My P3ESR's....


No love at Harbeth. Might as well try here

That's just classic British reserve ;) And most of them won't have heard any Devore speakers, as far as I know there's only one outlet here, and seeing as we can't buy the green amps they tend to be mentioned with legally, they don't get much comment on our forums etc. If it wasn't for reading the Shindo boards here or that *friendly* forum I'd never have come across them, which is a shame!
Here is a dissenting opinion. I will qualify it by saying that I have not heard the Harbeth P3ESR speakers. I have owned Harbeth SHL5 (for about 6 months) and currently own Devore Gibbon 9s (I sold the Harbeths after listening to the Devore Nines). I have also owned Devore Gibbon Super 8s in the past. While the Harbeths ruled the midrange, the Devore speakers come really close to the Harbeth's magic in the midrange. My Devore Nines easily outclass the Harbeth SHL5s in dynamics/frequency extremes. I have found the Devore Nines to be the better balanced speaker. I will admit that the devore Nines are on a different level compared to the Super 8s.
Devore Nines will give you the same amazing results whether you use tube amplfication or high quality solid state --expensive Shindo amplification is not a requirement at all.
That's just classic British reserve ;) And most of them won't have heard any Devore speakers, as far as I know there's only one outlet here, and seeing as we can't buy the green amps they tend to be mentioned with legally, they don't get much comment on our forums etc. If it wasn't for reading the Shindo boards here or that *friendly* forum I'd never have come across them, which is a shame!

I think it's more of a case of upsetting the big guy
Here is a dissenting opinion. I will qualify it by saying that I have not heard the Harbeth P3ESR speakers. I have owned Harbeth SHL5 (for about 6 months) and currently own Devore Gibbon 9s (I sold the Harbeths after listening to the Devore Nines). I have also owned Devore Gibbon Super 8s in the past. While the Harbeths ruled the midrange, the Devore speakers come really close to the Harbeth's magic in the midrange. My Devore Nines easily outclass the Harbeth SHL5s in dynamics/frequency extremes. I have found the Devore Nines to be the better balanced speaker. I will admit that the devore Nines are on a different level compared to the Super 8s.
Devore Nines will give you the same amazing results whether you use tube amplfication or high quality solid state --expensive Shindo amplification is not a requirement at all.


That is not a dissenting opinion at all.
I am comparing the Super 8's to the P3ESR.
I am not comparing any DeVore to any Harbeth.

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Interesting thoughts. I've had the Super 8 and Nines and found them to be a bit lean for my taste. As I wrote at length years ago, I made the Nines work for me with an Air Tight el34. Never heard the Harbeth...just my thoughts on a perceived midrange leaness.

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Great discovery with your P3ESR's, but in my mind they deserve a better stand still, and as someone whom has been using Sound Anchors stands in one form or another since 1994, and have 3 each of their Amp/Rack Stands and Speaker Stands, I've come to rely on them as placed under any of the Mini-Monitors I've owned since then as a means of getting the very best from them - period.

Anyways, here's my proof, from an ad I've via Audio Trader, where you'll see both pairs of stands I currently have:

Sound Anchors 3 Post Monitor Stands - Audio Asylum Trader

As these are custom made to the exact size of the speakers dimensions as well as to your overall listening height, just how many companies offer said service, of course you can go all out an look into a pair of the Music Tool - Tool One Stands made to the dimensions of LS 3/5As in general, but they'll cost a great deal more.

Anyways, here's their site:

Signature | Sound Anchors: Specialty Audio Stands | High-End Home,Professional Studio, and Video | Custom Amplifier Stands, Component Stands, Video Stands, Studio Furniture

Enjoy your P3ESRs, and great comparison by the way to the Devore's, I replaced my once beloved pair of Gibbon 3s, with a pair of the original Totem Acoustics Model Ones, and can say I'm much much happier with the trade offs, as well the overall results.


Great discovery with your P3ESR's, but in my mind they deserve a better stand still, and as someone whom has been using Sound Anchors stands in one form or another since 1994, and have 3 each of their Amp/Rack Stands and Speaker Stands, I've come to rely on them as placed under any of the Mini-Monitors I've owned since then as a means of getting the very best from them - period.

Anyways, here's my proof, from an ad I've via Audio Trader, where you'll see both pairs of stands I currently have:

Sound Anchors 3 Post Monitor Stands - Audio Asylum Trader

As these are custom made to the exact size of the speakers dimensions as well as to your overall listening height, just how many companies offer said service, of course you can go all out an look into a pair of the Music Tool - Tool One Stands made to the dimensions of LS 3/5As in general, but they'll cost a great deal more.

Anyways, here's their site:

Signature | Sound Anchors: Specialty Audio Stands | High-End Home,Professional Studio, and Video | Custom Amplifier Stands, Component Stands, Video Stands, Studio Furniture

Enjoy your P3ESRs, and great comparison by the way to the Devore's, I replaced my once beloved pair of Gibbon 3s, with a pair of the original Totem Acoustics Model Ones, and can say I'm much much happier with the trade offs, as well the overall results.


Thank you Oscar !
As soon as the DeVore's are sold ( that will be a tough task now :D ), I will check this stands.

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Thank you Oscar !
As soon as the DeVore's are sold ( that will be a tough task now :D ), I will check this stands.

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Je vous en prie Jerome.

Yes, it will prove a harder task to get rid of said Devore's now, but at least now you know the truth of the matter as they relate to their sonic differences and have obvoiusly chosen with your heart on which felt right. And that's all any of us can do - is listen open mindedly and pursue the one which sounds " correct " on an emotional level, as sound effects have very little to do with music purity to begin with.

respecter Jerome.
Interesting thoughts. I've had the Super 8 and Nines and found them to be a bit lean for my taste. As I wrote at length years ago, I made the Nines work for me with an Air Tight el34. Never heard the Harbeth...just my thoughts on a perceived midrange leaness.

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You are right about the midrange leaness.
Spot on indeed.
I never heard it like that before but it was obvious in a direct comparison with the Harbeths.
Your option with the Air Tight makes sense.
An EL34 amp will give more meat on the bone on the mids. I have to try my EL34 Jadis amp on them. That should help.
I put them for sale but DeVore is just an eating term in France ! So I may end up keeping them for a very long time....
Thanks a lot for your comments ! :thumbsup: !

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While the Harbeths ruled the midrange, the Devore speakers come really close to the Harbeth's magic in the midrange. My Devore Nines easily outclass the Harbeth SHL5s in dynamics/frequency extremes.

That was sort of my experience...except with PMC, as opposed to DeVore. My admiration for Harbeth, is true. When I first heard P-3s, they changed my mind...about what satisfying audio could be. So much so...I put 7ES-3s in my Main room.

No regrets! I've had P-3s, 2 pairs of Compact 7s; and most recently the 30.1s. ALL...superb in their own way. But listen...anyone who says they Rock their house, has something wrong with their hearing or room :)

I've yet to find a speaker, that sounds so "natural", "intimate"...or has the "magic" mids of Harbeths. If all you listen to is Jazz, Folk, Vocals, and Acoustic-based music; I don't think they'll leave you wanting. But I needed a bit more "dynamics", as apdoc put it.

When I went from PMC FB1i to my 2nd pair of 7s; it was a tough call, who would stay...and would go. I mused...if I could combine the mids and natural sound of the Harbeths, with the bass and dynamics of the PMC; that would be a special speaker indeed! PMC guys suggested a 3-way; and I have to say...the OB1i was an AWESOME speaker!

I went from them, back to the 30.1; and now...back to PMC, with FACT 3s. In some ways...the OB1i was a better, all-around, balanced speaker. But the FACTs are what they do well; stunningly accurate, revealing...with imaging to die for. probably comes at the cost, of some slam; but so far...I've been able to deal :)
That was sort of my experience...except with PMC, as opposed to DeVore. My admiration for Harbeth, is true. When I first heard P-3s, they changed my mind...about what satisfying audio could be. So much so...I put 7ES-3s in my Main room.

No regrets! I've had P-3s, 2 pairs of Compact 7s; and most recently the 30.1s. ALL...superb in their own way. But listen...anyone who says they Rock their house, has something wrong with their hearing or room :)

I've yet to find a speaker, that sounds so "natural", "intimate"...or has the "magic" mids of Harbeths. If all you listen to is Jazz, Folk, Vocals, and Acoustic-based music; I don't think they'll leave you wanting. But I needed a bit more "dynamics", as apdoc put it.

When I went from PMC FB1i to my 2nd pair of 7s; it was a tough call, who would stay...and would go. I mused...if I could combine the mids and natural sound of the Harbeths, with the bass and dynamics of the PMC; that would be a special speaker indeed! PMC guys suggested a 3-way; and I have to say...the OB1i was an AWESOME speaker!

I went from them, back to the 30.1; and now...back to PMC, with FACT 3s. In some ways...the OB1i was a better, all-around, balanced speaker. But the FACTs are what they do well; stunningly accurate, revealing...with imaging to die for. probably comes at the cost, of some slam; but so far...I've been able to deal :)

Very interesting.
Thanks !
I am a PMC lover.
Lived 2 years with EB1i. Fabulous speakers.
Thought they had the best mids on Earth.
Then Paul told me : IB2i are good. But the mids are not up to the Harbeths. So I bought the 40.1 and my love story with Harbeth began.
PMC mids are really good. One of the very best. Still far from Harbeth imho though.
But PMC has a stunning bass and PRaT.

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Bingo !!

Kev, I took back the Super 8's in the living room. First try of them with the Jadis amp.
Bingo ! The mids leaness is gone.
Plus those speakers really need a wall behind them to get the meat on the bone.
The mids are still far from Harbeth ( all speakers I heard are like that to my ears ) but if I do not sell the DeVore's I will still be very happy. They are very musical speakers.
But more tough to pair well than the specs alone would suggest. And very sensitive to the room.

I should not forget to add that the MDA1000 in this system also helps a lot for the " meat on the bone". It puts tons of weight in the notes.



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Remember when a few months back, I sugested you try your P3ESR in a bigger room ?

Guess what - I did just that, lol. I borrowed a pair and put them into my hi-man rig for the first time, where my Magicos used to sit.

They sound AWOSOME ! Crazy good. What a sound from such a small boxes ! The soundstage is vast, they go much louder than they have any right to do, the sound is big, opulent and very 3D. Chet Baker, Belafonte it just sounds so realistic, so ... right.

No, they are not better than Magicos, but at $2k ? This speaker must represent the best value in the whole hi-end.

Remember when a few months back, I sugested you try your P3ESR in a bigger room ?

Guess what - I did just that, lol. I borrowed a pair and put them into my hi-man rig for the first time, where my Magicos used to sit.

They sound AWOSOME ! Crazy good. What a sound from such a small boxes ! The soundstage is vast, they go much louder than they have any right to do, the sound is big, opulent and very 3D. Chet Baker, Belafonte it just sounds so realistic, so ... right.

No, they are not better than Magicos, but at $2k ? This speaker must represent the best value in the whole hi-end.

Ah ! I know what you mean Adam !
Which stands are you using ?
I tried them on Rogers stands I got with Rogers LS3/5. They are made from metal bars and are very rigid (and quite heavy).

Today I brought home Skylan stands, that Harbeth distributor recommends. Those are much lighter (although filled) and much more wobbly.

Rogers stand:




Spendors P3ESR driven by my MSB 200W Class A monos and Lampi Golden Gate:

I just purchased a pair of P3ESRs for my office system ($1575) - should I consider a stand? No integrated amp yet but what power output should I shoot for? My office size is 20 x 25.