Failed HIV vaccine trial marks another setback for the field

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Apr 4, 2013
In what has become an all too familiar—and depressing—outcome in the decades long search for an effective AIDS vaccine, yet another candidate has failed in a large-scale study.

A vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) offered no convincing protection against HIV infection in the trial, dubbed Imbokodo, which began in 2017 and involved 2600 women in South Africa and four neighboring countries. “We have to fundamentally relook at what we’re doing,” says Glenda Gray, who heads the South African Medical Research Council and oversaw the protocol for the trial, which compared the efficacy of the vaccine to a placebo.

Link to article-- AAAS
I don't have to read the article, the short answer is that they don't want to. It was most likely created in a lab and released the same way as the more recent events in the first place.

If they let the world know all the uses for medical THC and CBD, it would hurt big pharma, just like it would if they had to stop selling all the drugs they created to fight HIV and then all the ones for the side effects.

I am really conflicted because I work within the whole Big Pharma world and I don't like who they are, but the paychecks don't bounce.
I don't have to read the article, the short answer is that they don't want to. It was most likely created in a lab and released the same way as the more recent events in the first place.

If they let the world know all the uses for medical THC and CBD, it would hurt big pharma, just like it would if they had to stop selling all the drugs they created to fight HIV and then all the ones for the side effects.

I am really conflicted because I work within the whole Big Pharma world and I don't like who they are, but the paychecks don't bounce.

Not sure who is even going to be looking out for people’s best interest against big pharma and pressure. FDA? They are loosing people who no longer wish to be participants in all of this.

The fallout is just only beginning. We are in for one hell of a show thru the end of the year as they push hard before the testing is changed in December to show that the Flu is mysteriously back while Covid goes away. But they need everyone jabbed to act like it actually worked and it wasn't all the false positives from the bad PCR test and most cases were the Flu. Check out the yearly death rates, they are no different than past years but we are in a killer pandemic on top of the many thousands of yearly Flu deaths.

The 2 that departed from the FDA were smart because many are going down by the time this is all over.

Get your :popcorn: and enjoy the show.
I keep hearing I follow science! Who’s science?

This is common sense. Natural Immunity is always better than synthetic. When Viruses mutate, they always become weaker, not stronger. When you get one, you never need a vaccine for it because our bodies are works of wonder.

In one of the documentaries on jabs I was watching, they came here in PA to Lancaster where all the Amish are. They could not find any trace of the illnesses they were searching for and the Amish have had ZERO Jabs, live with animals, drink raw milk and so on.

The other "Science" that is out there, you know the real science, proves that masks don't work because the virus is less than 1 micron while a surgical mask barely filters 3 microns. Plenty of studies to prove this are now available while the agencies cannot show any study proving the science behind them working.
This is common sense. Natural Immunity is always better than synthetic. When Viruses mutate, they always become weaker, not stronger. When you get one, you never need a vaccine for it because our bodies are works of wonder.

In one of the documentaries on jabs I was watching, they came here in PA to Lancaster where all the Amish are. They could not find any trace of the illnesses they were searching for and the Amish have had ZERO Jabs, live with animals, drink raw milk and so on.

The other "Science" that is out there, you know the real science, proves that masks don't work because the virus is less than 1 micron while a surgical mask barely filters 3 microns. Plenty of studies to prove this are now available while the agencies cannot show any study proving the science behind them working.

Let’s see… Millions of years evolving from primates and 300,000 as Homo Sapien and we’ve somehow made it on this planet with our own natural immunity against hundreds of millions of viruses and bacteria without a single jab. Nature knows when to back off, ever viruses are smart enough to back off to ensure survival as is evident on this planet and all living things existing in harmony and balance.

When science gets involved, watch out…. We make our own viruses, diseases and illnesses and then also profit from trying to cure them. Yep, makes perfect sense of how it should be.
Thought I’d look up some interesting facts.

Before the measles vaccination program started in 1963, an estimated 3 to 4 million people got measles each year in the United States, of which 500,000 were reported. Among reported cases, 400 to 500 died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 developed encephalitis (brain swelling) from measles.

How many kids died from chickenpox before vaccine?
Many cases of chickenpox are mild, but deaths from this disease can occur. Before vaccine became avail- able, about 100 people died every year in the United States from chickenpox. Most of these people were previously healthy.

Before the introduction of the rubella vaccination in the early 1970s, the majority of people (80%) developed rubella, and 200-300 babies were born each year with congenital rubella syndrome.

Enter vaccine age. We don’t know definitively if vaccines cause autism but something is driving numbers way up…

What is the prevalence of autism in the U.S.? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 59 children in the U.S. has autism

There are 73,000,000 kids in the US, which means over a 1,237,000 are autistic. People should be way more concerned.
By the way, it took 20 years , from ‘59 to ‘79 to get rid of polio. We use inactived polio vaccine or IPV Jab.

I’d it completely gone? Is there such thing in nature? I don’t think so…

What does getting Polio from the vaccine mean? - The OPV can be spread person-to-person to others who are not vaccinated against Polio and who come in contact with stool or spit of a recently OPV vaccinated person. Sometimes those exposed to the live OPV virus may develop a form of Polio disease.
Bubonic plague is still around. Just saying…. They are all just lingering around waiting, they are all patiently waiting for us to drop our immunity ball.

Wait until the permafrost melts…. Millions of years old bacteria waiting to spring to life.
Another interesting Fact is that more people have died from the Covid Jab world wide than all other vaccines combined. Let that sink in.
How many “put a cork in your anti-vax mouth, you filthy scientist” does this kind of money buy? Just curious…

it’s not like Monsanto wasn’t proven to be a bad, bad wolf and paid billions.

That won’t happen with vaccine injuries, that all have immunity until 2024.

Slightly outdated as 2021 was monumentally more profitable as we can all imagine…

“The global vaccine market is showing some escalating growth and it is expected that it will reach total revenues of nearly 60 billion U.S. dollars by 2020. That would be almost double the size the market had back in 2014. Driver of the growth is the increase of various infectious diseases like influenza, swine flu, hepatitis, tuberculosis, diphtheria, Ebola, and meningococcal and pneumococcal diseases. Leading manufacturers of vaccines are big pharma companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co., and Pfizer.”

• Vaccine market revenue worldwide | Statista
Ok, complaints are flying in. Serge, cut it out. Please.

Locking down another thread.
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