Hegel vs Pass - can anyone describe the differences?


New member
Nov 17, 2013
I've heard a fair amount of Pass gear and have a good feel for their 'house sound'.

How does Hegel compare?
Joe has had both, hopefully he will weigh in.

I've demoed the integrated and owned XA160.5's. My Hegel H30's arrive today....I'll let you know.
I assume there are more differences than that.

Some things I'd like to know about are tonal balance, glare/distortion, transparency, etc.
The H30 definitely feels quicker. I had Pass XA100.5's. The bass is tighter and more solid on the H30. There is way more control. It has been a while since I had the Pass but I truly prefer the H30. The H30 has a big, open, clear sound with a touch of sweetness. No harshness or grain with a full meat on the bone tone. Better than Burmester without the nervousness. It's really not a fair comparison. I absolutely love my H30. The H30 runs a little warm. Heat sink temps are c. 100F to 120F. You know the Pass is HOT, HOT, HOT.

I think the Hegel is a wee bit quicker sounding.
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The H30 definitely feels quicker. I had Pass XA100.5's. The bass is tighter and more solid on the H30. There is way more control. It has been a while since I had the Pass but I truly prefer the H30. The H30 has a big, open, clear sound with a touch of sweetness. No harshness or grain with a full meat on the bone tone. Better than Burmester without the nervousness. It's really not a fair comparison. I absolutely love my H30. The H30 runs a little warm. Heat sink temps are c. 100F to 120F. You know the Pass is HOT, HOT, HOT.

This has me excited Joe...One to grace my new listening area soon!! Interested to hear Mike's impression soon too.
Joe has had both, hopefully he will weigh in.

I've demoed the integrated and owned XA160.5's. My Hegel H30's arrive today....I'll let you know.

TWO?!?!?! Go REALLY BIG or go home i guess. 1100 Watts per channel. Crank it to 11 and I'll get an in home demo all the way from Mike's place.
TWO?!?!?! Go REALLY BIG or go home i guess. 1100 Watts per channel. Crank it to 11 and I'll get an in home demo all the way from Mike's place.

It's actually an amp that was designed as a mono amp. It was only after the fact that they decided to build in the functionality to use it as a stereo amp.
It's actually an amp that was designed as a mono amp. It was only after the fact that they decided to build in the functionality to use it as a stereo amp.

I've read differing opinions about which way people think it sounds better, stereo vs mono, are you planning on do such a test??
Did you leave the tubes in the picture so you wouldn't feel like you were cheating on them with all the BEEFY SS amplification?!?! :evil:
Did you leave the tubes in the picture so you wouldn't feel like you were cheating on them with all the BEEFY SS amplification?!?! :evil:
lmao!!! i hope there are tube sockets on those things. :celebrate008_2:
nice amps!! what speakers are you pairing with them??

I'm exactly the opposite...waiting on amps
holy crap Tapatalk...how do i link picture like yours mike...with a thumbnail that's clickable