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This is BY FAR the best article on coronavirus. You can skip the rest.

Pretty good article, except for one glaring omission (error?); nobody anywhere has any accurate idea of the number of cases or the death rate. Children are the primary vector for essentially all respiratory infections, and children only get a mild cold from this virus, if they get sick at all. Even young adults are likely to have mild or sometimes no symptoms, and both of these groups are 1) uncounted cases and 2) contagious. Older adults, especially with chronic illnesses, are hard hit; the latest figures from Italy suggest that about 90% of their many fatalities are in people over 70.

One suggestion is absolutely correct; the virus is almost certainly everywhere in the US. Every large city, every state. What will happen next is anyone's guess.
Pretty good article, except for one glaring omission (error?); nobody anywhere has any accurate idea of the number of cases or the death rate. Children are the primary vector for essentially all respiratory infections, and children only get a mild cold from this virus, if they get sick at all. Even young adults are likely to have mild or sometimes no symptoms, and both of these groups are 1) uncounted cases and 2) contagious. Older adults, especially with chronic illnesses, are hard hit; the latest figures from Italy suggest that about 90% of their many fatalities are in people over 70.

One suggestion is absolutely correct; the virus is almost certainly everywhere in the US. Every large city, every state. What will happen next is anyone's guess.

No one is going to be able to provide an accurate number of cases or death rate, but it has been modelled.



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As I was reading this thread getting caught up my phone provided two notifications, one, Tom Hanks and his wife has the CV and a player for the Utah Jazz tested positive so the NBA has suspended the season.

This evening news reported 1200 confirmed cases in the U.S.
What happens in Italy is terrifying.
827 died in less than 3 weeks.
364 died in the last 2 days.
This is starting to look like a real nightmare.
You can guess easily that the Chinese lied to the world with their 3000 deaths.

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As a caution - how one passenger infected 9 others:

red - carrier
orange - infected
pink - he got infected, although he got in half an hour after the carrier got out (!)



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Maybe slightly off topic, but why is nobody talking about the reasons this all happened and stopping China from continuing their disgusting eating and filthy market place lifestyle? This is now at least the 4th time they have spread Animal based diseases but luckily never to this degree. This should never happen again.

Another resolution I have made is that I will now go completely out of my way to never support an economy of people that cause these issues for the rest of the world. I will spend more money, or just do without items if they are only made in China.
As a caution - how one passenger infected 9 others:

red - carrier
orange - infected
pink - he got infected, although he got in half an hour after the carrier got out (!)


Yes, this indicates there was either an aerosol particle containing a virion flowing around being recirculated in the air in the bus or picked it up from touching a surface.
Maybe slightly off topic, but why is nobody talking about the reasons this all happened and stopping China from continuing their disgusting eating and filthy market place lifestyle? This is now at least the 4th time they have spread Animal based diseases but luckily never to this degree. This should never happen again.

Another resolution I have made is that I will now go completely out of my way to never support an economy of people that cause these issues for the rest of the world. I will spend more money, or just do without items if they are only made in China.

one, it's not going to solve the problem today by finger pointing but their day of reckoning will come when this blows over. The CCP yields a lot of soft power around the globe esp in media, they even had the WHO eating out of their hand a day ago proclaiming what a GREAT job China has done. pathetic.
one, it's not going to solve the problem today by finger pointing but their day of reckoning will come when this blows over. The CCP yields a lot of soft power around the globe esp in media, they even had the WHO eating out of their hand a day ago proclaiming what a GREAT job China has done. pathetic.

I fully understand what you are saying, and it is more than just Finger Pointing, it is reality they needs to be dealt with, not just ignored as it has been up to now in the mainstream media. China also has lied about it all from the beginning and most likely still are today.

It is unfortunate that the US economy is so dependent on China because many people will lose their jobs because they work at stores that sell 90% Cheap Chinese Junk.
Maybe slightly off topic, but why is nobody talking about the reasons this all happened and stopping China from continuing their disgusting eating and filthy market place lifestyle? This is now at least the 4th time they have spread Animal based diseases but luckily never to this degree. This should never happen again.

Another resolution I have made is that I will now go completely out of my way to never support an economy of people that cause these issues for the rest of the world. I will spend more money, or just do without items if they are only made in China.

I guess you haven't traveled to many lesser developed countries around the world. Wet Markets which are thought to be the breading ground for current and past outbreaks aren't unique to China. They can be found around most of Asia. I have seen how the poor eat in Brazil, Mexico. Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, China South Africa and India. What is disgusting in our eyes is often the norm for these and many others around the world. In many nations even those who are employed cannot afford to have kitchens installed where they "live" so they get their daily meals from street vendors and I am not talking of Taco Trucks or Hot Dog stands. The sharing off plates and eating utensils is common.

You indicate that we haven't seen anything to this degree. I am in no way understating the potential for the current outbreak to hit numbers not seen since 1918-20 but the HIN1 (Swine Flu) virus of 2008-9 saw over 60 million cases in the US with over 12,000 deaths, Worldwide there were somewhere between 152,00 and 500,000 deaths.

You have every right to avoid purchasing products from China and I don't want to sidetrack this thread to debate whether we should purchase products from countries that create these world wide health issue. I just think it is amusing that we buy and hold stocks in companies that source these products to low cost area while rewarding their executives with nice bonuses for moving our manufacturing capacity overseas.
I guess you haven't traveled to many lesser developed countries around the world. Wet Markets which are thought to be the breading ground for current and past outbreaks aren't unique to China. They can be found around most of Asia. I have seen how the poor eat in Brazil, Mexico. Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, China South Africa and India. What is disgusting in our eyes is often the norm for these and many others around the world. In many nations even those who are employed cannot afford to have kitchens installed where they "live" so they get their daily meals from street vendors and I am not talking of Taco Trucks or Hot Dog stands. The sharing off plates and eating utensils is common.

You indicate that we haven't seen anything to this degree. I am in no way understating the potential for the current outbreak to hit numbers not seen since 1918-20 but the HIN1 (Swine Flu) virus of 2008-9 saw over 60 million cases in the US with over 12,000 deaths, Worldwide there were somewhere between 152,00 and 500,000 deaths.

You have every right to avoid purchasing products from China and I don't want to sidetrack this thread to debate whether we should purchase products from countries that create these world wide health issue. I just think it is amusing that we buy and hold stocks in companies that source these products to low cost area while rewarding their executives with nice bonuses for moving our manufacturing capacity overseas.

Just to add to what Jim said: MERS originated in Egypt from camels. The Spanish Flu did not originate in China, either.
If you read that article above posted by Elberoth, blaming China won’t be a priority at this moment.
Thursday’s stock losses wiped out $2.2 trillion in market value.
[...] You have every right to avoid purchasing products from China and I don't want to sidetrack this thread to debate whether we should purchase products from countries that create these world wide health issue. I just think it is amusing that we buy and hold stocks in companies that source these products to low cost area while rewarding their executives with nice bonuses for moving our manufacturing capacity overseas.

Well said Jim.

Its mildly amusing to read how some can use their Apple iPhones and Dynaudio speakers and yet vow never to support the economy that made them.

Back on topic, I'm wondering how well prepared American's feel they are to handle Covid-19?

In its latest issue [March 12th, 2020], the Economist writes:

When a new disease first took hold in Wuhan, the Chinese authorities did not have the luxury of advanced notice. Their initial strategy, in the crucial early weeks of what would become the global pandemic covid-19, was obfuscation and censorship, which did nothing to halt the spread of the virus that causes the disease. Only now, months after the first cases were reported, have new transmissions slowed to close to zero—and only after an unprecedented, draconian lockdown for hundreds of millions of citizens.

America, by contrast, had the luxury of several weeks’ notice. Yet the crucial early weeks when it could have prepared for the spread of the disease were squandered, in a country with some of the world’s best epidemiologists and physicians. As of March 11th, almost 1,300 Americans had been diagnosed with covid-19. Several times more probably have the disease undetected and are transmitting it within communities. And still the country looks behind in its preparations for what now threatens to be a bruising pandemic.
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