Do you use an integrated in your main system?

If I didn’t have the Luxman preamp, I would have bought one of the integrateds already.

The amp seems most logical at this point for a little more than the cost of the integrated.
I was just looking at some of the Luxman units on Music Direct site and noticed 2 Esoteric Integrated units. F05 and F07. Does anyone have experience with the Esoteric Ints since the CDPs get so much love?

I see you commented previously on the Esoteric models over at AA. Any comparison between the Pass Int 60 and the F05?
Very happy with the Luxman L-590AX Mark II so far. Just arrived yesterday. Sounded pretty damn great out of the box and this morning it really sounds fantastic. Driving the Harbeth 30.2 effortlessly, it sounds plenty ballsy yet velvety smooth with midrange sweetness that is very addicting. Does not leave me wanting something else, I can see myself spending years upon years with this combo which is very musical and non-fatiguing. Exactly what I was hoping for. I've owned enough much higher end gear to be confident in what I am hearing. ;)

brilliant , must try one some time
Not sure Luxman class A would sound good with the Strads...I'd do their Class A/B amp.

full disclosure - had an in home demo of the 590 integrated. It was too creamy on my warmish speakers. It also ran hotter than a tube amp.
Thanks Keith,

I am thinking I need to demo the M900u first before I make any quick decisions. At least it will match perfectly with my preamp.
Joe, I sometimes switch in my Viva Solistino to run my Sf Stradivaris (in place of LAMM ML2.2s or Unison Research Reference). The Solistino snaps at their heels and in my 7m x 5m x 4m room has no problem making great music with the is however, usually driving DeVore Orangutan 0/96s.

Interestingly, I notice that you appear to be holding onto your Cary CAD300SE Signatures - I am holding onto a pair as well...........sorry drifted off topic.
I graduated from receivers to integrated amps. It became an affordable way to enter into the higher end, going from Japanese integrated to Krell. Then onto to separates.

I wouldn't have a problem with an integrated again. It could be a way to move upward if I could afford something like a Gamuet, I think D'Agostino is in the same range. I have no idea what Vitus, Solution or Griffin cost, but integrated is a way to get a taste if not able to afford the separates.

I could easily live with an Octave Audio, I really like the Devaliet or Naim, to mention a couple. Although I like integrated, I'd attempt to draw the line at built in DAC. I said, attempt, the Devaliet has it and does a great job. Probably not an issue if it was made to upgrade as you go.

I'm sure that new Thrax integrated sounds great.

Isn't Job the same issue as ASR where there are no U.S. distributors or service.

ASR has gone through at least 3 U.S. distributors, but the current distributor is Audioarts out of NY:
I’m sure the Viva is wonderful. I loved their sound from the first time I heard them on Magico speakers. A pairing that I would not have expected. It was wonderful.

I always wanted to try Lamm and came close but could never find the right deal.

I have to be honest, I still have the Cary 300BSE because I’m a little too lazy to photograph them and list them. I don’t have speakers that truly work well with them and the tubes most likely need replacement. I’m not sure how easily it will sell without tubes. I’m sure someone wants to unpack and play but I’m not sure if I want to spend the money retubing them for a sale. By the time I’m done, how much can I clear?

Joe, I sometimes switch in my Viva Solistino to run my Sf Stradivaris (in place of LAMM ML2.2s or Unison Research Reference). The Solistino snaps at their heels and in my 7m x 5m x 4m room has no problem making great music with the is however, usually driving DeVore Orangutan 0/96s.

Interestingly, I notice that you appear to be holding onto your Cary CAD300SE Signatures - I am holding onto a pair as well...........sorry drifted off topic.
How about the under appreciated Rogers EHF200MKII? Recently had a great writeup in The Absolute Sound's CES edition. I've owned one. Very hard to beat for the $$$$. T.A.S. wrote the same. 112 watts class A. Sweet.......
the thrax is easy to use , remote is precise and volume control a piece of cake to get right and inputs change easily . sounds good from the off . downpoints , its big and the carry case is even bigger which is a challenge to store
I just picked up a dealer demo Esoteric I-03 integrated. Best I’ve ever heard in my system, but I’m an Audio neophyte. I have had multiple Class D amps and integrateds including - PS Audio HCA-2, Classe Sigma 2200i, Lyngdorf TDAI 2107 - but this is a major step up for me.

Such a a difference from what I’m used to! Nice to get a three year warranty too.
Yes to OP.

The ASR Emitter II is easily the best amplifier - tube vs. ss - preamp & amp vs. integrated - that I have ever heard. It is an integrated, but so much more.

Sadly, the US marketing is non existent, as well as easily available warranty service. Fortunately, I have never needed it.

If I had not discovered it at a very attractive price (when compared to new retail), I would never have purchased it even though it's the best I've heard.

Totally agree. I have the same setup in one system, and it has unique qualities. Superb sounding gear.
I have been thinking about selling all my electronics and going with a Vinnie Rossi Lio with tubes, built in DAC and phono stage. It would require new speakers however since it puts out 45wpc. My wife has been hinting about me down sizing. I am not quite ready to do it and give up on my Pass and BAT gear. Maybe in 4-5 years.

Don't be so quick to dismiss this integrated because of its power rating. I tried my Lio on a huge 4-way speaker system (with 15" woofers to boot), and was shocked with the sheer power produced by this combo. Mine is loaded with everything.....except the tube option. I can only heap praise on this little dandy. And you do not need to worry about power conditioning either, as it uses battery power/Ultra capacitors.....instead of AC. I would contact Vinnie for a 30 day try-out. What do you have to lose ???
Yes I do use an integrated in my main system.

Last year I went all the way with Gryphon (Mephisto, Pandora, Kalliope etc.) then I said enough is enough, sold all the gear and bought a dcs Rossini and a Pass Int-250. Even though my Gryphons were very very good components, I am happy with my decision to go Integrated. Listening more music than ever since.

Love and respect.

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