Integrated AMP Help


New member
Nov 18, 2013
Hi guys. My son is getting ready to pull the trigger on an integrated amp in the next 1-2 days.

He is looking at a Cary SI300.2d, Primare I35 Prisma and a Marantz pm-KI Ruby reference Integrated. He wants to stay in the $3500-4000 range.

The cary normally sells for $5900 but is being heavily discounted at $3500 and includes a good dac as does the primare. The problem is that he can't audition it. He actually heard the primare briefly at RMAF with his speakers last year. He is going to hear the marantz tomorrow.

The Cary has 3 excellent pro reviews. Has anyone heard the Cary?

He also loves the Pass sound and there is an INT-30a for sale but he is worried about dynamics and bass slam due to the low power even though his Wharfedale Evo 4.4's are easy to drive at 89 db 8 ohm, 4 ohm nominal. The Evo's need a dynamic amp. His current amp is a Parasound A21 which is just ok. We heard them with a pair of prototype Van Alstine mono blocks that I reviewed for Frank and posted on the AC forum. We were blown away at the difference with the AVA monos which sounded better than my Pass X250 in most respects. Ideally, a used Pass INT-150 would fit the bill but they are just above what he is willing to spend.

One concern about the primare is service if something breaks and resale if he decides to sell it. Primare is not a household name and there are just a few dealers.


Don't know how I missed this thread before. He should like the Cary but it will be different than the A21, Cary has sort of a thick sound. Tell him to be patient, the Cary I've been exposed to has a very long break in time. I find Cary to be musical in presentation.
Congratulations to your son. Please let us know how he likes it.
Thanks guys. He really wanted a used Pass Int-60 or a Luxman 505 Int but they were out of his price range since he wanted a new DAC as well. The Cary has a good DAC built in.

We were able to audition a Marantz KI Ruby Reference INT, Marantz Model 30 and a Naim that was 70 wpc. The KI sounds great. Typical Marantz sound- warmer and slightly dark but not as much as some earlier Marantz gear. It was dynamic with punchy bass, wide soundstage, good detail and transparency. It was totally non fatiguing. It sounded much better than the Naim which ran out of steam driving a pair of Focal Aria 948's. The Model 30 was muddy sounding in comparison.

Piano sounded stunningly good with the KI. It had fabulous tone with weight, texture, delicacy and decay that went on forever at the same time. Some of the best I have heard. I use to own a Marantz NA11s1 DAC that had similar tone with piano music.

Bryan, he is looking for a fuller sound with a musical midrange but a lot of detail and great bass. All the reviews on the Cary describe it this way. It is a beast of an Int. with 300 wpc at 8 ohms and 450 at 4 ohms. It would double at 4 ohms but Cary limited it due to heat.

Any one looking for an A21 amp for $1100?