What amp on Harbeth speakers ?


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2013
Hello Harbeth owners .

What kind of amp are you using on your lovely Harbeth speakers ?

Especially with bigger brothers . ( M40.1 or SHL5)

Please share :)

In my opinion/experience, amps that are a little cleaner and are more open will drive the Harbeth better. The Hegel H30 on the 40.1 was superb with my GAT preamp. My ART monos absolutely killed on the 40.1. I loved my Pass XA60.5 on them too, but think the point 8 series Pass amps would be better. For very simple music, almost anything will do. My Job amps and Naim were wonderful on the 30.1. I think the Job monos on any Harbeth speaker will be awesome too. Power in the 50+ wpc range or more will be better too.

I would love a pair of Super HL5+ and the new 40.2 now. I think the "new" Harbeth sound is more to my liking.
Any competent amplifier will mate with Harbeths. I'm using a Spectral DMA260 on the M40.1. Prior to that I was using a Nagra SS stereo amp. The Harbeths will flesh out the differences in different house sounds of amplifiers.
Any competent amplifier will mate with Harbeths. I'm using a Spectral DMA260 on the M40.1. Prior to that I was using a Nagra SS stereo amp. The Harbeths will flesh out the differences in different house sounds of amplifiers.


I bet Spectral on Harbeth sounds amazingly great. That's a combo I need to hear.
Thank you Joe and Dan.

Anyone try the Bryston 28B SST2 with Harbeth ? Perhaps with tube pre ?
Thank you Joe and Dan.

Anyone try the Bryston 28B SST2 with Harbeth ? Perhaps with tube pre ?

I wish I had Harbeth now to try. I think it would be wonderful. I love my 28BSST2's very much.
I recently (two weeks) bought a pair of Harbeth Super HL5plus speakers for my living room system. These things are so musical, I love what I am hearing. Such a sweet sound….balanced, detailed and just so easy to listen to. Late night listening is exactly what I was looking for. I decided to go with the new Pass INT60 as my amplifier, but I have to wait for it to arrive. In the mean time, I am using an old Rega 60 watt integrated. It is doing just fine. My front end is a Lumin D1…..one of the great bargains of audio.
I recently (two weeks) bought a pair of Harbeth Super HL5plus speakers for my living room system. These things are so musical, I love what I am hearing. Such a sweet sound….balanced, detailed and just so easy to listen to. Late night listening is exactly what I was looking for. I decided to go with the new Pass INT60 as my amplifier, but I have to wait for it to arrive. In the mean time, I am using an old Rega 60 watt integrated. It is doing just fine. My front end is a Lumin D1…..one of the great bargains of audio.

Hi Bruce. Congrats on Harbeth. Indeed its one of most musical speakers out there.

Quick question. Did you try the Dev400 with your SHL5 yet ? If so how is the sounds ?

Hi Bruce. Congrats on Harbeth. Indeed its one of most musical speakers out there.

Quick question. Did you try the Dev400 with your SHL5 yet ? If so how is the sounds ?


Hello Paul, Never tried the Devialet with the Harbeths. My Devialet is gone. I loved it, but needed the funds for this second system and it wasn't getting used in the main system since I got my Lampizator.
Hello Paul, Never tried the Devialet with the Harbeths. My Devialet is gone. I loved it, but needed the funds for this second system and it wasn't getting used in the main system since I got my Lampizator.
Thanks Bruce. Enjoy the Harbeth and please update with us how you like with Pass int amp. :)
Hi Paul

I've heard Bruce's super HL5 + and love them. They weren't even broken in yet and I still love them.

I heard the D400 on my 40.1's and have to say that it's a great combination. I'd often use -1 or -2 on the bass tone controls. It helped tremendously. The strengths of the D400 really balanced out the 40.1's. Clear, clean and quiet with amazing air and separation.
I am getting the feeling that the Super HL5+ and 40.2 represent the "new" Harbeth sound. Something maybe a little more neutral and coherent across the board. I have not heard the 40.2 yet, but if this is the case, bring it on.

To be honest, having the Strads at the same time as the 40.1 was a little tough. While I "love the one I'm with", to quote a song, the 40.1 could not compete with my beloved Strads. Everytime I went back to the Strads, I was home again. Can the 40.2 compete? I bet they could. I have no immediate plans to get the 40.2, but I will not lie, I do want them and want the Super HL5+ too.
Thanks Joe. Good to know that DEV 400 worked well with your 40.1.

For me when I did the audition with SHL5 and SHL5 + side by side I much preferred sound of SHL5. ( more sweet and BBC monitor tradition sounds ) well as you probably know I've been a long time user for Harbeth and if the 40.2 will sounds like the SHL5 + I don't want to miss my last opportunity to purchase the M40.1

So my conclusion is if you prefer the "Modern sounds" of Harbeth go with the SHL5 + or M40.2 but if you like to hear BBC tradition sounds grab the last pair if you can. Also price increase is substantial too.
having heard both shl5 plus, shl5 and the m40.2, the m40.2 is a different beast altogether. For me by far the best harbeth. Combines the smooth, refine highs and mids of the m30.1 + the bass of the shl5 plus + more. Sounds so effortless, full esp at low levels. Had to order one after listening to the m40.2
Harbeths will pair well with any amps out there but my fave are the accuphase w/ the harbeths.
having heard both shl5 plus, shl5 and the m40.2, the m40.2 is a different beast altogether. For me by far the best harbeth. Combines the smooth, refine highs and mids of the m30.1 + the bass of the shl5 plus + more. Sounds so effortless, full esp at low levels. Had to order one after listening to the m40.2
Harbeths will pair well with any amps out there but my fave are the accuphase w/ the harbeths.

Wow, thank you for the update. I had the 40.1 and liked them but did not "love" them like other members/owners love them. The 40.1 were certainly capable of producing that "magic" that draws you in, but they felt heavy to me, at times. If I did not have my Strads, I'd still have the 40.1. My Strads to me kill the 40.1. The 40.2 intrigue me a lot because I love the new Super HL5+ that my friend Bruce has in his living room. Wonderful speakers. If that's the "new" Harbeth sound, I like it and think the 40.2 could be even better. I need to hear the.

I've read that the new Vinnie Rossi LIO is a great match for the 40.2 as demonstrated at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

Here's the link:

That was supposed to be an amazing demo. EVERYONE seemed to love it.
A Friend of mine recently bought the shl5+ and pair them with benchmark ahb2. I hope to heard the combo soon.
I've read that the new Vinnie Rossi LIO is a great match for the 40.2 as demonstrated at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

Here's the link:

It was spectacular, one of the best systems I've heard regardless of price.... It played all my demo tracks well, especially "A moment so close" on Bela Fleck's album Live At The Quick. This is usually a muddy mess but the Harbeth/Lio system was able to make it sound like music.
I borrowed my buddies airtight ATM-211s when I had super HL5s and it was sublime, it was the best sound i got from from the harbies. the synergy is strong with Vinnie's amps because he uses them at his shop, he's gotten excellent sound at shows I've heard them at.