Do you use an integrated in your main system?

In the past the Leben cs600, then Mactone ma-300b, both of those should have been keepers in retrospect .. the new bakoon looks interesting.
Picked up a Rogue Cronus Magnum to drive Quad ESLs. I’ve been very pleased. Great sound for nominal money. And 100 wpc with KT120s.
I was using a Copland CSA29 up until I decided to build a First Watt M2 clone, the M2X from DIYAudio.
Pure class A and only 25 watts into 8 ohms, more than enough in my small area.
I'm in the process of putting together a new system and I will be making a trip to Suncoast Audio next month to audition several amps and make a final decision on one. Brands I'll be listening to include Luxman, Simaudio/Moon, Gryphon, NAIM, Hegel, and Pass Labs among others.
I’m using a 47 Laboratory 4733 as my integrated. Perfect match with the Sparkler Audio S301’

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Nice one , i am extremely interested in the pass labs int 25 which replaces the int 30 . be very greatful for anyones thoughts on this amp

I don’t think INT25 replaces INT30. In fact, it was INT-30A and replaced by INT-60. INT25 is based on new XA25 amp and both are single ended only.
I have to make a choice between Vitus SIA-030, CH Precision I1 and Audionet Humboldt to drive Borresen 03s.
What a difficult decision:P
My opinion is, you will get with your speakers the most organic performance with the Humbold

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I had been using separates in my main system until a few months ago when my Amp died and I simplified things with a Luxman 505UXII and I am more than happy with the choice I made. The Luxman drives my Dynaudios to levels they have never seen and my old tryst Clearfields are now for sale.
I know both but audioned Humboldt only with Raidho, similar sound performance [emoji3590]

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