Headphone Lovin'

Randy Myers

Active member
Nov 7, 2015
Headphones don't get enough lovin' here at AS :)...

Headphones are very popular any more and there are some amazing cans out there. Here on the Shark we need to discuss how amazing headphones can be a whole lot more!

It seems lately that I listen to vinyl through my pre-amp, amp and speakers and digital through my headphones. I enjoy both tremendously but have been really enjoying the headphones recently. With the T+A feeding the Bryston to the Abyss I feel my headphone rig is world class.

Would love to hear others opinions and their setups!

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Amazing, not a single reply here. At the Head-Fi forum the Abyss AB1266 thread has over 800 pages, 12,000 replies alone.... Honestly, I think peeps here on AS are missing the boat on this one. Hi end headphones are extremely popular and gaining. Many of us use headphones especially now when we are all home all the time. I have been using them more to be considerate of my wife, as an example.I understand headphones are not for everyone, but I believe it is a growing end of the market with equipment levels getting much higher. There are headphone amps that sell for over $10k. My Bryston retails for $2300 for example and I know Mike is a Bryston dealer :). Really top notch headphones go from $1500 - $8000. I think Mike had a thread about that he felt this end of the business was booming and something that he should definitely not ignore :). I 100% agree, however I am surprised there are not more discussions about headphones here on the Shark :D.


I'm excited to get back into headphone listening and enjoy reading your posts on your headphone journey. I just bought a pair of LSA HP-1 headphones. I'm currently looking for a decent headphone amp to drive them with. I haven't had a pair of headphones since owning the Koss Pro-4AAs back in the late 70s. The LSA's are very good sounding cans and they are made by Kennerton. Very good reviews but I need a headphone amp to replace the one in my preamp.

I would be interested in hearing your headphone amp recommendations for the HP-1s. I'm looking for new/used around ~$750.00. Just need to sell a Bricasti M5 before purchasing a headphone amp.
We have some terrific headphones in the store: Focal, HiFi Man, etc. But I have to say, the typical headphone buyer is very different from the typical two channel buyer. It’s important to have both in the store, but man, those millennial headphone guys are sure a different bunch.
I'm excited to get back into headphone listening and enjoy reading your posts on your headphone journey. I just bought a pair of LSA HP-1 headphones. I'm currently looking for a decent headphone amp to drive them with. I haven't had a pair of headphones since owning the Koss Pro-4AAs back in the late 70s. The LSA's are very good sounding cans and they are made by Kennerton. Very good reviews but I need a headphone amp to replace the one in my preamp.I would be interested in hearing your headphone amp recommendations for the HP-1s. I'm looking for new/used around ~$750.00. Just need to sell a Bricasti M5 before purchasing a headphone amp.
Nice looking headphones. I had not heard of them before but they definitely look interesting! Not sure on amps in the range you are talking. There are a lot of good pre-owned ones out there that might be excellent. The Schiit Jotunheim looks like a good solid unit for a good price! I think the Bryston is amazing, but it is a bit higher range. There are pre-owned out there that are closer to your price range.
We have some terrific headphones in the store: Focal, HiFi Man, etc. But I have to say, the typical headphone buyer is very different from the typical two channel buyer. It’s important to have both in the store, but man, those millennial headphone guys are sure a different bunch.
I would say I am probably a 2-channel guy, but headphones have become more important as much out of necessity as anything else. With what is going on we find that Cheryal and I are at home at the same time most of the time. And with our house allowing only the loft to be a music room, any time I listen it filters down to the living room. So to not always infringe on her I can use the headphones which are now very enjoyable.
Looks like an interesting company. I had never heard of them, so thank you for showing another top flight headphone manufacture. It appears as if they don't get to this side of the pond that much yet.

I am personally thrill and satisfied with my new Abyss. There are so many great headphones available now, which is fantastic. Both brands that Mike carries are very good also. I had a pair of Focal's and they were excellent, definitely one of my favorites. I heard a pair of HiFi Man's at our audio club can jam we held last year. They were also very impressive!
Yup, that would work for many. I got a cheapo Cosmo that works good for me. Something like that or mine would not work for the Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC. They need something with a wider or dual point hanger :) or at least taller. Then again if you paid $5000 - $8000 for a set of cans I doubt you would scuff at $30 - $80 or so for stands. Well the top two packages comes with a stand :D.
Yup, that would work for many. I got a cheapo Cosmo that works good for me. Something like that or mine would not work for the Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC. They need something with a wider or dual point hanger :) or at least taller. Then again if you paid $5000 - $8000 for a set of cans I doubt you would scuff at $30 - $80 or so for stands. Well the top two packages comes with a stand :D.

Or something like this, a mannequin hand attached to a wall. protruding-hand-wall-mounted-earphone-holder-600x450.jpg