Washing down Kimchi with Kombachu Tea - Fermented Foods


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
Last week while on vacation, we had lunch at the Trapp Family Lodge because we wanted a few pints of their own beer, Trosten. They were all out at the cafe on same premises. While at the bar there was a tap labeled KIS. When we asked, we were given a sample of Sour Cherry Kombucha Tea, which is really not a tea but a fermented mushroom drink with various flavors. KIS was a local organic brand. The bar tender told us we could get it at the local Health Food store which we had been to last year.

At the store, they had a set of 4 taps with various flavors of a different brand. We filled a Growler of Turmeric flovor and purchased several bottled pints of different flavors and a few of the KIS brand. We killed the growler in 2 days and went back for a refill.

While picking out the bottled versions, we looked at some organic local Kimchi, which is fermented cabbage and other veggies. Never having it before, and struggling to add new and better foods to our diet, we bought a jar to bring home.

It's plenty funky for someone like me who is not a "sour" or "pickled" person when it comes to food, but there is no vinegar, just the live working veggies.

So far we have added some to Stir Fry and a side dish with some Trader Joe Steak and Ale Pies so I can get it down disguised some. We are also drinking a cup or so each day of the Kombachu.

Both of these fermented foods go straight to work in your gut like "scrubbing Bubbles" and start cleaning you out straight away.

Anyone enjoying these food products already?

This stuff we got from Vermont is probably a little different than what they would make over there. I am all but holding my nose to eat it :)

The only thing I ever knew about Kimchi was from an old MASH episode where someone shot an old lady digging something up on the beach. They thought it was a bomb, but it was just a clay pot of Kimchi.
A co-worker had a Korean wife. Her and her mother made awesome kimchi. Nothing like restaurant or bottled versions.

I made and drank gallons of kombachu tea 15-20 years ago when it was a fad. :blush: It did nothing for me. I got tired of trying to keep a fresh batch and transferring the rubbery mother(?) from old container to new container. The new batch gets started with seed from the old batch. It is actually quite easy. If I remember correctly the recipe was basically: tea + sugar+ starter from previous batch.

I used to make my own yogurt as well. It was easy too but a nuisance trying to keep everything fresh. It was just me consuming so I had to chow down or it would turn sour.
I made and drank gallons of kombachu tea 15-20 years ago when it was a fad. :blush: It did nothing for me.

Hey Dizzie, long time no see.

Interesting enough, I made a full thermos of Decaf Coffee for our 9 hour drive home. It put me to sleep more than anything. About hour 6, we shared a 16oz bottle of the Synergy brand and it instantly rejuvenated me for the rest of the drive. Oh yeah, I had to stop at the next rest stop to eliminate :)

I just spoke with a gal I work with and she is going to give me some Mother Fungus to try for myself.
"Mother Fungus" is that a punk or thrash band?

Or maybe it is just a derogatory name I was called once. :reallymad:
GT's Kombucha is a nationally distributed brand with many flavors (not all sour BTW), in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions, the latter also available with suspended chia seeds. good pro-biotics in all three varieties. Many places in Hawaii also have locally made Kombucha on tap.

It was the GT Synergy we had in a berry flavor. I shook the heck out of it while in the car just before reading where it says DO NOT SHAKE as I twisted the cap. We can get that at the local Wegmans.
Well after eating the Kimchi 5 days in a row, I gracefully gave up. I was at the point where I was going to have to hold my nose like a child to get it past my mouth. I know it is good medicinal food, and my wife will grudgingly finish the jar, but I just couldn't go on. This isn't even traditional Korean Kimchi, it was all locally grown organic veggies from the same farm in Vermont so it had to be a bit more eatable for folks like me.

As for the Kombucha, I just got my Scoby here at work 5 minutes ago. It looks like what Anton from the Living Color Skit "This Old Box" carried around in a jar. This one is sugar feeding. I found that they have come up with a Honey eating scoby you can purchase. We do get local honey from same farm as our eggs so that could be fun. Now to find some recipes for Tea.
Kefir will give you a lot of the same benefits.TRy to find one made from raw milk.You can add flavors -honey, vanilla,etc.
your headed in a great direction !

Already drinking the flavored Kefir from Aldi. Great stuff. Also been eating the non fat Stoneyfield Yogurt with lots of live cultures for years. Great tip for everyone tho.