sleeve just before it was boxed. It's how I bound my term papers in high school and college; no employer would have allowed me to submit a proposal or presentation to a client in such fashion. It has no impact on the sound/performance whatsoever.

The remote can be used to neutralize a home-invader, if necessary. I appreciate how solid and substantial it feels, but I just really get off on rotating the hockey-puck sized volume control and having the tactile interaction with the power button.
More comments:


I doubt you'll regret your decision.

If you liked the 60, I gotta think you'll like the 250 four times more! Joshing, of course, but you will get a fuller cleaner bass and a broader soundstage with the additional power.

Hit the gym daily before it arrives. Squats and curls with 100lbs are encouraged. Lots and lots of sit-ups. Order a hernia and spine dislocation prevention belt and cinch it tightly when handling the amp. Re-confirm that your healthcare insurance premium has been paid. Lift with your legs, not your back. Probably best to not have any essential career-making/breaking presentations planned for the week after you intend to position this in place. Think carefully about where you want this to be situated in your room; you'll only want to position it once. This is one HEAVY piece of kit.

As you've read and discussed in thread above, there will be heat. Kent and Mike can help you manage that given your room/cabinet situation. I ordered a couple of very quiet audio case fans because mine is in a cabinet (with sides and top, but open front and back). The 250 has a thermostat and shuts off when it gets too hot; mine never has, even after hours of listening at 'realistic' orchestra hall levels.

None of the cost has gone into the professional printing of the owner's manual. You'll think Kent just photocopied and put yours in a clear Office Depot sleeve just before it was boxed. It's how I bound my term papers in high school and college; no employer would have allowed me to submit a proposal or presentation to a client in such fashion. It has no impact on the sound/performance whatsoever.

The remote can be used to neutralize a home-invader, if necessary. I appreciate how solid and substantial it feels, but I just really get off on rotating the hockey-puck sized volume control and having the tactile interaction with the power button.

LOL!! LOVE your post! Funny but very informative. Thank you!!
What do I know, I’m gettin’ more. :)

I miss my Pass Int-60. Wouldn’t mind adding an Xa30.8 or xa25 just for those occasional solid state hankering day’s. Nawww.......don’t need a second amp, huh Joe!
I miss my Pass Int-60. Wouldn’t mind adding an Xa30.8 or xa25 just for those occasional solid state hankering day’s. Nawww.......don’t need a second amp, huh Joe!

Yeah, Larry, it was the int 60 that made a solid Pass Labs fan out of me. I fell in love with the int 60. But I was more interested in the int 250. So, I called Kent English and discussed both amps with him. And when he discovered I listened primarily to bluegrass he recommended the int 250 due to the percussive sound of acoustic instruments. Bluegrass instruments have a percussive quality to them. Decision made! But I can't purchase it until January. Six more weeks. Can't wait.
I still like JBL speakers, Joe. Back in the late '70s I owned six JBL L-166 Horizons. I got to hear the new JBL L100s about a year ago. My ears really liked them. There have been some outstanding JBLs over the years. I'm bettin' your JBLs would sound great with the int 250.
Very nice.

I’m thinking about adding a pair of Harbeth for my Naim SN2 next year. I want a pair of 30.2 Anniversary. My original 30.1 combo with the SN2 was wonderful to my ears.

These JBL 590 were very inexpensive, considering. Not to say that they aren’t good, but for the money they are outstanding. One more and done :)

Ha! We are never done. Remember that.

I still like JBL speakers, Joe. Back in the late '70s I owned six JBL L-166 Horizons. I got to hear the new JBL L100s about a year ago. My ears really liked them. There have been some outstanding JBLs over the years. I'm bettin' your JBLs would sound great with the int 250.
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Joe, Spring for the 40.2 Anniversaries . We know you can!!! LOVING mine.

Yes, Joe be like Joe I used to love [emoji3590] if I can do it so you can [emoji4]

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Thank God...

Apologies to you. I know all my postings have been a bit (a lot) over the top and perhaps irritating or even obnoxious. I've never been so indecisive about a single thing in my life. I'm usually much more decisive. It's been fun but difficult at the same time. I've embarrassed myself a few times. My actual personality and my forum personality are quite different. But I think I'm a pretty good guy to get to know anyway.

Thankfully, it will be coming to an end in less than 3 weeks now. I can then sit back and enjoy what I've spent easily 100+ hours researching. I even spent $1000+ on a trip to Suncoast Sound for amp auditions. But if all my antics help another audiophile with their decision/s it will be a good thing.

As I've mentioned several times in previous posts, I started this venture last February after a 40+ year absence from high end home audio. I knew almost nothing about contemporary high end home audio. I had a lot of work ahead of me. Just getting up to speed on manufacturer names was a major undertaking. And I'm still learning. I didn't even know Schitt. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :rolleyes: I knew NOTHING about the digital aspects of high end audio. I've even been ridiculed for my ignorance in some posts. Growing up in the '50s and '60s, I'm barely computer literate, let alone digitally literate.

Anyway, I'm about to end the (intense) research and acquisition phases of this journey and I'm ready to start the ownership phase. Not that the research phase is ever done. I've read countless reviews on countless components and auditioned some. I've scoured 5 or 6 different forums for information and opinions. But I do feel much more confident in my knowledge of current high end home audio and even what I've learned about the digital aspects the last few weeks.

So, 3 more weeks to "pay day." As some of you know, I split my audio system purchase into 2 separate years (2019 and 2020) for tax purposes. I purchased the speakers, cables, and stands last summer and the remaining components will be purchased next month.

I'll post a review after I have the system up and running. It's kind of ironic that it probably wouldn't matter what brand of components I purchased. In the end I'd likely be just as happy with one component as another, especially higher end components. The components I'm purchasing are such highly rated ones I don't think I could go wrong. I doubt there is anything that sounds appreciably "better" in my system's relative price range. I could certainly find something that sounds as good, but different.

Over the next few months and years it's likely that "different" quality may be what I end up chasing. Hopefully, I will have done such a good job at researching the high end audio market I will find chasing that magical quality unnecessary. But I won't bet on it...yet. ;) Thank you for your patience and tolerance. :cool: